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每日聖經 馬可福音緒論

Updated: Feb 10, 2024





我們在使徒行傳裡面,有一段在第13章1-5節,我們看到當時巴拿巴和保羅是怎麼帶著馬可出來傳道的。因著某些的原因,馬可在這裡離開了保羅(徒13:13)。可能是因為馬可是一個富家公子,他不習慣出來旅行的辛苦,也可能是害怕外面旅行的生活(當時出外旅行是相當危險的),所以在這個地方他就離開了保羅,回到了耶路撒冷。也因此,保羅與巴拿巴就無法同工,後來起了爭直,就分開了(使徒行傳15:36)。 這一段的故事其實給我們相當深刻的道理,因為在這段故事裡面,就算是資深,熱心愛主的同工之間,也會發生一些事故,以致意見不合甚至導致分裂的事情。讓我們在看歷史上有許多教會分裂的時候我們會有感嘆,並且覺得遺憾,但如果我們看到故事的最後,我們就會發現其實這一切上帝都有安排,奇妙的旨意。

在數年之後,馬可變得成熟並且與保羅一起熱心事奉主。在歌羅西書裡面,保羅囑咐歌羅西的聖徒接待馬可,並且認可他是同工,是他福音工作上不可少的好幫手。在提摩太後書4:11,保羅更說 “你來的時候,要把馬可帶來,因為他在傳道的事上與我有益”肯定了馬可的轉變。一個從逃離教會服侍的青年,轉變成為教會的中流砥柱,甚至到後來成為福音書的紀錄者,千古留名,馬可的故事給我們相當大的啟發。









在馬可福音中,我們看到的耶穌是一個不斷行動、不斷傳講福音的形象。他沒有很長篇大論的教訓,而是以行動和傳講福音的方式來進行他的工作。這種形象就像是一頭牛,不斷地在耕耘、繁忙地工作,最終完成了最大的工作 – 作了贖罪祭的祭品,獻給上帝。



Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Peace be with you all. Today, we begin our reading of the Gospel of Mark.

Before we delve into the text, allow me to provide you with some background information about the book of Mark and its origins. I believe this will offer you valuable insights that will enhance your understanding as we progress through our reading. So, today's content may be a bit lengthy, but I assure you, it will be engaging.

Firstly, let me introduce Mark himself. Mark is a Latin name, the name by which the Romans addressed him, while John was his Jewish name. His mother was a wealthy woman from Jerusalem, owning gardens and houses. Later, these properties were used as meeting places for the church. His cousin, Barnabas, accompanied Paul on missionary journeys, a story documented in Acts 12:25.

Legend has it that Mark was the owner of the house mentioned outside the Garden of Gethsemane during Jesus' arrest, known as "Mark's house." Throughout Mark's life, his mother Mary, cousin Barnabas, and the apostles Paul and Peter greatly influenced him. Mary, deeply devoted to the Lord, dedicated her home to Him, later becoming a gathering place for the church, significantly impacting the stability and growth of the Jerusalem church.

In Acts 13:1-5, we see how Barnabas and Paul took Mark with them on their missionary journey. However, for various reasons, Mark departed from them (Acts 13:13). Perhaps as a wealthy young man, he was unaccustomed to the hardships of travel, or maybe he feared the dangers of the journey (which were considerable at the time). Regardless, he left Paul and returned to Jerusalem, causing a dispute between Paul and Barnabas, leading to their separation (Acts 15:36). This story teaches us profound lessons, showing that even among seasoned, fervent co-workers for the Lord, disagreements and divisions can occur.

Reflecting on the history of church divisions, we may feel regret, but seeing God's providence in these events ultimately brings wonder and understanding.

Several years later, Mark matured and zealously served the Lord alongside Paul. In Colossians 4:10, Paul instructs the Colossian saints to welcome Mark, acknowledging him as a fellow worker and a valuable assistant in his gospel work. In 2 Timothy 4:11, Paul further affirms Mark's transformation, stating, "Get Mark and bring him with you, for he is useful to me for ministry." A young man who initially shied away from church service transformed into a pillar of the church, eventually becoming the recorder of the gospel, leaving a lasting legacy. Mark's story inspires us greatly.

Next, let's examine the sources of the Gospel of Mark. Sometimes referred to as Peter's Gospel, Mark's Gospel is essentially a record of Peter's teachings, transcribed into Greek by Mark. Many details and parts of the content resemble Peter's descriptions of his life with Jesus. Hence, the book is also known as Peter's Gospel. Many scholars believe that Mark's Gospel was the earliest written and offers the closest account of Jesus' life. The later Gospels of Matthew and Luke likely drew upon Mark's Gospel, supplemented by other sources.

The primary audience of Mark's Gospel was likely the Romans. Unlike Matthew, Mark uses fewer Old Testament references, and Jewish matters are less prominent. When Jewish terms are mentioned, Mark often explains them, as seen in Mark 3:17, 5:14, and 7:11. This supports the notion that Mark intended his Gospel to be accessible and understandable to non-Jewish audiences, introducing them to Jesus' identity.

Mark's Gospel focuses less on Jesus' birth and early life, such as the Virgin Birth, compared to other Gospels. Instead, it begins with Jesus' public ministry, starting from His baptism. Mark emphasizes Jesus' later life and passion, with approximately one-third of the Gospel dedicated to Jesus' Passion Week. Thus, reading Mark's Gospel before Easter can deepen our understanding of the Easter process and its significance.

From a theological perspective, Mark's Gospel emphasizes different aspects compared to the other Gospels. In biblical interpretation, it's often said that Matthew portrays Jesus as a lion, Mark as an ox, Luke as a man, and John as an eagle. Alternatively, Jesus in Matthew's Gospel is seen as a king, in Mark's as a servant, in Luke's as the Son of Man, and in John's as the Son of God. These perspectives encourage us to read each Gospel with different lenses, noting the authors' characteristics, themes, and narrative styles.

In Mark's Gospel, we see Jesus as an active, constantly preaching figure. He doesn't deliver lengthy discourses but rather works and preaches the Gospel actively. This portrayal resembles that of an ox, tirelessly plowing and working, ultimately culminating in the greatest work—being offered as the sacrifice for sin, presented to God.

Unlike Matthew's Gospel, Mark's Gospel doesn't emphasize Jesus as a king. While Matthew highlights Jesus' royal lineage and depicts His triumphant entry into Jerusalem as a king, Mark presents different facets of Jesus' character and mission. Each Gospel offers unique perspectives on Jesus' identity and mission, prompting us to carefully analyze the content of each.

In summary, the Gospel of Mark offers a vivid portrayal of Jesus' life, presenting Him as profoundly human—emotional and active. Mark's Gospel is a precious record, providing invaluable insights for future generations of Christians. Tomorrow, we will begin our reading of Mark's Gospel from Chapter One. Thank you all for listening.

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