所以,當我們看到猶太人在舊約的過程中不斷抱怨,想要回到埃及的時候,其實在新約的基督徒生活中,我們也常常被世界所誘惑。 這裡的隱喻是,以色列人出埃及,就像基督徒脫離世界的誘惑一樣。我們已經離開了世界的風俗習慣,將自己奉獻給上帝。雖然世界可能認為某些事情理所當然,但在基督徒的眼中,這些事情可能看起來不太適合。當你試圖向不信者的朋友解釋時,往往難以理解,因為你們的價值觀已經不同。他們認為可以的事情,基督徒可能視為不宜,這不是事情本身的問題,而是觀念和信仰的不同,你的價值觀已經發生了改變。
面對信仰中最困難的挑戰通常不是大事,而是日常生活中的磨損。堅守信仰每一天都是一項艱難的工作。我們的信仰在每一天的生活中都受到挑戰,我們的信心也會受到磨損。每天閱讀聖經,每天禱告,每周參加教會,這些看似重複的行為對許多人來說,久而久之可能會失去新鮮感和熱情。這正是世界的誘惑容易勝過我們的時候。 上帝警告以色列人的時候,他們仍然是一個弱小的國家,周圍有許多強大的民族。如果他們不專心守護他們的信仰,不專心跟隨上帝,他們將受到滅亡或受到周圍文化的影響。這也是我們在歷史中看到以色列人不斷在他們的信仰和其他信仰之間摇擺掙扎的原因。
接下來,讓我們談談一個非常重要的方法,從第20節到第25節。這段經文中提到,當你的兒子問你說,耶和華我們神吩咐你們這些法度,律例,典章是什麼意思呢?這個地方在路德宗有一個非常關鍵的概念,稱為"Catechism" 也就是教理問答(或是小問答集)。這是一個我們都應該學習的教義問答,當你理解關於基督教教義時,你會發現兩本重要的書籍,馬丁路德所編寫的,稱為 “Small Catechism” 小問答,另一本是 "Large Catechism” 大問答。這些教義問答都收錄在協和書 Book of Concord裡,在基督教經典中有著重要的地位。
什麼是問答集呢?這裡實際上是在詢問:"這是什麼意思呢?" 事實上,身為基督徒,我們常常會被問一些問題,例如:十誡的含義是什麼?主禱文有什麼意義?為什麼要參加主日聚會?為什麼要參加聖餐?聖洗禮又是什麼?這些都是當時馬丁路德所看到的,許多名信徒和一般信徒都不理解的事情。今天的基督徒可能也不太明白。儘管一名信徒可能已經信主很久,每周都在參加這些儀式,但可能仍然不明白它們的意義和聖經的教導。當一個孩子問你:「我們為什麼要這樣做?」時,有時候你可能無法給出明確的答案。
你還有另外一個關鍵觀念,我們在教育孩子的時候,更重要的是跟他們解釋清楚他們所要做的事情的原因和理由。你就是要講道理,我們不要試著做一個威權的父母,只是單純地下命令,例如:“你給我聽話就對了,我叫你幹嘛你就幹嘛。”這樣的方法其實孩子並沒有學習到你的動機和理由。舉例來說,談到廚房,我說:“你不准進去,不要囉唆。” 我們可以換一個方式,就是說:你先不要進廚房,那裡有很多危險的東西。 我希望你先不要進去,那等你長大一點的時候,我再教你這樣好不好?
Deuteronomy 6:10-25
"Our reading progress for today is Deuteronomy chapter 6, verse 10 to 25. There are some crucial lessons here, especially concerning the general principles of family and education. Let's collectively contemplate the wisdom given to us in this passage.
In the preceding verses, God continually reminds the Israelites, reminding them of everything God has done for them and the actual achievements, as well as emphasizing the importance of the laws He has given them, repeatedly driving this point home. So, God is earnestly teaching the Israelites. Furthermore, from verse 10 to verse 13, the things mentioned are not the work of the Israelites themselves; it's not the houses they built or the fields they cultivated, but rather what God had prepared for them long ago. It's a reminder once again that it was God who led them out of the land of Egypt, freeing them from a life of slavery.
Therefore, when we see the Jews in the Old Testament constantly complaining and wanting to go back to Egypt, it's similar to the lives of Christians in the New Testament. We are often tempted by the world. The metaphor here is that the Israelites leaving Egypt is like Christians breaking free from the temptations of the world. We have already departed from the customs and habits of the world, dedicating ourselves to God. Although the world may see certain things as entirely acceptable, in the eyes of Christians, these things may not seem appropriate. When you try to explain to your unbelieving friends, it's often challenging to understand because your values have changed, and what they see as permissible, Christians may view differently. It's not about the things themselves but a difference in perspective and faith; your values have undergone a transformation."
"Facing the most challenging aspects of faith usually isn't about significant events but rather the daily wear and tear of life. Staying true to one's faith every day is a challenging task. Our faith is challenged in everyday life, and our confidence can be eroded. Reading the Bible every day, praying daily, attending church weekly—these seemingly repetitive behaviors can lose their freshness and enthusiasm over time for many. This is precisely when the temptations of the world can easily overcome us.
God warned the Israelites when they were still a small nation surrounded by many powerful nations. If they didn't diligently safeguard their faith, if they didn't wholeheartedly follow God, they would either face destruction or be influenced by the surrounding culture. This is why we see the Israelites continually struggling between their faith and other beliefs throughout history.
So, why shouldn't we rush to criticize when we read the story of the Israelites? Because you'll find that the story of the Israelites is, in fact, a reflection of the struggles of New Testament Christians between the world and faith. Although we no longer prioritize the world's values, we still live in this world. While living in the world, the world continues to influence us. We are still influenced by the secular values that surround us and by friends who have not yet come to faith. If we don't value our faith, don't learn, don't study, we will gradually be pulled back and may eventually return to the "Egypt" we left behind."
Next, let's talk about a crucial method mentioned in verses 20 to 25. In this passage, when your son asks you, "What is the meaning of the testimonies, statutes, and rules that the Lord our God has commanded you?" there's a vital concept in Lutheranism known as "Catechism" or "Catechesis." These are doctrinal question-and-answer sets that we should all learn. When you delve into Christian theology, you'll come across two essential books: Martin Luther's "Small Catechism" and "Large Catechism." These doctrinal question-and-answer sets are included in the Book of Concord, holding a significant place in Christian classics.
What does "Catechism" mean? It's essentially asking, "What does this mean?" In reality, as Christians, we often get asked questions like, "What is the meaning of the Ten Commandments?" "What does the Lord's Prayer signify?" "Why should we attend Sunday worship?" "Why partake in the Lord's Supper?" "What is Holy Baptism?" These were the questions Martin Luther observed many believers, including ordinary ones, not understanding at his time. Today's Christians might also have uncertainties. Despite a believer's long-standing faith and regular participation in these rituals, they may still not fully grasp their meanings and the teachings of the Bible. When a child asks, "Why do we do this?" sometimes you might not be able to provide a clear answer.
This process of question and answer, where we are both asked and teaching, is essential. It's a two-way learning process. Therefore, engaging in such question-and-answer sessions at home and in the church is vital, as Martin Luther called it a key part of family education. In many churches, it's referred to as discipleship training, and it's equally crucial. Because as we teach, we also learn, and this combination of teaching and learning makes our faith stronger and more secure. When we face questions and challenges, we're not trying to win a debate but to build our own faith system, making it clearer and well-founded.
So, the catechism is crucial for establishing faith. In the second part of the article, we will discuss the content related to the catechism. However, due to the extensive content, I cannot cover it all. I recommend that you search for "Christian Faith Catechism" or "Martin Luther," and you will find many relevant books available in the market. I suggest taking some time to read these books. Although they may seem extensive, the content is actually accessible. When you understand many core truths, you will find it easier to maintain your faith and educate others. Start thinking deeply about these questions and grasp their essence; this will be beneficial for your faith journey.
You also have another crucial concept: when educating children, it's more important to explain to them the reasons and rationale behind what they should do. You should reason with them, and we should avoid being authoritarian parents who simply give orders like, "You should listen to me, and you should do what I say." This approach doesn't help children understand your motivations and reasons. For example, when it comes to the kitchen, if I say, "You are not allowed to enter, stop bothering me," we can instead say, "For now, I'd like you not to enter the kitchen because there are many dangerous things there. I hope you'll wait until you're a bit older, and then I'll teach you how to handle it, okay?"
Both ways involve letting children learn, but the second approach helps children understand that there is a reason why they shouldn't do certain things. This encourages children to think and comply rather than simply being subjected to orders, as nobody likes being commanded. This is also a key concept in education.
Thank you for listening, and we will begin exploring the content of the seventh chapter tomorrow, looking forward to exploring it together with all of you.