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醫治被鬼附身的男孩 馬可 9:14-29

醫治污鬼附身的男孩 馬可9-14-29

Healing Demon Possessed Boy Mark 9-14-29



14耶穌到了門徒那裏,看見有許多人圍着他們,又有文士和他們辯論。 15眾人一見耶穌,都甚希奇,就跑上去問他的安。 16耶穌問他們說:「你們和他們辯論的是甚麼?」 17眾人中間有一個人回答說:「夫子,我帶了我的兒子到你這裏來,他被啞巴鬼附着。 18無論在哪裏,鬼捉弄他,把他摔倒,他就口中流沫,咬牙切齒,身體枯乾。我請過你的門徒把鬼趕出去,他們卻是不能。」 19耶穌說:「噯!不信的世代啊,我在你們這裏要到幾時呢?我忍耐你們要到幾時呢?把他帶到我這裏來吧。」 20他們就帶了他來。他一見耶穌,鬼便叫他重重地抽瘋,倒在地上,翻來覆去,口中流沫。 21耶穌問他父親說:「他得這病有多少日子呢?」回答說:「從小的時候。 22鬼屢次把他扔在火裏、水裏,要滅他。你若能做甚麼,求你憐憫我們,幫助我們。」 23耶穌對他說:「你若能信,在信的人,凡事都能。」 24孩子的父親立時喊着說:「我信!但我信不足,求主幫助。」 25耶穌看見眾人都跑上來, 就斥責那污鬼,說:「你這聾啞的鬼,我吩咐你從他裏頭出來,再不要進去!」 26那鬼喊叫,使孩子大大地抽了一陣瘋,就出來了。孩子好像死了一般,以致眾人多半說:「他是死了。」 27但耶穌拉着他的手,扶他起來,他就站起來了。 28耶穌進了屋子,門徒就暗暗地問他說:「我們為甚麼不能趕出他去呢?」 29耶穌說:「非用禱告(有古卷有禁食這字),這一類的鬼總不能出來。」




在第十九節中,我們可以感受到耶穌的人性表達。他呼喊著:“唉,不信的世代啊!我在你們這裡要到幾時呢?我忍耐你們要到幾時呢?把他帶到我這裡來吧。” 從這些話語中,我們可以感受到耶穌的挫折感。在這一刻,他在面對人群的同時,他也表達了他內心的情緒,因為他知道自己即將走上受難的十字架之路。然而,回到山下後,這些門徒仍然無法完成他們應該完成的事情。因此,在這句話中,我們也能感受到耶穌對門徒這樣的事情感到無力。







這個父親除了最重要的一句話,說道:“主啊,我信,但我信不足,求主幫助。” 他雖然相信,但他的信心不足。因此,他向主求助。我們其實隨時隨地都可以向主求助。當我們遇到困難時,我們的心都會受到影響,變得軟弱。所以願我們常常來到上帝面前,向主祈求:“主啊,我的信心不足,求你幫助。” 這個孩子正是因為這樣的信心而得到了醫治。

在第28節,門徒問耶穌:“為什麼我們趕不走呢?我們做的和你一樣的事情,也是奉你的名啊。” 耶穌回答他們說:“這一類的鬼,非用禱告(古卷有禁食)總不能出來。” 




Jesus Heals a Boy Possessed by an Impure Spirit

When they came to the other disciples, they saw a large crowd around them and the teachers of the law arguing with them. As soon as all the people saw Jesus, they were overwhelmed with wonder and ran to greet him.

 “What are you arguing with them about?”he asked.

A man in the crowd answered, “Teacher, I brought you my son, who is possessed by a spirit that has robbed him of speech. Whenever it seizes him, it throws him to the ground. He foams at the mouth, gnashes his teeth and becomes rigid. I asked your disciples to drive out the spirit, but they could not.”

 “You unbelieving generation,”Jesus replied, “how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy to me.”

So they brought him. When the spirit saw Jesus, it immediately threw the boy into a convulsion. He fell to the ground and rolled around, foaming at the mouth.

Jesus asked the boy’s father, “How long has he been like this?”

“From childhood,” he answered. “It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.”

 “ ‘If you can believe”said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.”

Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

When Jesus saw that a crowd was running to the scene, he rebuked the impure spirit. “You deaf and mute spirit,”he said, “I command you, come out of him and never enter him again.”

The spirit shrieked, convulsed him violently and came out. The boy looked so much like a corpse that many said, “He’s dead.” But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him to his feet, and he stood up.

After Jesus had gone indoors, his disciples asked him privately, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?”

He replied, “This kind can come out only by prayer.”

Brothers and sisters, peace be with you. Today, the story we are going to talk about is Jesus healing a boy possessed by a demon.

Yesterday, we discussed Jesus' transfiguration on the mountain. He revealed his true form to three disciples and confirmed his upcoming mission. As Jesus descended from the mountain, he saw other disciples surrounded by a crowd. They were debating with scribes, so Jesus asked, "What is going on here?"

A man stepped forward and explained how his son had been afflicted by a demon since childhood. He mentioned many issues, yet the disciples were unable to drive out the evil spirit.

In verse 19, we can sense Jesus' expression of humanity. He exclaimed, "Oh, unbelieving generation! How long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy to me." From these words, we can feel Jesus' frustration. In this moment, he expressed his emotions while facing the crowd, knowing he was about to embark on the path of suffering on the cross. However, upon returning to the disciples, they still couldn't accomplish what they were supposed to. Therefore, in this statement, we also perceive Jesus feeling powerless towards the disciples' situation.

As Christians, we may become leaders at different times, whether as small pastors, small group leaders, district pastors, or ministers, and so on. Sometimes, we may feel the same, saying, "How much longer must I endure?" This could be disappointment in ourselves or frustration with the difficulties of followers. When we encounter such situations, we should understand that this is a common human experience. At the same time, it urges us to quickly return to Jesus and ask for his help.

Next, let's see what Jesus' response was. The father said his child had been thrown into fire and water since childhood, seeking the Lord's mercy and help. At this moment, Jesus' response was crucial and something we all need to understand. He said, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes."

When we look at this statement, we need to examine it carefully because if we're not careful, we might misinterpret it, thinking that as long as we believe, we can have whatever we want. "If I believe I have, I will prosper. If I just believe, I can do anything." The overall principle of the Bible is crucial, and when interpreting it, we must consider the overarching principle. Jesus here is saying that when you are doing something, faith is the starting point for everything.

There's a fable that illustrates this: When you train an elephant, you start when it's young. When the elephant is still a baby, you put a collar around its neck, attach a chain, and tie it to a stake in the ground. At this point, the baby elephant will struggle but because the stake is firmly rooted in the ground, it cannot break free. As time goes by, even when the elephant's strength increases fivefold or tenfold, it still believes that the stake is something it cannot overcome. So, even if the elephant has the strength and opportunity, it won't attempt to leave.

Many times, we're the same. We're bound by some negative thought patterns, and when we ourselves don't believe, even if we have the ability, we can't do it. Because our inner voice keeps telling us we can't. This is also one of the greatest weapons the devil uses to attack us. When it strips away your confidence, your actions lose their power. And after losing faith, nothing can be achieved because faith is the driving force behind all actions.

This father, besides the most important statement, said, "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!" Even though he believed, his faith was not sufficient. Therefore, he sought help from the Lord. In fact, we can seek help from the Lord anytime, anywhere. When we encounter difficulties, our hearts become weak. So let us always come before God, asking, "Lord, my faith is not enough, please help me." It was because of this kind of faith that the child was healed.

In verse 28, the disciples asked Jesus, "Why couldn't we drive it out?" "Why couldn't we do what you did? We did the same thing and even did it in your name." Jesus replied to them, "This kind can come out only by prayer (Some manuscripts have fasting)." Jesus' teaching tells us what? He pointed out that the disciples' lives were not close enough to God, even though they had the authority of disciples, they still needed prayer to support the power of heaven. Prayer is one of the most powerful weapons for Christians to change the world because when we pray, we work with God. When God intervenes, everything becomes meaningful, and we have the power. Therefore, the essence of prayer lies in being close to God, having an intimate relationship with God, and being in tune with God's will. Why is prayer considered by many pastors as the truly important action? Because it is in prayer that we can truly communicate with God and understand his will.

Brothers and sisters, we can face our weaknesses and acknowledge our lack of faith with courage. And God delights in us talking to Him every day, praying to Him every day. Nothing is too big for Him to handle, and nothing is too small for Him to listen to. He has even counted the hairs on our heads; that's our loving Heavenly Father God.

Thank you all for listening. We will continue tomorrow to discuss the important concept of positions in heaven and on earth.

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