而且,其實當我們明白「孝順」這件事情的真正重要性時,我們會發現很多時候它並非單單指的是行為,更是一種心態。如果我們僅僅是將錢交給母親,並認為這樣我們就履行了孝道,而忽略了用心關心父母,不去考慮父母的感受和需求,那麼我們是否真的做到了「孝」呢?因為這裡提到的是「尊敬你的父母」(Honor your father and mother)。在中國文化中,所謂的「光宗耀祖」,意指讓父母感到榮光,這代表著你要成為一個有成就、有道德的人。對父母而言,如果他們的兒女能成為一個有用、有道德的人,這無疑比給予他們金錢更加重要。
接下來,關於第六誡「不可殺人」,在英文中的表達更為精準,即「Thou shalt not murder」。我們將來會另外設立一個專題來深入探討殺人這個課題。雖然這裡提到不可殺人,但是在聖經中也提及了殺人的例子與標準。我們必須明白,上帝擁有公義的權柄;因此,祂在地上也有行使公義的方式。我們將在未來的講道中,專門探討這個議題。這裡所說的是不可謀殺,不可因為某種刻意的原因而犯下殺戮。
Peace to you, brothers and sisters, our scripture reading today progresses to the second half of Deuteronomy chapter five, concerning the last six of the Ten Commandments.
Yesterday, we discussed the first four commandments, which explicate the relationship between God and humanity. This is the foundation of our values and the source of our faith. The next commandments, from the fifth to the tenth, are about the basic principles of interpersonal relationships, society, and state governance. Let us consider why God chose to convey these commandments in such concise language. The Israelites of that time had few writing tools, hence only two stone tablets. Think about it, it was impossible to engrave numerous laws onto the tablets, so God simplified His teachings so that even children could memorize them. This was done to make the essential doctrines easily memorable and transmissible. Every word here contains profound significance, embodying a vital educational principle: the fundamental principles need not be complex.
Let's take a closer look at the fifth commandment: "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land." The family is the fundamental unit of society, and here, the significance of the family concept is self-evident. We see that two of these commandments are directly related to the family: firstly, honoring one's parents; and secondly, the prohibition of adultery. These are the principles of the most crucial relationships in life: our filial ties and the marital bond.
"And, in fact, when we understand the true importance of "filial piety," we will find that many times it is not just about actions but also a mindset. If we simply give money to our mother and father and believe that we have fulfilled our filial duty, while neglecting to genuinely care for our parents, not considering their feelings and needs, have we truly practiced "filial piety"? Because here it mentions "Honor your father and mother." In Chinese culture, the concept of "honor your ancestors" means bringing honor to one's parents, signifying that you should become a accomplished and morally upright person. For parents, having their children become useful and moral individuals is undoubtedly more important than providing them with money.
Next, regarding the sixth commandment, "Thou shalt not murder" is a more precise expression in English. We will set up a separate topic in the future to delve deeper into the subject of murder. Although it mentions "do not murder" here, the Bible also discusses examples and standards of murder. We must understand that God possesses the authority of justice, and therefore, He exercises justice on earth as well. We will focus on this topic specifically in future sermons. What is being stated here is the prohibition against premeditated murder, not taking a life for deliberate reasons."
"Moving forward, the eighth commandment tells us, "Thou shalt not steal," the ninth commandment is, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor," and the tenth commandment is, "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's." You will notice that theft and false witness both stem from greed. And greed is the fundamental cause of political conflicts and wars among humans. We should reflect upon this: Is there any war purely waged for justice? In reality, when you examine the motives behind every nation's decision to go to war, it often boils down to seizing resources and acquiring more wealth. No matter how justifiable the reasons may sound, the underlying motivation is often to gain more resources and wealth.
Therefore, the love of money, the greed for wealth, is the most common weakness among humanity and the root of many sins. I will emphasize this point in our financial seminars.
When we delve into the spirit and motives behind the Ten Commandments, we discover that their core purpose is to protect and nurture the relationship between humans and God, as well as relationships among individuals. When we disregard these relationships, lack basic laws, and protection for one another, society loses its peace, falls into turmoil, and may even lead to war. Without proper values, our actions become arbitrary, leading to chaos and the beginning of human sinfulness.
Let us ponder the meaning of the world and what it represents, and you will understand that God's heart is filled with love and faithfulness. Thank you all for listening. Let us together contemplate the deeper meanings behind the Ten Commandments. Tomorrow, we will conclude our discussion of Deuteronomy chapter five, exploring the law's significance and promises as revealed by God. Next, we will move into chapter six, continuing to explore the wonderful wisdom of the law. Once again, thank you all for listening.