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論先知 申命記 18:9-22

論先知 申命記18-8-22

Prophets Deut 18-8-22


9「你到了耶和華-你神所賜之地,那些國民所行可憎惡的事,你不可學着行。 10你們中間不可有人使兒女經火,也不可有占卜的、觀兆的、用法術的、行邪術的、 11用迷術的、交鬼的、行巫術的、過陰的。 12凡行這些事的都為耶和華所憎惡;因那些國民行這可憎惡的事,所以耶和華-你的神將他們從你面前趕出。 13你要在耶和華-你的神面前作完全人。」


14「因你所要趕出的那些國民都聽信觀兆的和占卜的,至於你,耶和華-你的神從來不許你這樣行。 15耶和華-你的神要從你們弟兄中間給你興起一位先知,像我,你們要聽從他。 16正如你在何烈山大會的日子求耶和華-你神一切的話,說:『求你不再叫我聽見耶和華-我神的聲音,也不再叫我看見這大火,免得我死亡。』 17耶和華就對我說:『他們所說的是。 18我必在他們弟兄中間給他們興起一位先知,像你。我要將當說的話傳給他;他要將我一切所吩咐的都傳給他們。 19誰不聽他奉我名所說的話,我必討誰的罪。 20若有先知擅敢託我的名說我所未曾吩咐他說的話,或是奉別神的名說話,那先知就必治死。』 21你心裏若說:『耶和華所未曾吩咐的話,我們怎能知道呢?』 22先知託耶和華的名說話,所說的若不成就,也無效驗,這就是耶和華所未曾吩咐的,是那先知擅自說的,你不要怕他。」


各位平安, 這一段的經文其實論到正確的信仰和迷信的差異性到底要怎麼來分辨?要怎麼知道一個先知是真的還是假的?我們來看看在申命記中的交代。

我們再來一統回想一下讀經的時候有三個層面的讀經內容,Three worlds of the text。首先是聖經後面的世界The world behind the text,這時我們把聖經當作一面窗戶,從窗戶看出去,看到的是作者當時的時代和世界。這個情況下,我們需要了解時代,背景,環境,和當時講話的場景和語境。這時候我們看的是歷史上的意思。用理性來看。

再來是聖經中的世界The world of the text,這時候我們把聖經當作一幅畫作,在畫裡,我們看到文字所形容的一切。這時候我們看的是文字上的意思。用感受來看。

最後是聖經之前的世界The world before the text,這時候我們把聖經當作一面鏡子。在鏡子裡,我們看到自己和這段經文的關係,歷世歷代的教會是如何回應這一段經文,以及我們該如何在今天的世界中應用這段經文。這時候我們看的是神學層面的意思,是用信心來看。




先知就像是這個傳旨人。當上帝啟示要先知說話時,先知必定說 “耶和華神如此說” 然後發出的話語,是上帝的旨意就必定會應驗,而如果不是,是假先知妄自發言,那上帝也必定降罰在這假先知身上。

最後就是聖經面前的世界。這段經文這跟我們有什麼關係呢?摩西說到,未來會有一位先知像他,而且這不是普通的先知,是跟他一樣的先知。而這一位先知我們知道,就是那成就了最美之約的耶穌基督,所以施洗約翰當時差派門徒來問耶穌 “你就是那先知嗎?” (約翰福音1:21) 。

而今天的先知還在嗎?還在。但是我們要注意。先知的意思就是 “上帝的代言人”。今天的我們,已經擁有了完整的啟示,就是聖經。上帝依然會給我們個別的引導,但是要注意這不能夠當作 “真理” 來宣揚,頂多只是你自己的 “感恩事項” 和 禱告事項。你自己的生命見證屬於單一事件,不一定會能夠同樣發生在別人身上,所以跟聖經的總原則是不可相提並論的。身為一個基督徒,我們都擁有了祭司的職分,也擁有先知 – 依照上帝的話語的原則 – 去教導人的責任。正確,符合聖經總原則的話語分享,是現在先知 – 傳道人和牧師們 – 的最重要工作。





Occult Practices

When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before the Lord your God.

The Prophet

The nations you will dispossess listen to those who practice sorcery or divination. But as for you, the Lord your God has not permitted you to do so. The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him. For this is what you asked of the Lord your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly when you said, “Let us not hear the voice of the Lord our God nor see this great fire anymore, or we will die.”

The Lord said to me: “What they say is good. I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites, and I will put my words in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him. I myself will call to account anyone who does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name. But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, is to be put to death.”

You may say to yourselves, “How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord?” If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously, so do not be alarmed.


Hello everyone, peace be with you. This passage actually discusses how to distinguish between true faith and superstition. How do we know if a prophet is genuine or false? Let's take a look at what Deuteronomy has to say.


Let's start by recalling that there are three levels of content when reading scripture, known as the Three Worlds of the Text. First is the world behind the text, where we treat the Bible as a window through which we see the author's era and world. Here, we need to understand the historical context, background, environment, and the scene and context of the speech at the time. We're looking at the historical meaning, using reason.


Next is the world of the text, where we treat the Bible as a painting, and within it, we see everything described in words. Here, we're looking at the textual meaning, using feeling.


Finally, there's the world before the text, where we treat the Bible as a mirror. Here, we see ourselves and our relationship with this passage of scripture, how the Church has responded throughout history, and how we should apply this passage in today's world. Here, we're looking at the theological meaning, using faith.


When we approach scripture through the window, painting, and mirror, we gain a deeper understanding. This method is particularly effective for reading the Old Testament. Let's apply this approach to today's passage from Deuteronomy and future passages.


First, let's consider the world behind the text. At this time, the Israelites had just arrived in a new land and were about to establish their own nation. God gave them new laws. At this point, the entire book of Deuteronomy is meant to help the Israelites establish their own culture and nation. It warns against following the local customs because there were many false gods and strange customs in that place, leading to superstitious behavior like divination with animal entrails or sacrificing children to false gods. The function of the law at this time was to protect the Israelites and keep them from being contaminated by these practices.


Next is the world of the text. At this time, God spoke to Moses, who then relayed the message to the people, making him a prophet, God's spokesperson. The prophet's function is to convey God's will. Moses received God's words here, which became the foundation for the establishment of Israel. This passage also mentions an important ministry called the prophetic ministry. This ministry is different from the priesthood; priests are born into it, coming from the tribe of Levi, while prophets are individually chosen by God and don't necessarily come from the tribe of Levi. A key sign of a prophet is speaking in God's name and taking responsibility for that speech. It's like the messenger in a historical drama delivering the king's decree. Whether it's true or not, it's as if the king himself is speaking. If the message is true but the recipient shows disrespect, it's disrespect towards the king. If the recipient dares to disobey after hearing the decree, it's rebellion and will have serious consequences. Likewise, if the messenger dares to alter the message or isn't faithful to its content, severe punishment will befall that messenger.


Prophets are like these messengers. When God reveals a message for a prophet to speak, the prophet must say, "Thus says the Lord God," and the spoken word, if from God, will surely come true. If not, it's a false prophet speaking presumptuously, and God will punish that false prophet.


Finally, there's the world before the text. How does this passage relate to us? Moses speaks of a future prophet like himself, but not an ordinary prophet, one like himself. We know this prophet to be Jesus Christ, who fulfills the most beautiful covenant. So, when John the Baptist sent disciples to ask Jesus, "Are you the Prophet?" (John 1:21).


Are prophets still among us today? Yes, they are. But we must be careful. A prophet means "God's spokesperson." Today, we have the complete revelation, the Bible. God still guides us individually, but we must understand that this guidance cannot be proclaimed as "truth"; at most, it's your own "gratitude" and "prayer." Your personal testimony is a singular event and may not necessarily happen to others, so it can't be equated with the overall principles of the Bible. As Christians, we all have the duty of priests and prophets—according to the principle of God's word—to teach others. Speaking words that are correct and consistent with the overall principles of the Bible is the most important work of today's prophets—preachers and pastors.


Thank you for listening. We will continue to share wisdom from Deuteronomy in April. Let's learn together!


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