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Writer's picture馬克牧師

每日聖經 馬可福音 2:13-28









Brothers and sisters, peace be with you. Today’s bible reading leads us to Mark 2:13-28.

We first see Jesus calling Matthew. Who is this Matthew? He is the same Matthew who later wrote the Gospel of Matthew. At that time, he was a tax collector.

Tax collectors were actually despised by the Jews because they worked for the Romans, who were the rulers despised by the Jews. Furthermore, tax collectors at the time had significant authority. They could collect taxes as demanded by the government, and even extort their fellow Jews. Since they were the ones keeping the records, they had free rein. They were deeply hated by the Jewish people. Although Matthew lived a wealthy life due to his job, he knew he didn't fit into either side of society. The Romans looked down on the Jews, and the Jews didn't consider Matthew as one of their own. So, despite being wealthy, he was a very lonely person.

At this moment, Jesus came to him and said, "Follow me," and he got up and followed Jesus. In fact, this simple sentence was a great shock to Matthew and those around him. First of all, he needed to let go of his lucrative tax income and declare himself as a follower of Jesus, which also meant he might betray the Roman Empire and become persecuted. But at the same time, he found his conscience again, reintegrated into the Jewish community, cleansed his past mistakes, and repented to become one of the authors of the Gospel of Matthew, one of Jesus' important twelve disciples.

When we hear the Gospel, we should boldly seize it. Many times, we may worry about whether our family will agree with our decisions or if there will be consequences. But Matthew thought very clearly at this time; he wanted to pursue the truth. Without hesitation, he gave up his job and followed Jesus directly. This required considerable courage, and thanks to the Lord, he later became an important worker in the kingdom of heaven.

Here's another important parable. In verse 21, it says, "No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; otherwise, the patch pulls away from it, the new from the old, and a worse tear results. Nor do people put new wine into old wineskins; otherwise, the wineskins burst, and the wine pours out and the wineskins are ruined; but they put new wine into fresh wineskins."

Jesus was a master storyteller and used simple, understandable truths to convey profound messages. Here, Jesus once again tells us that new wine represents new ideas, while new wineskins represent a mind space capable of expansion. If you are an old wineskin, lacking elasticity and the ability to accept new ideas, these new thoughts may instead disrupt your life.

This new cloth had not yet been soaked or shrunk at the time, so if you used new cloth to patch old clothes, once it was soaked with water, it would shrink, causing the old cloth to tear apart. Therefore, Jesus once again tells us that if our minds are not renewed, not ready to accept new things, then even if we receive new opportunities or ideas, they may pull at our old beliefs. For a person, when we accept new ideas, we must maintain the flexibility and expansiveness of our minds. Even if some ideas are difficult for us to understand, we should try to accept them first and think about them inclusively, slowly understanding the topic, rather than immediately denying them.

From verse 21 to the beginning of chapter 3, the part about the Sabbath is actually very important. In tomorrow's sermon or sharing, we will also explore another important story related to the Sabbath: whether it is permissible to do good or evil, to save life or to kill on the Sabbath. At the end of chapter 2, Jesus had already told the people that the Sabbath was made for people, not people for the Sabbath, so the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath. Today, the purpose of God establishing the Sabbath is not to restrict us, but to teach us to rest, to emulate Him. Because we are just human, we need this rest, we need physical and spiritual rest. So let us together ponder the meaning of the Sabbath and look forward to sharing the content of chapter 3 tomorrow. Thank you all for listening."



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