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Writer's picture馬克牧師

使徒行傳 2:37-47 教會的特質


Acts 2-37-47


37眾人聽見這話,覺得扎心,就對彼得和其餘的使徒說:「弟兄們,我們當怎樣行?」 38彼得說:「你們各人要悔改,奉耶穌基督的名受洗,叫你們的罪得赦,就必領受所賜的聖靈; 39因為這應許是給你們和你們的兒女,並一切在遠方的人,就是主-我們神所召來的。」 40彼得還用許多話作見證,勸勉他們說:「你們當救自己脫離這彎曲的世代。」 41於是領受他話的人就受了洗。那一天,門徒約添了三千人, 42都恆心遵守使徒的教訓,彼此交接,擘餅,祈禱。

43眾人都懼怕;使徒又行了許多奇事神蹟。 44信的人都在一處,凡物公用, 45並且賣了田產、家業,照各人所需用的分給各人。 46他們天天同心合意恆切地在殿裏,且在家中擘餅,存着歡喜、誠實的心用飯, 47讚美神,得眾民的喜愛。主將得救的人天天加給他們。



當我們了解了復活的大能,十字架的智慧後,當時聽到的猶太人覺得 “扎心”,英文所說的是切入到心裡去,並且有懊悔和緊張的心情。當一個人聽到福音,產生這種懊悔,懼怕,緊張感的時候,福音就會發會它最大的功效。這些猶太人聽到彼得所說的一切,明白了,被感動了,於是他們發問:弟兄們,那我們該怎麼辦呢?




彼得的回答,也是所有信徒該聆聽並遵守的,是三個步驟:首先,1. 你們各人要悔改,然後2.奉主的名受洗,使罪得赦,最後3. 就必領受聖靈。而他也告訴所有人,這應許是給你們和你們兒女,並且一切被上帝召來的人。




第一點,各人要悔改,這裡有兩個字組成的,”悔”,並且 “改”。感到後悔不難,我們應該很常都有這種感覺,就是多多少少我們可能都會對我們的一些行為後悔,小的事情像是,吃太多減不了肥,看太多劇耽誤正事,該做功課的時候貪玩…… 大到可能傷害過別人,或是做了一些讓我們自己良心不安的事情。但就算我們經常會有後悔的感覺,卻不一定會有改過的行為。因為改過需要改變自己,需要改變習慣,俗話說的好,江山易改,本性難移。就算我們認清了自己有罪的事實,要完全改變這個依然會犯罪的習慣,是很難的。保羅在羅馬書七章也嘆息說著,我想行的善行不出來,我不想行的惡我卻去行,就是這個掙扎。但感謝上帝,靠著我們的主耶穌基督就能脫離了。




最後就是,我們必領受聖靈。領受聖靈的意思不是一個被閃電打到的那種所謂的特別經歷,而是一個透過閱讀聖經,聖靈光照,越來越認識上帝的過程。約翰福音16:13 等真理的聖靈來了,他要引導你們明白一切的真理。






(1)   首先,這是一個學習的教會。恆心遵守使徒的教訓。真心認同教會並且遵守教訓。聆聽話語並且遵守話語,這是教會的重要根基。


(2)   接下來,這是一個分享的教會。彼此交接,擘餅和祈禱。Fellowship的意思就是一同相處,這裡比聚集更重要的事情,是為了同一個目的,所以比聚集 還要更親密,更有目標性。擘餅,就是彼此分享食物,在一個物資不豐富的時代,分享食物是相當親密的事情,只會發生在家人之中。而我們看到這些信徒願意分享食物,甚至所有的田產,物品,把自己有的都分給陌生人。這是相當不可思議的一件事情。


(3)   這是一個禱告的教會。他們聚集禱告,天天禱告。他們的禱告不是一個禮拜一次,而是天天同心合意地在殿裡。且在個人的家中,他們開放家庭,歡迎弟兄姊妹來到自己家裡聚會。並且存著歡喜誠實的心用飯。


(4)   這是一個敬虔的教會。他們天天在殿中禱告。懼怕的意思不是害怕,而是敬畏。對於上帝的敬畏,對於救恩的感激,讓這些人有著同樣的心意。


(5)   這是一個喜樂的教會。在這裏存著歡喜誠實的心。就算是一個有困擾,有難處的基督徒,到了教會,也應該可以得到安慰,得到鼓勵,得到喜樂。這個時代有太多的憂愁,我們需要有更多從神而來的喜樂分享給眾人。


想像一下,這樣一個教會,無私分享,同心合意,滿有話語,天天禱告,彼此關懷。有這樣的教會,又怎麼會不受人喜愛呢?又怎麼會需要 “找人”來參加呢?要是有這麼樣的一個組織,這麼樣的一個教會,只會擔心太多人,場地不夠,而不是沒有人參加才對。






The Fellowship of the Believers

37When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?”

38Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”

40With many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them, “Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.” 41Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.

42They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. 44All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. 46Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,


As we comprehend the mighty power of the resurrection and the wisdom of the cross, the Jewish audience at that time felt deeply affected, or in English terms, "pierced to the heart," with a sense of remorse and anxiety. When someone hears the gospel and experiences this kind of remorse, fear, and tension, the gospel achieves its greatest effect. These Jews, upon hearing Peter's words, understood, were moved, and then asked, "Brothers, what shall we do?"


It's a great grace for a person to be moved by the gospel. What people fear most is knowing they're wrong but refusing to change. Ignorance of one's own issues is one thing, but knowing them and still refusing to change is sin. Everyone needs to be touched by the Holy Spirit, to see their own lack and filthiness, and to feel repentant. This is the beginning of transformation.


Peter's response, which all believers should listen to and follow, consists of three steps: firstly, each of you must repent, then be baptized in the name of the Lord for the forgiveness of sins, and finally, you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. He also assured everyone that this promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.


So, when sharing the gospel, do not be afraid. If someone hears the gospel, it means God has brought them to you for you to share it with them. In any case, be sure to share the gospel with them. The sower only needs to sow; growth comes from God, and the harvest is of God.


Firstly, each person must repent. Repentance involves two elements: feeling regret and then making a change. Feeling regret is not difficult; we may often experience it in various aspects of our lives. However, making a change is another matter. It requires changing oneself, changing habits. As the saying goes, old habits die hard. Even if we recognize our sinful behavior, completely changing habits that lead to sin is difficult. Paul lamented in Romans 7, saying, "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do." Yet, thanks be to God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, we can overcome.


Secondly, baptism for the forgiveness of sins. In baptism, we are united with the death of the Lord, and after baptism, we are united with His resurrection. From then on, we bear the image of the Lord, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, we no longer fight sin alone but with God's word and Spirit. Baptism is a public declaration of faith. Subsequently, we live together with brothers and sisters in the church, supporting and reminding each other on the path of faith.


Finally, we must receive the Holy Spirit. Receiving the Holy Spirit does not necessarily entail a special experience like being struck by lightning but is a process of gradually understanding God through reading the Bible and being illuminated by the Holy Spirit. John 16:13 says, "But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth."


Knowing one's shortcomings, humbly confessing sins, and then boldly striving for improvement is what a Christian should do. This doesn't mean we can earn more salvation; that work has already been completed by the Lord Jesus. Instead, it means constantly striving to improve ourselves while on earth, which is the process of sanctification, as we work together with the Holy Spirit.


In the last part of chapter 2, we also see a beautiful image of the church. We see how the early church lived, how a truly healthy church operates.


Firstly, it's a learning church, steadfast in obeying the apostles' teaching. It sincerely identifies with the church and obeys its teachings. Listening to the word and obeying it are the crucial foundations of the church.


Next, it's a sharing church, engaging in fellowship, breaking bread, and praying together. Fellowship means being together for the same purpose, which is more intimate and purposeful than merely gathering. Breaking bread signifies sharing food, which, in an era of scarcity, is quite intimate and usually reserved for family members. We see these believers willing to share not only their food but also all their possessions with strangers. It's quite an astonishing thing.


It's also a praying church, gathering for prayer every day. Their prayer isn't once a week but every day, united in purpose within the temple and in their homes. They open their homes, welcoming brothers and sisters for gatherings and meals, with joyful and sincere hearts.


It's a reverent church, praying in awe every day in the temple. Awe here doesn't mean fear but reverence. Reverence for God and gratitude for salvation make these people of one mind.


It's a joyful church, maintaining sincere joy in their hearts. Even a troubled Christian should find comfort, encouragement, and joy in the church. In an age full of worries, we need more joy from God to share with others.


Imagine such a church: selflessly sharing, united in purpose, rich in words, praying daily, and caring for one another. How could such a church not be loved by people? How could it need to "find people" to attend? If such an organization, such a church, existed, it would only worry about too many people and not enough space, rather than lack of attendees.


This simple church model directly conveys love and care. It receives supply and care, establishes sincere relationships. What a scene to aspire to, isn't it?


As we contemplate the decline of today's churches and find evangelism challenging, it's true, society today pressures us. But perhaps, we can reflect on Acts Chapter 2 and consider whether we've lost the essence of the church.


Thank you for listening. In the brief chapter of Acts, we've laid the foundational thoughts of Christianity and provided practical guidelines for establishing a church. And this is just the beginning! Let's continue studying Acts Chapter 3, where Peter heals the lame beggar.



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