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Writer's picture馬克牧師

主日證道分享 悔改信福音 2024/02/11


Dear brothers and sisters,Peace be with you! Happy New Year! Have you noticed that there were quite a lot of fireworks on Friday night? Many people probably released the fireworks they had saved up for this Chinese New Year, so Friday night felt particularly festive. Seeing many Chinese friends sending New Year greetings, it also feels like this year is going quite well.

我們暫時離開了申命記,現在開始進入馬可福音。在 Podcast 部分,我一直都跟上,而且為馬可福音做了一個緒論。我連英文的那個讀經的人都換了一個聲音,感覺這個聲音比較年輕,而且那個聲音更有活力,所以還是希望大家能夠花點時間去開始讀馬可福音,這本書很容易讀,也很好讀,並且非常珍貴。


We are temporarily leaving Deuteronomy and now entering the Gospel of Mark. In the podcast section, I have been keeping up, and I have provided an introduction to the Gospel of Mark. Even the English reader's voice has been changed to a younger one, which feels more energetic. So, I still hope everyone can take some time to start reading the Gospel of Mark. This book is easy to read, enjoyable, and extremely valuable.



So, starting from Chapter 1, let's briefly introduce the story of the Gospel of Mark.

Mark was not one of the twelve apostles, but he was greatly influenced by his mother Mary, his cousin Barnabas, and the apostles Paul and Peter. The Gospel he left behind provides a very personal portrayal of Jesus, making it quite valuable. Mark's Gospel is also known as the Gospel of Peter because Mark wrote down the gospel based on what he heard from Peter. Therefore, you will notice many details about Jesus' life, the timeline, actions, and even his emotional expressions. In the Gospel of Mark, you will encounter a very humane Jesus Christ.


In addition, you'll notice that the Gospel of Mark seems to be primarily written for a Gentile audience. He quotes the Old Testament less frequently than Matthew, about half as much, and he mentions Jewish customs and practices less often. Even when he does mention them, he provides additional explanations and even discusses the meanings in Aramaic. This suggests that the readers of Mark's Gospel were likely primarily Gentiles.


從神學的角度來看,四本福音書各有其特色。在每一本福音書中,耶穌所呈現的形象也各不相同。通常你會看到,在馬太福音中,主被描繪為獅子;在馬可福音中,主是牛 (奴僕);在路加福音中,主被形容為人;而在約翰福音中,主則是飛鷹。


From a theological perspective, each of the four Gospels has its own characteristics. In each Gospel, the portrayal of Jesus varies. Typically, in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus is depicted as a lion; in the Gospel of Mark, Jesus is symbolized by a bull (servant); in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus is described as a man; and in the Gospel of John, Jesus is likened to an eagle.




Another interpretation is that in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus is portrayed as a king; in the Gospel of Mark, as a servant; in the Gospel of Luke, as the Son of Man; and in the Gospel of John, as the Son of God. This also explains why when we read the four Gospels, we find different perspectives, vocabularies, and main messages in each. Therefore, by reading these four Gospels together, we can gain a more complete and comprehensive understanding.




Today, as we begin our sermon, we will delve into the Gospel of Mark, starting with the mention of John the Baptist and his preaching of the baptism of repentance.



When John was administering this baptism, we notice something interesting. This baptism was originally designed for Gentiles, but John urged his Jewish compatriots, the Israelites, to accept the baptism of repentance. Therefore, at this moment, the essence of the Gospel is revealed: the Gospel is not only for the Jews, and the Jews are not the exclusive chosen people of God. God's work at this time demonstrates that while he initially gave the Gospel to the Jews, with the arrival of Jesus, the Gospel is prepared for all people.



In the Old Testament, we often encounter prophecies about Jesus, such as those found in Isaiah, Malachi, and the Psalms. These prophecies all revolve around the coming of the Messiah and the salvation of all nations. Therefore, as we read the Old Testament, we can discern that from the very beginning, God desired the salvation of all people, with the Israelites serving as the first messengers of the Gospel.


Therefore, when we see John coming to the wilderness and preaching the baptism of repentance, the key aspect is repentance. If a person does not repent, if they do not sincerely face themselves, understand their need for salvation, then such a baptism loses its significance. That's why before baptism, we have an important course to attend, to understand what the prerequisite for baptism is.


Baptism is not merely a ritual of immersing oneself in water or being sprinkled with water, thinking that one has received baptism. The essence of baptism lies in having a repentant heart. Baptism is just an outward expression, letting others and oneself know that I have repented and turned to the Lord, and from now on, I will live differently. My values will change, my heart will change, and I will no longer be my own master, but I will make Jesus my Lord. This transformation is the real essence of baptism. Without it, baptism is just a superficial act, missing its true meaning.



If we want to return to God, we must confess our sins in three aspects. Although God allows forgiveness, it doesn't mean we can obtain it unconditionally. There is an important prerequisite, and that is to confess our sins.

Firstly, we must acknowledge our sins. Our nature often avoids facing our actions, especially our mistakes. When we know we are wrong, it's difficult to confront and admit our mistakes, but this is the first step we must take. It's like looking in the mirror in the morning – avoiding it doesn't mean our appearance is flawless; it just means we don't want to face our flaws. So when you look in the mirror, don't criticize it; instead, confront your reflection honestly to have the chance to change and improve.


Secondly, we must confess our sins to those we have wronged, and this is not easy. Unless we sincerely confess to those we have hurt, the problem will not disappear. Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:23-24 that before offering a sacrifice, if we remember someone has something against us, we should first reconcile with them, then come and offer our sacrifice. Issues or misunderstandings between people won't vanish automatically; the scars will remain. One of Jesus' purposes in coming to the world was to remove the barriers between us and God, while also hoping we could remove the barriers between each other. Before loving each other, at least we shouldn't hate each other. There shouldn't be barriers between people, but the impact of sin, as evidenced by the conflicts throughout history, proves otherwise. God has given us the opportunity to forgive each other because He has forgiven us. So only when we confess and repent to each other can we truly love one another.


Lastly, one must confess to God. When we acknowledge our sins, recognize our imperfections, and understand that we have offended God and need His forgiveness, He is always ready to accept our repentance. His grace is like a father eagerly embracing his child. When a child apologizes, parents do not heap on more blame. Just like the prodigal son, when he realized he had offended his father and returned home, the father did not scold him but instead embraced him warmly, restoring him to his rightful position. This is the heart of God. When a child turns back to God, His doors are always open.



Atonement is momentary, but transformation is continual. When we acknowledge our issues, face them openly, and recognize our flaws, we don't need to self-condemn every day. Instead, by God's grace, we can accept our imperfect selves because God accepts us just as we are. Through the Gospel, we no longer live in fear or self-criticism. We can live a new life, experiencing more joy, extending more forgiveness each day, continually refining ourselves, and encountering more of God's love.


The message of Christianity possesses a powerful purifying force. When each person becomes aware of their imperfections, we become more capable of understanding and accepting others. Knowing our own sinfulness reduces our tendency to blame others, and being sensitive to our own faults leads to a decreased inclination to commit wrongdoing intentionally. Moreover, when we understand that we have been forgiven, we are better able to forgive the faults of others. Understanding God's promises and grace, and realizing that everything in this life is not attained through our own efforts, enables us to forgive one another more readily and to love each other more deeply.




Therefore, the message of Christianity holds a powerful capacity to purify the human heart. A society that embraces the message of forgiveness, love, and acknowledges a sovereign God who continually forgives us through Jesus Christ, can let go of hatred and animosity. This message promotes peace and has the potential to cleanse the human heart.



Even though not everyone may accept the gospel when it's preached, we should still hold onto faith. The words we learn are significant messages that can change hearts. Throughout history, philosophers, wise individuals, and scholars have pondered how to achieve true harmony and peace in society. We see that it's only through Jesus Christ that this becomes possible. When we repent and change ourselves, we can truly accept one another. It's only through genuine repentance that we can set aside our pride and truly love others.



Jesus advises us to repent and believe in the gospel. We must confess our sins to ourselves, to one another, and to God, for only then can we begin a new life, living in the Lord. We must first understand our weaknesses, acknowledge our need for God's grace, and then live a life of love towards one another.

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