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施洗約翰的故事 馬可福音 6:17-29

Writer's picture: 馬克牧師馬克牧師





最後我們也看見他害怕社交圈的嘲笑。他做出了這個明明他自己知道是愚蠢也不應該做的決定,卻因為周圍人的看法,因為周圍人的眼光他不願意悔改,不願意改正自己的行為。 很多時候我們是不是也被我們的社交圈所綁架。明知不對的事情我們卻因為社交圈的緣故繼續的去做我們明知道不正確的事情。







Dear brothers and sisters, peace be with you. Today, let's delve into the story of John the Baptist as recorded in Mark 6:17-29. Although this story is brief, it profoundly illustrates some important aspects of human nature. Let's explore the three main characters in this story together: Herod the king, Herodias, and John the Baptist.

Firstly, let's understand Herod the king. He was the ruler appointed by the Roman Empire for the Jewish region at that time. Herod's marital situation was somewhat complex; in fact, Herodias was his niece who later became his wife, creating a tangled relationship. The marital chaos led to John the Baptist's criticism. Herod not only violated Jewish law but also faced significant moral dilemmas. The complexity of this marital dispute would require a chart to explain, but let's not delve into it deeply here.

First, let's look at Herod as a person. He was both afraid of John's preaching yet enjoyed listening to him. He disliked John's criticism but also deeply respected it. One of the most interesting and bizarre aspects of humanity is our contradictory nature. Our hearts harbor a multitude of complex thoughts and feelings. Sometimes we have a sacred side, willing to love God and listen to preaching, yet at the same time, we entertain evil and impure thoughts. This constant contradiction often exists within each of us. We are saints at times and sinners at others. Our hearts are battlegrounds between light and darkness. This is a common human condition.

Next, we see Herod making a rash and foolish promise. He agreed to the request of the girl without careful consideration, making a foolish decision while not in full control of his senses. Similarly, as humans, we may make regrettable decisions when our emotions are high or when under the influence of alcohol. This, again, is another manifestation of human nature.

Lastly, we witness Herod's fear of social ridicule. He made a decision that he knew was foolish and should not have been made, yet because of the opinions of those around him, he was unwilling to repent or correct his behavior. Many times, we too are held captive by our social circles, continuing to do things we know are wrong because of peer pressure.

Now, let's discuss Herodias. On the surface, she may seem like an evil woman, but in reality, anyone capable of such vile behavior must be filled with pain and turmoil inside. Deep down, she knew her actions were wrong but was already entangled in them, unable to extricate herself. When someone pointed out her flaws, she couldn't forgive the person challenging her and instead focused on silencing the messenger rather than addressing the actual issues.

When our flaws are pointed out, we face a choice: do we address the problem itself, or do we silence the person pointing it out to pretend the problem doesn't exist? Herodias chose to kill John, temporarily silencing the one who exposed her issues, but she couldn't escape earthly condemnation, let alone future judgment from God. We all face similar situations. When someone points out our flaws, we choose to ignore them, even attempt to remove the person bringing them up, but it doesn't make the problem disappear.

Lastly, let's look at John the Baptist. He devoted his life to preaching, never striving for his own benefit or wealth. Yet, in the end, he was beheaded by Herod. From this outcome alone, we might perceive it as deeply unfair. However, in the Gospel of John, Jesus tells us that John is greater than all prophets and says, "I send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way." Jesus indeed affirmed John and all he did. John fulfilled the work entrusted to him by God, preparing the way for Jesus.

From this perspective, John's ending aligns with his mission. It's a profound lesson, indicating that not everyone can have such a calling and be willing to respond to God's call. John's life tells us that sometimes obedience to God's call may bring sacrifice and hardship, but ultimately, it's worth it.

In these three individuals, we see the complexity of human nature. We can be messengers of light or be tormented by evil thoughts. Every day, we strive in the battle between God and the devil. Even as Christians, we must continually contend with our sinful nature.

Therefore, let's remember that redemption is God's work, but the path to sanctification is the result of our daily efforts with the Holy Spirit. Let's ponder this: "Salvation is God's work, but the path to sanctification is our daily struggle with the Holy Spirit." Today, we are God's workmanship. May we obediently follow God's will each day, strive to renew our spirituality, walk in the path of God, and continually correct ourselves internally to be more like Jesus Christ.

Thank you all for listening. Tomorrow, we will explore an even more captivating story—Jesus performing miracles, feeding 5000 people, the story of the five loaves and two fish.


Botany Lutheran Church
Auckland, New Zealand


480 Ti Rakau Drive, Botany

(St Columba Presbyterian Church Botany) 

Botany Lutheran Church 報佳音堂

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