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Writer's picture馬克牧師

耶穌與小孩 馬可福音 10:3-16

Updated: Mar 14, 2024

小孩與耶穌 馬可 10-13-16

Jesus and Children Mark 10-13-16







13有人帶着小孩子來見耶穌,要耶穌摸他們,門徒便責備那些人。 14耶穌看見就惱怒,對門徒說:「讓小孩子到我這裏來,不要禁止他們;因為在神國的,正是這樣的人。 15我實在告訴你們,凡要承受神國的,若不像小孩子,斷不能進去。」 16於是抱着小孩子,給他們按手,為他們祝福。








Charles H Spurgeon 是英國維多利亞時代的著名講道者,他曾經帶領整個英國的教會復興。而他的故事也與一位講道者的堅持息息相關。當他十歲時,在暑假期間,他和弟弟去了祖父家過暑假。一位名叫 Richard Knill 的尼爾牧師住在旁邊。這位牧師對兒童佈道有著特別的負擔,因此每週上午為成人講道,下午則是為兒童教授主日學。當 尼爾牧師 發現司布真就住在牧師家後面時,便邀請他第二天早上一同分享。然而,司布真並不情願,多次拒絕,表示自己不想信主。最後,被逼無奈,他被帶去了,並在當天最後一刻信了主。從那時起,尼爾牧師就對他說,「我會為你禱告,並相信有一天你會站在許多人面前,宣揚福音!」


在後來,司布真在16歲的時候就遇到了一位重視主日學的Robert Hall 霍爾牧師。這位牧師非常關注兒童的教育,他要求所有主日學的老師必須嚴謹對待這份職責。從17歲開始,司布真便投身於傳道的事奉中,並在20歲時成為了一名浸信會的牧師。他一生都對兒童福音非常重視,認為無論他擔任何職位,都以擔任兒童主日學的老師為最大的榮耀。


他始終相信兒童事工是教會成長的關鍵。在他的一生中,兒童主日學一直扮演著極其重要的角色。他的朋友George Muller穆勒以信心去開展孤兒院的事工,還有另一位朋友Anne Hillyard 夫人奉獻了大筆的孤兒院經費,司布真自己也建立了孤兒院。可以說,司布真一生都在盡心盡力地投入兒童事工,為此努力不懈。












Mark 10:13-16


Jesus Blesses Little Children


People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. 

When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.

Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”

And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.


Dear brothers and sisters, Peace be with you all. Today, we want to discuss the ministry that Jesus valued most—children's Sunday school.


In the scripture, we see many people bringing children to Jesus, hoping to receive His blessings. The disciples, perhaps thinking to give Jesus some rest, tried to stop these people, considering them a disturbance. However, Jesus told them that it was crucial to let the children come to Him.


In church gatherings, there may be instances where children become noisy, leading the church to assign them to another room. While this practice is acceptable, we should recognize that the laughter and noise of children represent the vitality of the church. Imagine a church without the laughter of children; it would lack a crucial element of life.


Charles H. Spurgeon, a famous preacher from the Victorian era in England, played a significant role in the revival of churches across the country. His story is intertwined with the dedication of another preacher, Richard Knill, who had a special burden for children's ministry. Upon discovering Spurgeon living nearby, Knill invited him to share the Gospel one morning. Despite Spurgeon's initial reluctance, he eventually accepted Christ that very day. Knill then prophesied over him, saying, "I will pray for you, and I believe that one day you will stand before many people and proclaim the Gospel!"


Later, at the age of sixteen, Spurgeon encountered Pastor Robert Hall, who emphasized the importance of Sunday school. This pastor cared deeply about children's education, insisting that all Sunday school teachers take their responsibility seriously. Spurgeon, starting at seventeen, devoted himself to preaching and became a Baptist pastor at twenty. Throughout his life, he highly valued children's gospel work, considering teaching Sunday school as his greatest honor, regardless of any other positions he held.


Spurgeon firmly believed that children's ministry was crucial for church growth. Throughout his life, Sunday school played an essential role, shaping the future of the church. His friend, George Muller, relied on faith to establish orphanages, and another friend, Mrs. Anne Hillyard, generously funded orphanages. Spurgeon himself founded orphanages, dedicating his life to children's ministry with unwavering determination.


Unfortunately, not many churches prioritize Sunday school. Often, it's merely viewed as a time to occupy children rather than nurturing them as vital seeds that require careful cultivation. This leads to a generational gap in many churches, with fewer young people returning as elders age. Children's education represents a critical moment and opportunity for the church to nurture the next generation of believers. If we merely treat Sunday school as a time for snacks, games, and coloring, we miss out on the most critical moments in a child's life.


Martin Luther, a pioneer of the Reformation, emphasized the importance of family education. Parents have a responsibility to explain fundamental concepts of faith, such as the Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Prayer, baptism, and communion, to their children from a young age. Children should start learning about Christian doctrines early on. Do not underestimate children; their understanding surpasses that of adults in many ways. Sometimes, children accept these concepts faster than adults because they possess pure and simple hearts, unlike adults who often get lost in debates and arguments. Children are the best ambassadors of the Gospel.


Therefore, let us continue to strengthen Sunday school education at home, sowing the seeds of the Gospel in the pure hearts of children, allowing them to draw near to God and become familiar with His word from a young age. This is the most important thing that pastors and parents can do.


Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." Why did Jesus say this? Because children have pure hearts, genuine faith, and they trust in God without doubt. Even my own children, when they catch a cold, respond to my prayer by saying, "Thank you, Dad, for praying for me. I will get better soon." This childlike faith is the example that God teaches us. We should learn from children.


Thank you all for listening, and once again, I salute every Sunday school teacher. You are doing such important work for the kingdom of God! Tomorrow, we will share a story about a wealthy young man, which not only contains essential lessons about money but also teaches us about faith.


God bless you all.


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