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Writer's picture馬克牧師

每日聖經 詩篇101篇 Psalm 101

Updated: Feb 7, 2024





首先,他提到:"我要歌唱慈愛和公平, " 這表明他將愛和公平視為生活的重要價值觀。接下來,他說:"耶和華啊,我要向你歌頌。" 這顯示出他將神置於他生活的中心。


此外,他提到:"我要存完全的心行在我的家裡。" 這告訴我們,我們的行為往往源於我們的內心。因此,當我們檢查自己的內心時,我們可以更好地了解我們應該做什麼,或者不應該做什麼。


再來,大衛提到了遠離邪惡的重要性。他說:"不沾染悖逆的事情,一切的惡人我都不認識。" 這提醒我們,要遠離那些不正當的事物和人,保持純潔的心思,因為我們周圍的環境染人都會影響我們的行為。






·      要用智慧行完全的道:格物致知明白事理。

·      要存完全的心:誠意正心。

·      邪惡的事不在眼前,不做悖逆之事,不與惡人來往:修身。

·      國中的誠實人與我同住,行為完全的要伺候我,行詭詐的不得住我家裡:齊家。

·      滅絕國中所有的惡人,把一切作惡的從耶和華的城裡剪除:治國。













Brothers and sisters, peace be with you. Today, we come to Psalm 101, which is a prayer of David.


David aspired to be a wise king, and in this prayer, he mentioned many elements worth pondering. Let us listen to what he tells us about how to live a meaningful life.

Firstly, he says, "I will sing of love and justice." This indicates that he considered love and justice as essential values in life. Next, he says, "I will sing praises to you." This shows that he placed God at the center of his life.


Furthermore, he mentions, "I will walk with integrity of heart within my house." This tells us that our actions often originate from our hearts. Therefore, when we examine our hearts, we can better understand what we should or should not do.


Lastly, David emphasizes the importance of staying away from evil. He says, "I will not set before my eyes anything that is worthless. I hate the work of those who fall away; it shall not cling to me." He also mentions that he will not tolerate lying in his presence. He vowed to eliminate all wickedness in the land during his reign as a king, especially when dealing with matters of justice.


In reality, we encounter something quite intriguing in our lives. What David says here aligns with the Confucian classic "The Great Learning," which emphasizes investigating things, cultivating sincerity, rectifying the mind, regulating the family, governing the state, and bringing peace to the world. In essence, it follows the same sequence:


·      To investigate things is to acquire knowledge and understand principles.

·      To cultivate sincerity is to maintain a pure heart.

·      To keep evil away, avoid rebellion, and not associate with wicked individuals is to cultivate oneself.

·      To have honest and upright individuals in the country, who serve with integrity, is to regulate the family.

·      To eliminate all wickedness in the land and remove all evildoers from the city is to govern the state.


Indeed, David's Psalms contain profound wisdom that applies not only to kings but also to every individual's life. These teachings can guide us on how to live wisely and with integrity. Reflecting on these principles is beneficial for personal development and spiritual growth. It helps us better understand ourselves, improve our character, and make better choices in our daily lives. Humbly receiving God's revelation and wisdom and applying them to our lives is an ongoing journey of growth and improvement.





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