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趕鬼的故事 馬可福音 5:1-20

Writer's picture: 馬克牧師馬克牧師






這個鬼自稱 “群”,英文叫做 Legion,翻譯是軍團,是羅馬帝國的一個軍事單位,大約六千人左右。你可以想像一下這個鬼有多大的力量了。耶穌命令這些鬼進到豬群中,就有兩千隻左右的豬跳進海裡淹死了。如果你親眼所見這個事情,一定也會被這個事件給嚇壞的。當時的放豬的人和當地的居民都是這樣被嚇壞了,所以他們都跑到這裡來,求耶穌離開他們的境界。









Dear brothers and sisters,

Our story today is about Jesus casting out demons. This story is recorded in the fifth chapter of the Gospel of Mark. The demon in this story is very powerful, called Legion. It's not just one demon, but a whole legion of them. This story is particularly fascinating and holds important insights for our daily lives. Let's listen together to this story.

Jesus and his disciples went to the region of the Gadarenes. What kind of place was this? Let's take a moment to understand the background. They had just crossed the stormy waters of the Sea of Galilee and arrived on the other side of the lake. This place was actually a graveyard, with many caves where dead people were buried. During the day, it was already a remote place, and at night, it became even more eerie. Jesus and his disciples arrived around dusk, so by the time they crossed the lake, it was already night, possibly midnight or very early in the morning of the next day. So, at this late hour, they had to pass through this group of tombs. Can you imagine the feeling?

There's a saying that if you walk on a dark road long enough, you'll encounter ghosts. Well, at this moment, they encountered not just one ghost, but a whole legion of them. There was a man possessed by many demons, and he was incredibly strong, unable to be controlled. He was living among the tombs and would cry out and cut himself with stones. This was the state of a man possessed by demons. When the demons saw Jesus, they ran to him and begged, "Son of the Most High God, what do you want with us? Don't torture us!"

People didn't recognize Jesus as the Son of God, but the demons did, and they knew his authority. As it's written in James 2:19, "You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder." Both humans and demons know that there is only one God, and the demons tremble at this fact. But those in Jesus can stand before God with peace and joy. This is a great grace!

The demon called itself "Legion," which means a military unit in the Roman Empire, comprising about six thousand soldiers. Can you imagine the strength of this demon? Jesus commanded these demons to enter a herd of pigs, and about two thousand of them rushed into the sea and drowned. If you witnessed this event with your own eyes, you would surely be terrified. The people who tended the pigs and the local residents were all terrified, so they came and begged Jesus to leave their territory.

It's highly ironic that the demons immediately recognized Jesus as the Son of God and were terrified. Yet, when people saw the same Jesus, instead of finding peace, they were also filled with fear and trembling. Jesus changed their way of life, whether it was good or bad. Despite witnessing a miracle of healing and peace brought by casting out demons, these eyewitnesses at that moment didn't come closer to Jesus. Instead, they asked Jesus to leave their lives. Because Jesus' actions required them to change.

The greatest challenge we face on the path of faith is our reluctance to change, even if it's for the better. Many times, people would rather live in an undesirable situation than endure temporary discomfort and make changes. We all know the benefits of exercise, but we can't stand the muscle soreness and the hassle of getting sweaty. We may all know the benefits of reading the Bible, yet we're unwilling to spend a little time each day sitting before God's Word to learn these truths. We all know many things are beneficial to us, but we're unwilling to pay the temporary discomfort to exchange for a better and more beautiful way of life.

This is truly a warning for us. We've read the story of Jesus casting out demons, and we know that Jesus has this authority. Similarly, we also have this authority. And these "demons" may not necessarily be real demons but our bad habits in action. We may have various "little demons" on us that prevent us from living the life we desire. There may be lazy demons (wanting to do things but too lazy to act), there may be gluttony demons (wanting to lose weight but can't), and many other kinds of little demons. Because change requires a price, and Jesus entering our lives demands actual change.

If Christianity only preaches persuasive moral truths and touching stories, similar to all other teachings, it wouldn't be hated. The main reason why Christianity is hated is that the Bible points out our faults, our sins, our flaws, and requires us to change. When you demand others to change, no matter how correct and reasonable it is, people don't like to hear it. This is the main reason why Christianity is so hated. But this is also the reason why it can truly bring about change.

Although change is not easy, although change is uncomfortable, when you see that change is what truly allows us to live a good life on earth and prepares us for eternal life, that's the focus. Let's learn together today to cast out the demons. Let's drive away the lazy demons, gluttony demons, and all the little demons from ourselves one by one. Even if you will face uncomfortable things, but in this process, you will become stronger and healthier, and then you will thank God, and thank yourself.

Thank you all for listening. Tomorrow, we'll talk about another exciting story: Jesus healing the dead girl and the woman with bleeding.


Botany Lutheran Church
Auckland, New Zealand


480 Ti Rakau Drive, Botany

(St Columba Presbyterian Church Botany) 

Botany Lutheran Church 報佳音堂

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