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Writer's picture馬克牧師

每日聖經 馬可福音 1:1-11







在第九節,我們看到馬可福音馬上切入耶穌受洗這件事情。很多人對耶穌要來受約翰的洗禮都不理解,包括施洗約翰本人,他在其他的福音書中說:"我當受你的洗,怎麼你來受我的洗呢?" 耶穌在這裡受洗有幾個意義值得思考。


首先,耶穌要在眾人面前做出一個宣告。雖然他自己是無罪的,他從來沒有犯過罪,但在這個時間點上,人們並不知道這一點。人們對於這個耶穌是不理解的,所以他必須要有一個公開的行動來告訴所有人,他願意接受這個洗禮,儘管他本身沒有罪。他這樣做,是為盡諸般的義。在他受洗後,天開了,上帝親自對他說話:"你是我的愛子,我喜悅你。" 聖靈也如鴿子降在他的身上,驗證他是唯一的那一位。







Dear brothers and sisters, peace be with you. Today we are reading the first eleven verses of the Gospel of Mark.

The beginning of Mark's Gospel doesn't narrate the events preceding Jesus' birth, nor does it record the story of Mary's conception by the Holy Spirit. Unlike Luke's Gospel, which intricately details the events before Jesus' birth, Mark's Gospel, being directly dictated by Peter, is a more humanized account. Therefore, it immediately quotes the prophecy of Isaiah, predicting the coming of a messenger to prepare the way for Jesus. It is stated, "A voice of one calling in the wilderness, 'Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.'" This passage is also recorded in Malachi 3:1.

Next, we see the introduction of John the Baptist. In Jewish history, there had been a gap of four hundred years since the end of Malachi, during which no prophet spoke in the name of the Lord. Therefore, John the Baptist's appearance was a symbol of hope for the Israelites. They flocked to him, eager to hear his words. His appearance was a profoundly significant moment, as his work was to prepare the way for the coming one. From the beginning, John the Baptist made it clear that he was not the Christ but rather the one preparing the way for Him.

This passage reminds us that God's promises always come to fruition, even though at times we may feel disheartened during the long wait. Let us maintain faith during the waiting period and prepare our hearts to welcome God's arrival.

John, we see the description of John the Baptist. He was not an ordinary person, for who would wear camel's hair clothing and eat locusts and wild honey in the wilderness? Such an unusual figure yet his words were highly regarded, for he carried the authority of God's word within him. However, at the same time, he said he was not even worthy to untie the sandals of the one who was to come. In the context of Palestine at that time, sandals were simple footwear made of a piece of leather with two straps. As people walked, their feet would accumulate dust and dirt, and it was the task of a lowly servant to untie their sandals and wash their feet at the door. John the Baptist used this metaphor from the outset to describe his relationship with the future Messiah.

The teachings of Christianity, the teachings of the Bible, have an undeniable cleansing power. In the Roman era, it was a chaotic and impure place. In fact, in today's world, we still live in sin and impurity. Technological advancements and human civilization have never truly solved the problem of sin; instead, they may exacerbate its growth. Only through the word of God and the salvation of Jesus Christ can human hearts be truly purified. While preaching the Gospel, we may feel powerless because our message may not be heard by many or understood by many. However, as we continue to share such words, we can genuinely see the cleansing power of these words in people's hearts and in society. When people hear the truth of God and contemplate it, the power of purification spreads. This is the only power that can cleanse the world.

In verse nine, we see Mark's Gospel immediately addressing Jesus' baptism. Many people did not understand why Jesus, the sinless one, would come to receive John's baptism, including John the Baptist himself, who said in other Gospels, "I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?" There are several dimensions to Jesus' baptism worth pondering.

Firstly, Jesus wanted to make a declaration before everyone. Although he was sinless and had never committed sin, people did not know this at that time. People did not understand who Jesus was, so he had to make a public action to tell everyone that he was willing to accept this baptism, even though he did not need it himself. He did this to fulfill all righteousness. After his baptism, the heavens opened, and God spoke directly to him, saying, "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased." The Spirit descended on him like a dove to confirm his unique identity.

Secondly, he made an important choice. He was about to leave his family and hometown to begin the work of the kingdom of God. He knew where his journey would lead, so this was a crucial moment of choice. When he fulfilled this promise and fulfilled the prophecy of the prophets, he embarked on this path.

Baptism was also an important moment of public validation of his identity. When everyone else entered the water, there was no apparent difference on the outside. But only after Jesus was baptized did the heavens open, and the Holy Spirit descended on him. This was witnessed by everyone, to validate his identity and status.

Here, we can see that the rhythm of Mark's Gospel is quite fast. Starting from Jesus' baptism, it jumps straight to his temptation, even skipping the detailed description of this section. Next, we will directly enter into verses 12 to 20, where we will see Jesus choosing the twelve disciples and beginning his ministry. Thank you all for listening.

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