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每日聖經 申命記 8:11-20











Dear brothers and sisters, peace be with you. Today, our reading progress is Deuteronomy chapter 8, verses 10 to 20. Yesterday, we discussed how God disciplines His children, and He does the same for the Israelites. We emphasized that God treats us with love. God has provided us with everything we need to eat and be satisfied.

However, today, we will talk about the danger of becoming too comfortable and complacent, which can lead to our downfall. In verse 14, we are warned not to become proud and forget the Lord our God. This reminds us of another human weakness, which is pride. When we live in comfort, with an abundance of food, homes, and possessions, we may fall into the trap of laziness and take everything for granted, thinking we no longer need God's help. As mentioned in verse 17, we should not think that our achievements are solely the result of our own strength and abilities. One of the most dangerous things a person can do is to forget to be grateful.

In today's society, we rely on the assistance of many others for everything we do. Few people today farm their own food or repair their own vehicles. Our society is highly interconnected and interdependent, relying on relationships with one another. This is what we call trust. Trust in society is crucial, and a society that loses trust is a fearful one. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we saw trust diminish as people became fearful of contagion and various other concerns. This led to distancing and the breaking of relationships. Even after the pandemic passed, these relationships were not repaired, which is dangerous for society as a whole.

Similarly, our relationship with God also requires trust. When our values are not built on God's word, truth, and the right foundation, we distance ourselves from God and truth. When we move away from truth, what do we gain? While trust may seem abstract, it is very real and a foundation of society.

In verse 19, God warns us that if we forget the Lord our God, follow other gods, and serve and worship them, it will lead to destruction. Someone might comment that this sounds severe – those who obey will be saved, and those who don't will be put to death. Is God a tyrant? Is that really the case? It's important not to take this verse out of context and consider the overall principles of the Bible. When we deeply contemplate this verse, we'll realize that God is issuing a crucial warning.

Firstly, if we forget God and follow other gods, these "other gods" don't necessarily refer to religious deities alone. It can also mean chasing after desires for money, power, or other material pursuits. When we make these worldly things the center of our lives and serve them, they become our masters, rather than having God at the center of our lives. In our courses, we emphasize that money is the best servant but the worst master. When people treat money as their master, they may lose their humanity and resort to any means to earn money, even harming others or selling their own souls. We can see many examples of this, such as drug traffickers, arms dealers, those who profit from harming others, and those deeply involved in corruption – they essentially sell their souls for money.

So, what we call destruction is not something God will bring upon us, but rather, it is something that people bring upon themselves. We've seen it when people start to treat money, power, or other worldly pursuits as their gods; what follows is their self-destruction. Jesus warned us in the New Testament, even if one gains the whole world, what good is it if they lose their soul? In our financial planning seminar, we particularly emphasize that we are merely stewards, not owners. We are temporarily entrusted with the management of everything. When our breath stops, and our heart ceases to beat, everything no longer belongs to us.

Therefore, God's warning here is not an act of tyranny but an act of care. He doesn't want to see us deviate from the right path towards destruction. Because God is a God who desires the salvation of all people.

Alright, today we shared from chapter eight, and tomorrow we will begin discussing the story of Israelites, starting with chapter nine. Israel was chosen by God, not because of any good they did but solely based on God's sovereignty. Tomorrow, we will continue reading chapter nine. Thank you all for listening."

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