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愛與背叛 馬可福音 14:1-11

Updated: Apr 9, 2024

耶穌受膏 馬可14-1-11

Jesus Annoited Mark 14-1-11



1過兩天是逾越節,又是除酵節,祭司長和文士想法子怎麼用詭計捉拿耶穌,殺他。 2只是說:「當節的日子不可,恐怕百姓生亂。」




3耶穌在伯大尼長大痲瘋的西門家裏坐席的時候,有一個女人拿着一玉瓶至貴的真哪噠香膏來,打破玉瓶,把膏澆在耶穌的頭上。 4有幾個人心中很不喜悅,說:「何用這樣枉費香膏呢? 5這香膏可以賣三十多兩銀子賙濟窮人。」他們就向那女人生氣。 6耶穌說:「由她吧!為甚麼難為她呢?她在我身上做的是一件美事。 7因為常有窮人和你們同在,要向他們行善隨時都可以;只是你們不常有我。 8她所做的,是盡她所能的;她是為我安葬的事把香膏預先澆在我身上。 9我實在告訴你們,普天之下,無論在甚麼地方傳這福音,也要述說這女人所做的,以為記念。」




10十二門徒之中,有一個加略人猶大去見祭司長,要把耶穌交給他們。 11他們聽見就歡喜,又應許給他銀子;他就尋思如何得便把耶穌交給他們。







































Jesus Anointed at Bethany

Now the Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread were only two days away, and the chief priests and the teachers of the law were scheming to arrest Jesus secretly and kill him. 

“But not during the festival,” they said, “or the people may riot.”

While he was in Bethany, reclining at the table in the home of Simon the Leper, a woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, made of pure nard. She broke the jar and poured the perfume on his head.

Some of those present were saying indignantly to one another, “Why this waste of perfume? 

It could have been sold for more than a year’s wages and the money given to the poor.” And they rebuked her harshly.

“Leave her alone,”said Jesus. “Why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful thing to me.

The poor you will always have with you, and you can help them any time you want. But you will not always have me.

She did what she could. She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial.

Truly I tell you, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.”

Then Judas Iscariot, one of the Twelve, went to the chief priests to betray Jesus to them. 

They were delighted to hear this and promised to give him money. So he watched for an opportunity to hand him over.



Hello everyone, today we are reading an interesting story with two parts. This story takes place in Mark 14, where Jesus is at Simon's house before the Passover.


Mark cleverly juxtaposes these two stories together for a direct comparison.


When we tell this story, adding a bit of drama might enhance its effectiveness. We see a woman approaching Jesus while he is resting. This story also appears in Matthew and John. In John's Gospel, this woman is identified as Mary, the sister of Lazarus and Martha. She brought a very precious jar of perfume worth 300 denarii, equivalent to a year's wages for a common worker. This perfume is described as extremely expensive; you can imagine its value, even today it would be a significant cost. This small jar of perfume might bring to mind the most expensive perfumes on the market, perhaps only used a few times a year, especially on special occasions.


Yet, Mary poured all the perfume on Jesus, filling the whole room with its fragrance. Can you imagine pouring your most beloved, most expensive perfume on Jesus?


Many might find it difficult to imagine or achieve such an act. Therefore, those around her instinctively felt it was wasteful. How could such expensive perfume be used in this way? This action made those around her unhappy, especially in Matthew's Gospel, where the disciples express their dissatisfaction, and in John's Gospel, where Judas Iscariot is specifically mentioned as being displeased. When I share this story, I often ask those listening, someone will surely say, "I would also be unhappy to see the perfume used in this way; it's really wasteful."


Next, what we see is Judas running to see the chief priests, intending to hand Jesus over to them. Similarly, we also know that Judas betrayed Jesus for precisely thirty pieces of silver. Every time I share this passage, I always ask the brothers and sisters listening, and almost inevitably, someone will say, "Judas shouldn't have done that; how could he betray Jesus for only thirty pieces of silver?"


Let's take a closer look at these two segments, our instinctive reactions, and the words we speak.


In the first segment, many do not believe that these thirty pieces of silver should be spent on Jesus in this way. However, in the second segment, some wonder how Jesus could only be worth thirty pieces of silver.


These two reactions occur simultaneously, which I find quite intriguing and thought-provoking.


Do you think Mary gave too much to Jesus? Could that money have been used elsewhere? You'll find that when we are still using money to measure our giving, we still hold back, we still hesitate. We are still calculating how much is too much and how much is too little.


When giving, Mary giving thirty pieces of silver worth of perfume was too much. When Judas sold Jesus, thirty pieces of silver was too little.


Thirty pieces of silver was too little. But then, someone could sell Jesus for three hundred or three thousand pieces of silver, as if it were just a matter of price, as long as the price is right, Jesus can be sold. Thirty pieces of silver is too little, but three thousand pieces of silver, I could sell. Is that so? In a certain job or situation, if I blur my principles a bit, I could make a lot of money, I could make a smart decision like everyone else, and accommodate others' demands, so I can secure the deal.


Mary's use of the perfume was entirely her own; she owned it one hundred percent, without theft or borrowing. She had absolute authority to use it. Yet, when she decided to pour all of this perfume onto Jesus, why did others criticize her actions? Moreover, it was strongly criticized. In contrast, Judas betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver, and yet we criticize him for doing so. In this story, both sides of human nature are highlighted. We might even examine our own hearts; are we valuing things? Do we treat the Gospel as a commodity, and Jesus as something that can be measured in terms of monetary value?


Neither of these actions was spontaneous; both were deliberate. Mary knew very well that her perfume was extremely precious and hard to come by. She also knew the high value of this bottle of perfume, yet she decisively used it on Jesus, seizing the final moments of Jesus' earthly life. As a result, she is forever remembered. The Lord said that what she did to him was a beautiful act. Here, "beautiful" does not just mean goodness; it also carries the connotation of wonder. Doing good deeds may sometimes be hard work, tiresome, requiring effort and toil. But wonderful things are those that continuously inspire praise and admiration. Mary anointing Jesus is an act that forever touches hearts. Jesus' words here encompass both the notions of goodness and wonder.


Similarly, Judas was deliberate in selling Jesus. He deliberately sought out the chief priests, bargained with them, and determined how much money they would pay. Once he got the price he desired, he negotiated with them, deciding to go through with the transaction. Therefore, this was not a spontaneous decision; it was a calculated move on his part. Thus, we see that Peter's betrayal and Judas' betrayal are different in nature.


Mark brilliantly juxtaposes Mary anointing Jesus with the story of Judas betraying him. One act expresses complete devotion and love, while the other expresses a dreadful betrayal. These are actions we face every day, choices we can choose to make or not. Every day, we can choose to devote our best, our time, and our lives to Jesus. In the same situation, we may also choose betrayal, choose to sell out. It's not actually their choices, but the choices we might make every day.


This is truly a story worth pondering and delving into. Tomorrow, we will continue to explore the Last Supper that Jesus instituted. While eating the Passover meal, he still has a lesson to teach the disciples, namely, the establishment of the sacrament of communion. This allows all of us to remember and understand symbolically what he did for us on the cross. Thank you all for listening.

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