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主日講道 2024/2/18 撒種的比喻



Peace be with you all. Today, we're going to share a story called "The Parable of the Sower," recorded in the fourth chapter of the Gospel of Mark. This story is also commonly used as a metaphor in daily life, so let's listen together.

Jesus began his ministry in the wilderness, using understandable parables and stories to preach to the common people in open spaces. Because at that time, the solemn manner of interpreting scripture in the traditional synagogues made it difficult for the congregation to remain attentive. Jesus boldly employed a new approach to spread the Gospel.


Jesus was a master of parables and storytelling. He understood deeply that important truths cannot be effectively conveyed solely through a wealth of knowledge and words. Throughout much of history, humanity has transmitted knowledge primarily through songs, metaphors, and stories. Just like the stories of "The Three Little Pigs" or "The Ant and the Grasshopper" that we heard in our childhood, or various fables, we learn many lessons through these stories. Even today, we still remember these stories and continue to pass them on to the next generation.


Here, Jesus uses a very common and ordinary story, the parable of the sower. A farmer went out to sow his seeds, and the seeds fell on different types of ground: some fell on rocky ground, some fell along the path and were eaten by birds, some fell among thorns, and some fell on good soil.


I believe everyone has heard of the concept of "seeds of thought." Every idea begins with a budding thought, much like a seed. We nurture this seedling thought, and gradually it grows into the thoughts or entire systems of thought that we desire. This is what we call "seeds of thought." Jesus' use of seeds as a metaphor here is very apt.



We've just passed the New Year, and I'm sure everyone has noticed that during this time, we tend to set new goals for ourselves. Whether it's losing weight, reading more books, adopting new habits, breaking old ones, or cultivating new ones, these are all things each of us tends to do at the start of a new year.

But how many of these goals do we actually stick to? This is a moment for self-reflection: why is it that the goals we set at the beginning of the year seem to be forgotten shortly after the first quarter?

This analogy serves as a poignant reminder that many of the things we do in life are akin to the actions of the sower in the parable. At some point, we may find ourselves in one of these four situations.


The first seeds we see fall on shallow, rocky soil. Here, there is soil for growth, but it's shallow. So while the seeds sprout easily, they quickly wither in the sun without enough water. This scenario is reminiscent of our determination at the start of the year when we say, "Today is the New Year, so I must do this and that." We start with high spirits, putting in a lot of effort, but after just two days, we give up.


Next, we see seeds falling along the path and being eaten by birds. What does this resemble? Our social circle is crucial here. We are influenced by the people around us. If your friends support you, your goals are more likely to be achieved. So why mention the social circle? Because you tend to surround yourself with similar people. These individuals may uplift you, but most of the time, they'll keep you stagnant. At this point, their words are like birds; you've just gained new information, new concepts, but because your social circle lacks the same ideas and you may feel indifferent, you gradually abandon this valuable concept, and the seed is eaten by birds.



Next, we have the third type, the seeds among thorns. From this analogy, it's something all of us can easily relate to. Think about summers in New Zealand. Have you ever had to weed your garden? Grass grows exceptionally fast; you just finished weeding, and within a week, it's grown back again. We all know that weeding can be quite arduous.

Furthermore, have you noticed that when we start planting in our gardens, initially, the growth of the good flowers and plants is slow, but after a couple of days, we see other things sprouting nearby— weeds. Weeds have strong and rapid growth. They keep coming back even after you've pulled them out, making it impossible to get rid of them once and for all.



What's even more remarkable is that even if you turn over all the soil and replace it, weeds still manage to sprout from somewhere, entangling your efforts and robbing nutrients from the good plants. That's the cunning nature of weeds and thorns.

When we set out to do something, like exercising for 30 minutes every day, many people agree it's beneficial, yet few actually manage to do it. Why is that? Because every day, we have work, overtime, children to take care of, and numerous other distractions and worries that divert our attention.



So, as we persevere through this process, we encounter many thorns. Whether they're the various distractions at home, the demands of our work, the external pressures we face, or the noble aspirations we set out to achieve, we may have good intentions and the desire to act, but ultimately, we find ourselves gradually bound by these thorns due to life's trials and tribulations.

Weeding, therefore, is something that requires consistent effort. You can't just weed once and then take a two-month break; otherwise, your garden would soon be overrun by weeds.



Finally, we see the good soil. This is when, with careful cultivation, you witness your flowers, fruits, or favorite plants growing lush and bearing abundant fruit. Whether you're cultivating flowers or fruits, gardeners everywhere rejoice at the harvest during this time.

However, those who have truly practiced gardening understand that this outcome doesn't come easily. You must perform various tasks: turning over the soil, weeding, fertilizing, watering, providing shade. Truly bearing fruit is no simple feat.



Here, Jesus uses the same analogy, likening it to the human heart. The soil represents each person's heart because when we set out to do something, we may know it's good, but birds come to snatch it away, there are shallow places, and thorns choke our thoughts. So often, while we are inspired, our actions are not within our control.

You can ponder the wisdom of the gardener because gardening requires great effort. If you're committed to something, you must pay the price, exert effort. In this world, achieving good results, bearing abundant fruit, always requires significant effort.


Jesus's parable is indeed remarkable, aiming to convey a concept. It's essential to understand where Jesus intends to emphasize. The human heart mirrors this analogy, as each person can identify with one of the four scenarios at different times. Personally, I've experienced each scenario, so I understand what each represents. I believe many others can relate as well. So, when we hear this parable, we can reflect on ourselves: which type of soil are we today?

I recall a time when I first joined the church, filled with joy and anticipation for gatherings. However, after attending for years, it seemed like I hadn't truly grasped the faith. I lost direction for a while, drifting away from church and neglecting the Bible. For a significant period, I found myself among thorns.


Thank God, He never gave up on me, sending many of His servants to guide me. I finally allowed God to change me, but am I now good soil? Perhaps, at least in the past few years, I have been more earnestly reading the Bible and pondering God's word. I have also gained unprecedented understanding and perspective. For this, I thank God every day. I look forward to these seeds bearing abundant fruit, thirtyfold, sixtyfold, a hundredfold. We must spread the gospel and let more people hear it. As Christians, we must step out and express our faith through action. The challenge for every Christian is not to quietly hide in the soil but to grow, sprout, bear fruit, and practice our faith through action. The church cannot shut its doors and quietly hold meetings. The church is meant to go out and turn this land into a fertile harvest field.



So, we may have experienced each of these four processes. But thank God, we have a choice. We are human, with courage, ability to listen, and ability to make changes. Today, we have the opportunity to remove the weeds, to clear away the thorns, and to let the good seeds sprout in our hearts. When you make these efforts, the seeds in your heart will continue to grow and sprout, ultimately giving you a significant reward.

Faith changes the values of our lives. Today we have heard the gospel. Jesus has sown seeds in our hearts, and each week you come back to continue listening, continuing to sow seeds in your hearts. Thank God. As a pastor, my duty is to continue sowing seeds. I pray for you all, hoping that these seeds will take root and sprout in your hearts, yielding thirty, sixty, a hundredfold.

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