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每日聖經 申命記 7:12-26






隨著歷史的發展,我們看到以色列人不斷在這個過程中與外族互動,很多時候轉向信仰那些邪教的神。因此,在歷史中,以色列人受到了巨大的痛苦,但這不是上帝在懲罰他們,而是他們自己去崇拜那些不應崇拜的邪惡之神,導致他們在信仰上一次又一次地跌倒。今天的基督徒也可能面臨類似的情況,儘管我們有對上帝的信仰,但在生活中容易受到這個世界的影響,變成 "腳踏兩條船" 的基督徒。在教會中我們是基督徒,說著教會的語言,敬拜上帝,但在世界中我們為了 "融入" 不同的社交圈子,可能會重新變成屬世的人。


整章的真正關鍵在於,上帝在第18節告訴以色列人說:「你不要懼怕。」然而,這種不懼怕的根本在於下一節,”要牢牢記念耶和華你神向法老和埃及全地所行的事“ 要以色列人紀念神在埃及所行的一切,以及在曠野中所顯示的神蹟。這些都是上帝要以色列人不斷傳揚和紀念的事情。用真實的歷史提醒他們上帝的作為。一次又一次的拯救。


當我們讀歷史,我們就會感受到這些遠古的故事和我們今天的生活息息相關。因為我們都是活在世界上,而世界總是不斷地想要拉扯我們。上帝不斷地要以色列人建立一個一神論的民族特性,並讓他們成為傳揚福音給全世界的未來民族的開始,今天上帝也不斷地提醒我們,建立基督徒對於正確信仰的根基,才能夠繼續去分享這個信仰  。感謝各位的聆聽,今天我們完成了第七章的分享,明天我們將開始研讀第八章,”不要忘記上帝”。

Brothers and sisters, peace be with you. Today, we are reading from the second half of Deuteronomy chapter 7, verses 12 to 26.

At this moment, let us take a moment to understand the historical context of ancient Canaan. It was not a barren land; rather, Canaan was a region highly regarded in ancient civilizations. This land was fertile, suitable for agriculture, featuring both mountains and plains, with access to the waters of the Mediterranean Sea to the west. Geographically, it was situated at the crossroads of Asia, Europe, and Africa, making it a vital hub for the development of civilizations. Consequently, many civilizations had established their cities and communities in this area. When the Israelites arrived in Canaan, they encountered significant cities and powerful peoples. So, it wasn't a meeting with a barbaric people, but rather, a meeting with a highly civilized and developed culture.

The city-states in Canaan had a close relationship with religion, and some of the most important cities included Hazor, Megiddo, and Kiriath. For example, the city of Hazor worshiped a god known as Hazor. These civilizations had intricate city roads, water supply systems, and engaged in trade with neighboring empires. However, conflicts were not uncommon. During the Middle to Late Bronze Age, around 2000 to 1500 BCE, this region had reached an exceptionally high level of development in terms of culture, technology, and architecture. They possessed advanced skills in metallurgy, pottery, and more.

In such a historical context, the Israelites, as a small group of foreign people, felt great anxiety about entering a land that was already controlled by many highly developed and powerful nations. Among the twelve spies sent to scout the land, ten of them believed it was an impossible task and thought that they couldn't overcome these nations.

At that time, the Israelites had not yet established a solid foundation in terms of religion and spirituality. Therefore, after leading them out of Egypt into the wilderness, God gave them commandments, laws, statutes, and everything necessary to help them build their faith and re-establish their relationship with the one true God. God's purpose was to establish the unique identity of the Israelite nation and make them the beginning of spreading the Gospel—a beautiful plan of God.

As history unfolded, we see the Israelites constantly interacting with foreign cultures during this process, often turning to the worship of false gods. Therefore, in history, the Israelites suffered greatly, not as a punishment from God, but because they chose to worship these evil gods that they shouldn't have. This led to their repeated stumbling in matters of faith. Today's Christians may also face similar situations, where, despite our faith in God, we can easily be influenced by the world, becoming "double-minded" Christians. In the church, we are Christians, speaking the language of the church, worshiping God, but in the world, we may compromise to fit into different social circles, potentially becoming worldly people once again.

Furthermore, we need to understand that the gods worshiped by the Canaanites at that time were actually creations born out of human desires. When we delve into this understanding, we realize that these gods represented the embodiment of human desires. This phenomenon was not unique to the Canaanites; other nations had similar practices. People would attempt to create gods to rationalize their desires. When we elevate our desires to the level of gods, it seems as though these things become meaningful. Some people even worshiped Confucius for exams, the God of Wealth for riches, and other gods for things they desired. In reality, behind all of this, we were seeking the help of these gods to fulfill our own selfish desires. We didn't truly respect these so-called gods; we merely treated them as objects of trade. We would say, "I'll offer you sacrifices, and in return, you must help me achieve success and wealth." However, God is entirely different. He is the God who generously gives everything to us, our Father, desiring to establish a close relationship with us. God doesn't need our offerings; what He desires is for us to build a relationship with Him and listen to His words.

The real key of this chapter lies in verse 18, where God tells the Israelites, "Do not be afraid." However, the foundation of this lack of fear lies in the next verse, "But remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth." The Israelites were to remember everything that God had done in Egypt and the miracles He had shown them in the wilderness. These were the things God wanted the Israelites to constantly proclaim and remember. It was a reminder of God's actions through real history, a reminder of God's continuous acts of salvation.

For Christians today, it is the same principle. In our lives, we will always face various difficulties and challenges, sometimes leading us to doubt God and question why He allows us to go through these experiences. In those times, God reminds us to hold fast to the grace we have experienced with Him, to remember the great things God has already accomplished in our lives. When we look back, reflect, and understand that God has always been at work in our lives, we can maintain our faith and continue moving forward. Therefore, in this passage, God reminds us to "firmly remember the works of the Lord."

As we read history, we feel the connection between these ancient stories and our lives today because we all live in the world, and the world constantly tries to pull us away. God continues to lead the Israelites to establish a monotheistic national identity, making them the beginning of spreading the Gospel to the whole world. Today, God also continually reminds us that establishing a solid foundation of correct faith is necessary to continue sharing this faith. Thank you for listening, and today we have completed our sharing on chapter seven. Tomorrow, we will begin studying chapter eight, "Do Not Forget God."

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