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約書亞記:第 11 章後記,上帝的公義

約書亞記11章 - 後記 - 上帝的義

Joshua 11 - God's Justice



首先,我們先來了解一下迦南民族的情況。在這裡居住的迦南人是什麼樣的人呢。我們在申命記中可以做一點觀察。來自於利未記18章的記載中,這些人有相當多可憎的習俗,對於性關係,男女關係上相當混亂。在利未記中上帝特別把關於淫亂的禁令訂出,利未記18:30  免得你們隨從那些可憎的惡俗,就是在你們以先的人所常行的,以致玷污了自己。我是耶和華-你們的神。」申命記18章也記載,9「你到了耶和華-你神所賜之地,那些國民所行可憎惡的事,你不可學着行。 10你們中間不可有人使兒女經火,也不可有占卜的、觀兆的、用法術的、行邪術的、 11用迷術的、交鬼的、行巫術的、過陰的。 12凡行這些事的都為耶和華所憎惡;因那些國民行這可憎惡的事,所以耶和華-你的神將他們從你面前趕出。 13你要在耶和華-你的神面前作完全人。」這裡的異教讓人相信要以兒女來做獻祭,人獻祭的事情不斷。用人獻祭的信仰一定都是錯誤且邪惡的。在上帝試驗亞伯拉罕用以撒獻祭的時候,上帝在最後一刻阻止了這件事情發生,並且用一頭羊代替了以撒。這一個代替不是隨意的,而是一個深刻的預表:基督教唯一一次成功的活人獻祭是上帝自己的親生兒子耶穌基督。他是唯一一個被獻祭,並且死在十字架上。上帝從未要人獻人為祭物,反而是祂把自己的兒子捨了作為祭物,成為萬國萬民的救贖。


第二點:上帝對以色列更為嚴厲 上帝沒有憐憫?

我們從創世紀15:16 章就看到上帝說過:到了第四代,他們必回到此地,因為亞摩利人的罪孽還沒有滿盈。上帝早就說過亞伯拉罕的後代要回到迦南地。從雅各全家移民到埃及,到今天約書亞帶領以色列人後裔回到迦南,相隔了430年。這麼長的時間,上帝一直等待著迦南地的人能夠迴轉和悔改。但事實證明,人類罪惡的本性終究只能越久越糟糕,而不會越來越好。








有一些解經的學者和基督徒說毀滅迦南人的記載是誇大的修辭,並且舉了一些證據說,很多上帝說要毀滅的地方後來還有人居住,而且迦南文化還是有持續下去。像是亞納族人,非利士人,還有一些記載的城市說是要全然毀滅,但我們也可以相信說多多少少還是會有一些逃走的人,還是會有一些倖免於戰爭的人。所以雖然約書亞記記載的是 “全然滅淨“ 但終究是有一部分的人活著。雖然我同意這樣的說法,也可能是為了要讓未信者對這段歷史更可以接受。這樣的說法可以用於某些場合,對這些比較困難的經文做出一些比較可以接受的解釋。


我們需要了解的事情是,上帝既是創造者,也是救贖者,也是審判者。祂是 “天地的主宰,萬軍之耶和華”。雖然聖經中有許多難解的經文,有許多我們不是立即可以明白和了解的經文,我相信有許多的基督徒,學者,甚至窮一生研究聖經的人,都依然會有未解之謎,未能了解的經文和記載。有這樣的情況的存在,並非是我們信心不足,或是聖經有誤區等等。

我們在讀聖經的時候,得要了解一件事情:我們不能夠完全明白了解上帝,我們無法完全了解他的旨意。羅馬書11:33 深哉,神豐富的智慧和知識!他的判斷何其難測!他的蹤跡何其難尋!誰知道主的心?誰做過祂的謀士呢?

在約伯記也有類似的經文,在11:7 節 你考察就能測透神嗎?你豈能盡情猜透全能者嗎?他的智慧高於天,你還能做什麼?深於陰間,你還能知道什麼?所以最終的解釋權在上帝手中,最終的裁決權也在上帝手中。我們看到的上帝的本意是平安和永遠的生命,因為在耶穌基督裡祂已經完全啟示祂自己的意思了。約翰福音3:16 所說的是:神愛世人,甚至將祂獨生子賜給他們,叫一切信祂的不致滅亡,反得永生。





Brothers and Sisters, Peace to You All!Today, we will discuss a topic that has likely caused confusion and questions over the past several chapters.

In the recent chapters, we have witnessed a series of battles and read descriptions like "completely destroyed," "exterminated," "not sparing anyone that breathed," and "both men and women, young and old, as well as cattle, sheep, and donkeys, were killed with the sword."

The brutality of war is something we all recognize, but what perplexes us here is that these events were commanded by God. Why would a loving God issue such commands, leading to the complete annihilation of these people?

I would like to approach this question from several perspectives. This explanation may take some time, but I hope you find it helpful.

Point 1: The Wickedness of the Canaanites

First, we must understand the condition of the Canaanite people. Who were the Canaanites living in this region? A closer look at Deuteronomy and Leviticus gives us some insights.

In Leviticus 18, God explicitly forbids the Israelites from following the detestable practices of the people who inhabited the land before them. These practices included gross immorality, especially regarding sexual conduct.

In Deuteronomy 18:9–13, God warns the Israelites:"When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord."

The Canaanites even practiced human sacrifice, offering their children as burnt offerings to their gods. This behavior is utterly abhorrent and demonstrates the depth of their moral corruption.

In contrast, God stopped Abraham from sacrificing Isaac, replacing the boy with a ram—a profound foreshadowing of Jesus Christ as the ultimate sacrifice. This substitution points to the truth that God does not demand human sacrifices. Instead, He offered His own Son as the one perfect sacrifice for humanity’s salvation.

Archaeological records and historical writings reveal the depravity of the Canaanite culture—rampant immorality and deeply rooted idolatry. Such a corrupt culture would only continue to grow, spreading destruction and influencing surrounding nations, including Israel.

Point 2: God's Patience and Justice

Was there no mercy from God?

In Genesis 15:16, God says, “In the fourth generation, your descendants will come back here, for the sin of the Amorites has not yet reached its full measure.” God delayed Israel’s conquest for over 400 years, allowing the Canaanites time to repent. But rather than improving, their sins only worsened over time.

Even in these battles, there were instances of mercy. Rahab and the Gibeonites were spared because they recognized God’s presence and chose to align themselves with Israel.

God, as the ultimate Judge, has the authority to bring judgment upon wickedness. If He does not act against sin, He would be permitting evil to flourish unchecked.

Furthermore, God’s judgment comes after long periods of patience and mercy. His delay in judgment is a reflection of His desire for repentance, but this patience is not indefinite. When the time for judgment arrives, it is executed in full righteousness.

Should humanity, as sinners, critique the just God?

Humanity’s history is filled with far greater brutality. Wars fueled by greed, pride, and sin have claimed countless lives. Humanity has developed tools of destruction in the name of progress, often misusing innovation to harm rather than help.

In comparison, God’s judgments in Canaan resemble a surgeon’s precise excision of a cancerous tumor—a necessary action to preserve the health of the whole. His actions demonstrate both justice and mercy.

Moreover, God does not spare Israel from discipline. Throughout biblical history, we see God punishing Israel with even greater severity when they fall into sin, such as during the Babylonian exile or Roman dispersion.

Point 3: God's Sovereignty and Authority

Some scholars suggest that the accounts of complete destruction in Joshua may be hyperbolic or rhetorical, noting that remnants of the Canaanite population continued to exist after these battles. While this perspective can make these passages more palatable to modern readers, I believe it should not dilute the emphasis on God’s justice.

The biblical narrative portrays God’s judgments as righteous and intentional, even when they are difficult for us to comprehend fully.

Take the example of the flood in Genesis: God executed a global judgment, sparing only Noah’s family and selected animals. Even in this act of judgment, we see God’s grace through the provision of the ark.

God is the Creator, Redeemer, and ultimate Judge. As finite beings, we cannot fully comprehend His ways. As Paul writes in Romans 11:33–34:“Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out! Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor?”

We may not understand everything in Scripture, but we trust that God’s actions are rooted in His character of justice and love.

Conclusion: Understanding God's Heart

Ultimately, we see the fullest expression of God’s character in Jesus Christ. Through the cross, God reveals His love and justice. As John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

The blood shed by Jesus on the cross is the clearest demonstration of God’s love. Let this truth anchor us as we seek to understand the more challenging passages of Scripture.

I hope this reflection helps you approach Joshua’s narrative with greater clarity and faith. May we continue to study the Bible with humility and reverence, seeking to understand the fullness of God’s Word.

Thank you for listening, and next time, we’ll continue with Joshua Chapter 12.



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