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女孩復活的故事 馬可福音 5:21-43













Dear brothers and sisters, peace be with you. The story we are about to read today is truly remarkable, and I believe it should be divided into two days to fully appreciate it. From Mark 5:21 to the end of verse 43, we will split the story into two parts, one about the resurrection of the dead girl, and the other about the healing of the woman with the issue of blood.

Today, let's first talk about the story of the dead girl being brought back to life.

This girl, who had just turned 12, fell seriously ill. In ancient times, due to the relatively short average lifespan, reaching the age of 12 meant entering adulthood. She was already considered a woman, not just a girl. However, at the age of 12, she was on the verge of death, which was extremely distressing and painful for the whole family.

First, let's take a look at who the girl's father was. According to records, he was an official of the synagogue, meaning he was a synagogue leader. In previous stories, it was mentioned that the relationship between the Jews and Jesus had deteriorated to the point of hostility. Therefore, this father was probably not friendly towards Jesus and did not welcome him. However, we see that for the sake of his daughter, he set aside his prejudices and knelt before Jesus, begging him to heal his daughter.

There are several important lessons we can learn from this father. Firstly, he overcame his own prejudices. Although he may have initially viewed Jesus as an enemy, at this moment, he set aside his prejudices to seek help from Jesus. This story reminds us that what often hinders us from recognizing the truth is not external factors, but our internal biases. Things we once firmly believed in, things we thought were certain, may actually be wrong. Therefore, let us learn to set aside our prejudices and be open to accepting the truth in order to better understand God.

Furthermore, he also let go of his pride. In those days, synagogue officials were highly respected figures in Jewish society, akin to modern-day leaders or influencers. Despite being the center of attention, he humbly sought help from Jesus, whom they had been opposed to. His actions showed humility and a sincere appeal to God for help. This tells us that our inner pride often obstructs our progress. Our arrogance prevents us from seeking truth and recognizing important matters. We may think that because of our age, knowledge, or experience, we have no need to learn from others. However, when we can let go of our pride and humbly learn, it opens a door for us to continually progress and maintain a youthful mindset. As Steve Jobs famously said, "Stay hungry, stay foolish." A humble person is always open to learning and continually grows throughout life.

Lastly, he also abandoned his social circle. At that time, synagogue officials were respected in Jewish society and held important positions in the social circle. However, in this moment, he put aside his pursuit of social status for the sake of his family and daughter. When he let go of the pursuit of social status, he truly became the subject of discussion among the Jews, becoming one of Jesus' followers. As first-generation Christians, we often face pressure from relatives, friends, and social circles. This pressure may be more pronounced for first-generation Christians because they are becoming completely different people, with their values and habits changing. This is one of the challenges many people face when accepting the Christian faith. However, I want to tell you that when Jesus is with you, he does not require you to abandon your family; rather, he wants you to bring the gospel into your home, to change your family for the better. Therefore, when you hold onto your faith, God will never abandon you; he will walk with you.

In the story of this synagogue official, we learn some very important lessons. When he made the great decision for the sake of his family and daughter, he also became a follower of the truth.

Next, let's take a look at Jesus' response and choices in the face of all this. When everyone thought the daughter was already dead and began preparing for the funeral, Jesus came forward and said she was not dead, but only sleeping. He then ordered everyone to leave. At this point, people's reactions were mockery and ridicule. They thought Jesus was crazy. After all, the girl was clearly dead. What could Jesus do? From a human perspective, death is despairing. No matter how much power and wealth you have, you cannot change the fact of death; this is the limit of humanity.

However, when we know that God is present, when God speaks, life will come. Therefore, when Jesus said, "Talitha cumi," "Little girl, I say to you, arise," in the Greek text of Mark's Gospel, this Aramaic phrase was familiar to the Jews. When Peter repeated this phrase, he did not change the original text. It should be that when Peter heard this phrase with his own ears, Jesus' tone was extremely gentle, yet the power contained within it was enough to conquer death. The truth that Jesus spoke is unchanging, and his words are always powerful enough to change the most desperate situations.

We see the absolute difference between humans and God. When humans are powerless in the face of death and can only accept the inevitable, Jesus is calm and peaceful, as always. With just one word, he turned everything around, restoring life to the girl in front of everyone. Therefore, when we see the limits of human abilities, this is the beginning of God's intervention. When God is with you, nothing is impossible to change; God's love overcomes even death. This is the greatest miracle accomplished in Jesus Christ.

Next, we will read the story of the healing of the woman with the issue of blood. This story is very exciting and is found in the middle of Mark's Gospel, chapter 5. Please continue to listen.

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