首先,大部分的詩篇都充滿哭泣和愛 嘆,但這100篇卻是一首充滿讚美之歌。如果我們能將這篇詩篇的內涵記在心中,每一天都會提醒自己懷抱感恩和喜樂的心情。這篇詩篇很簡潔,分為兩段。第一段從第一節到第三節,呼召我們敬拜主;而第二段從第四節到第五節,再次呼召我們敬拜主。
1. 向神歡呼;
2. 樂意事奉;
3. 向神歌唱;
4. 進入神的門稱謝;
5. 進入神的院讚美;
6. 當感謝神;
7. 稱頌神的名
1. 我們是祂所造的。
2. 我們屬於祂。
5. 祂本為善。
6. 祂的慈愛存到永遠。
7. 祂的信實長存,直到萬代。
Dear brothers and sisters, peace be with you. Today, our reading has reached Psalm 100. We have temporarily left Deuteronomy, and next, we will delve into the Gospel of Mark.
Psalm 100 is short with only five verses, but it holds a special place within the Psalms. Let us explore its depth together.
Firstly, most of the Psalms are filled with cries and lamentations, but Psalm 100 is a song of praise. If we can keep the essence of this Psalm in our hearts, it will remind us every day to carry a heart filled with gratitude and joy. This Psalm is concise and can be divided into two parts. The first part, from verses 1 to 3, calls us to worship the Lord, and the second part, from verses 4 to 5, once again calls us to worship the Lord.
Upon careful observation, we can see that there are seven different ways of worship:
1. Shout for joy to the Lord;
2. Serve with gladness;
3. Sing to the Lord;
4. Enter His gates with thanksgiving;
5. Enter His courts with praise;
6. Give thanks to Him;
7. Praise His name.
These ways remind us that we can worship and praise our Lord in various ways. May this passage inspire us to live each day with gratitude and joy.
When we see "shout for joy to the Lord," we understand that as Christians, every day is filled with joy because God is a joyful God. We can live each day with shouts of joy because we have the authority and ability to experience joy.
"To serve with gladness" means that we have the ability to serve in our relationships with others, in society, and with our families. We can serve people and, in turn, serve God.
"Singing to the Lord" - in Christianity, we have an abundance of beautiful melodies, songs, and hymns. We can enjoy the endless beauty of music and, through music, sing to the Lord.
"Enter His gates with thanksgiving" - we can enter God's church with gratitude, becoming a part of His family, and entering His courts with praise, bringing joy to Him and building a close relationship with Him.
"Giving thanks to Him" - we should be thankful in all aspects of our lives and offer our gratitude. Lastly, "praising His name" - because we know Him through Jesus Christ, we truly know this God who is loving and sacrificial.
Such worship covers every aspect of our lives, our hearts, our relationships, and the entire church. Remember that worship is not only in singing but, in fact, everything we do in life is a form of worship to God. When we have this mindset, we will have a completely different perception of our lives and how we use our time.
In verses 3 to 5 of Psalm 100, we find seven reasons why we should worship God in this way:
We are His creation.
We belong to Him.
We are His people.
We are His sheep in His pasture.
He is good.
His love endures forever.
His faithfulness continues for all generations.
This passage is profound and beautiful. In just a few verses, it perfectly expresses God's love and our response to Him. He is our Creator; our physical bodies are created by Him, and through Jesus Christ, He has recreated us to belong to Him, to be His people and family. This is tremendous grace. In the future, we will also become citizens of the heavenly kingdom.
We are His sheep in His pasture, and God promises to feed us like a shepherd, providing for all our needs, just as Psalm 23 says: "He leads us beside still waters and green pastures." God is not only our Savior but also a lifelong provider.
All of this is related to God's nature: He is inherently good, the essence of goodness, and He is the essence of love, and His love endures forever. He is also a God who speaks and fulfills His promises; His words never fail to come to pass. Therefore, we can rely on His faithfulness and stand on His word. When we understand that everything God does is to show us grace, we will have a deeper understanding of His faithfulness, which continues for all generations.
When we understand the depth and meaning of this Psalm, let us contemplate how precise and beautiful it is. In just five verses, we see how to serve God and why we should treat Him in this way. This is such great and wonderful grace.
Thank you all for listening, and tomorrow, we will read Psalm 101.