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Writer's picture馬克牧師

婚姻的原則 馬可福音 10:1-12

婚姻的原則 馬可 10-1-12

Divorce Mark 10-1-12




1耶穌從那裏起身,來到猶太的境界並約旦河外。眾人又聚集到他那裏,他又照常教訓他們。 2有法利賽人來問他說:「人休妻可以不可以?」意思要試探他。 3耶穌回答說:「摩西吩咐你們的是甚麼?」 4他們說:「摩西許人寫了休書便可以休妻。」 5耶穌說:「摩西因為你們的心硬,所以寫這條例給你們; 6但從起初創造的時候,神造人是造男造女。 7因此,人要離開父母,與妻子連合,二人成為一體。 8既然如此,夫妻不再是兩個人,乃是一體的了。 9所以,神配合的,人不可分開。」 10到了屋裏,門徒就問他這事。 11耶穌對他們說:「凡休妻另娶的,就是犯姦淫,辜負他的妻子; 12妻子若離棄丈夫另嫁,也是犯姦淫了。」






這些法利賽人提及的摩西的律法出自《申命記》24章,指出只要丈夫給了休書,婦女就可以被休掉。在古代,婦女的地位並不高,因此這條律法對她們來說是不公平的。雖然從今天的角度來看這樣的規定不合理,但在當時的社會背景下,至少有一條律法規範了人性,防止了無節制的行為。這裡我們也看到律法的限制。 耶穌在說的是申命記所提出的所有律法,只是因為當時的以色列人心硬,還沒有明白,需要用律法來規範,需要給他們明確的規定,才能夠漸少一切道德上的混亂,因此律法的存在是有一個積極的理由的。













On Divorce Mark chapter 10:1-12


Jesus then left that place and went into the region of Judea and across the Jordan. Again crowds of people came to him, and as was his custom, he taught them.

Some Pharisees came and tested him by asking, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?”

 “What did Moses command you?”he replied.

They said, “Moses permitted a man to write a certificate of divorce and send her away.”

 “It was because your hearts were hard that Moses wrote you this law,”Jesus replied. “But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.’ ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

When they were in the house again, the disciples asked Jesus about this. He answered, “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her.

And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery.”


Brothers and sisters, peace be with you. Today, our topic is recorded in the tenth chapter of the Gospel of Mark, verses one to twelve, regarding the principles of marriage.


In this passage, Jesus arrives in the region of Judea, and some Pharisees come to test him, using marriage as their testing ground. They attempt to seek Jesus' opinion on the matter of marriage, but in reality, they are trying to test him. Let us understand the context of that time. For the Jewish people, the ideal of marriage was held in high regard, and the purity of marriage was a significant issue. This is similarly important in Chinese society. The purity of marriage signifies whether both spouses can remain faithful, free from extramarital affairs, and uphold their commitment throughout their lives. While the ideal of marriage is lofty, in real life, we all face various challenges and difficulties. Therefore, what we see here is guiding principles rather than judgments of right and wrong. The real key to a marriage lies in the mutual understanding and efforts of both spouses in managing their relationship.


The law mentioned by these Pharisees comes from Deuteronomy 24, stating that a man could write a certificate of divorce and send his wife away. In ancient times, women did not hold high status, so this law was unfair to them. While such regulations may seem unreasonable from today's perspective, in the social context of that time, at least one law regulated human behavior, preventing unrestrained actions. Here, we also see the limitations of the law. Jesus speaks of all the laws presented in Deuteronomy, simply because the hearts of the Israelites at that time were hardened, they had not yet understood, and needed laws to regulate them, clear instructions to gradually reduce all moral confusion. Therefore, the existence of the law has a positive reason.


In the era when Moses wrote Exodus, human nature was indeed very primitive and chaotic. If Moses had not received these laws at that time, had not laid down these regulations, the Israelites might have lost the cultural foundation and led to chaotic sexual lives and marital concepts. Therefore, ethics were a very important key at that time. The Chinese nation also needs to thank Zhou Gong of the Zhou Dynasty, because without him bringing ethical morals into Chinese culture, the Chinese nation would lack core concepts and thoughts and would not be able to develop into an important civilization. Even today, many places still do not value women's rights, treating women as objects, which is also part of human sinfulness. The Genesis record cited by Jesus emphasizes the union of marriage and points out that what God has joined together, let no one separate. Therefore, marriage is a covenant, sacred and important before God. The Bible metaphorically compares the relationship between God and the church to a marriage relationship, with Jesus being the husband of the church, using his life to protect his wife, which is the church. Therefore, the marital relationship is very sacred and does not allow for any third-party intervention. However, due to human sinfulness, we often need to continuously work to repair marriages.


In the Bible, the accounts of divorce in Mark and Matthew slightly differ. Mark indicates that divorce and remarriage should not be done, while Matthew's account mentions no remarriage but allows divorce for legitimate reasons.


As we carefully read this passage, we understand one thing: divorce is not the cause of the destruction of marriage; rather, the marriage has already been destroyed due to infidelity, and divorce merely reveals this fact. When one party is unfaithful, the marriage will inevitably collapse, so divorce only reveals the fact of unfaithfulness.


Let us understand that what is discussed here are principles; we should capture the essence of the text rather than treat it as law for judgment. Because ultimately, the matter of marriage is decided by the two spouses. We should be clear that marriage is a sacred covenant, a sacred decision, and a lifelong commitment. Anyone who wants to enter into marriage should consider carefully its seriousness and importance. After entering into marriage, we should have a commitment to fulfill, rather than making decisions based on whims, emotions, preferences, or desires about whether to continue the marriage. Marriage is not just about physical union or satisfying sensory needs; more importantly, it is about the union of souls, two becoming one, which is something that anyone considering marriage should not ignore. Jesus here emphasizes again the importance of marriage.


Thank you for listening, and tomorrow we will continue to share. One of the ministries most supported by Jesus is Sunday school. Let us delve into this topic tomorrow.

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