所以,我必須強調,參加主日聚會並不是律法。 身為一位牧師,我當然希望您能夠定期參加主日聚會和平日的小組聚會,因為這對您的靈命成長和心靈健康非常重要。 但您擁有自由選擇的權利,可以選擇是否參加,以及選擇何時參加,以及參加哪個聚會。 這都應該是個人的決定,教會不應該將這件事變成一種負擔,也不應該強加規定,例如說如果您不參加聚會就得不到神的喜悅等等。 這樣的言論實際上是在把人為的規則強加於人身上,而我們應該回歸安息日的精神,讓人們真正能夠休息,並鼓勵他們參加主日聚會,以在神面前得到靈性的安息。
好,這些都是我們可以從十誡中學到的教訓,讓我們思考有關上帝的本性,上帝對我們的要求以及上帝對我們的期望。 你會發現,每一個誡命的出發點都是保護和照顧,要我們抓住重要的原則,要我們有正確的價值觀。每一句都是為了幫助我們真誠地信仰,順服上帝,而不是期望上帝順服於我們。 這是信仰中非常關鍵的一點。所以當我們反思信仰時,我們應該明白稱上帝為主的含義,就是他的話語我們要聽從,我們不應該與主爭執。 在我們的信仰生活中,順服上帝並不簡單,因為我們常常有自己的主張,但信仰成熟的過程就是學會更多地順服上帝。 感謝大家的聆聽,明天我們將繼續討論關於十誡的另外六條誡命。
Dear brothers and sisters, peace be with you. Today's reading progress takes us from Deuteronomy 4:44 to Deuteronomy 5:10.
Chapter 5 begins with the Ten Commandments, which are also the most well-known commandments. Right from the start, we see Moses telling the Israelites that these commandments are not just meant to be heard but also to be learned. In verse 3, he emphasizes that these commandments are not part of the covenant with their ancestors but are established before the people living here today. These Ten Commandments form the foundation of all the laws for the Israelites and can be considered the cornerstone of their legal system. We can see that these commandments hold universal values, but true understanding of their value and significance comes to those who believe in God. Let's examine these commandments carefully and discuss, analyze, and contemplate each one.
The Ten Commandments can be divided into two parts: the first four commandments are about our duties toward God, and the remaining six involve our relationships with others. Today, we'll focus on the first four commandments, and tomorrow, we'll continue discussing the remaining six related to interpersonal relationships.
Looking at the first commandment, "You shall have no other gods before me," from a Christian perspective, it serves as the cornerstone of a monotheistic faith. In the context of ancient Israel, there was a wide variety of belief systems with numerous deities being worshipped. God instructed the Israelites not to worship any other gods besides Him, establishing the foundation of monotheistic belief. In the environment of that time, many regions practiced diverse religious beliefs, making the first commandment particularly crucial.
When we apply this commandment to the lives of modern-day Christians, we realize that it's not limited to religious gods alone. We can easily make idols out of money, power, worldly possessions, and other aspects of our lives, placing them at the forefront of our existence. As we discussed yesterday, when we replace God with anything else, we turn it into an idol and treat it as our "god," which is dangerous.
The first commandment reminds us that the foundation of our values should be a monotheistic faith, placing God in the highest position. When our values are built on this foundation, the life structures we build upon it can remain solid.
The second commandment is also of utmost importance. It states that we should not make carved images or any likeness of God, whether in heaven, on earth, or in the water. When we try to confine God within specific images, this carries two layers of meaning. Firstly, we diminish God by reducing Him from the position of ruler and creator to the image of a created being. Secondly, it reveals our subconscious selfishness. When we attempt to limit God to a particular object, we are essentially trying to control Him, as if we can manipulate Him as we wish, as if God is trapped within some piece of wood or stone. Such an approach indicates to our subconscious that we want God to obey our commands rather than us wholeheartedly obeying His commands.
The journey of faith is about diligently seeking God's Word and allowing His Word to transform us, rather than hoping that God will act according to our desires and interpretations. We must obey God's Word, and this is a crucial principle. Sometimes, churches may lean towards teaching more readily accepted messages and overlook some challenging or less popular messages, such as repentance and the law. However, this is incorrect because the process of faith is about guiding us back to God, rather than incorporating God into the realm of human desires. We should reflect on this carefully.
Therefore, we must be particularly cautious. While the church emphasizes that God is love, which is correct, it's only one aspect of God's nature. God is also absolutely just, and this is equally important. God's attitude towards sin has never changed; it remains the same today as it was in the past. The reason we can escape the consequences of sin is not due to our efforts but because of the work of Jesus Christ. In Christ, we find liberation, but it doesn't mean we should indulge in sin. We still live in this world, in our weak flesh, and thus, we still have the potential to sin. This is an area where we need to be particularly vigilant. With Jesus Christ, we no longer fear God's punishment, but we must be watchful of our own potential for sin. Love and justice are not in conflict; they coexist perfectly.
The third commandment is "You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God." This statement is often interpreted as referring to swearing or using God's name in vain in English, but there are other ways in which we might misuse God's name. We should be cautious about using God's name at inappropriate times or with inappropriate attitudes. We know that God's name is powerful, and when using the name of Jesus, we should do so with care. Whether in prayer, intercession for others, or in our actions, we should use God's name responsibly. We should not treat the name of Jesus as a mere exclamation, thinking that loudly uttering it will have a greater effect. This is something we should not use casually.
The fourth commandment deals with the instruction to keep the Sabbath day holy. I'd like to provide some additional explanation on this matter. In Israel, observing the Sabbath day was a matter of great significance. In Numbers 15:34, there is an account of a man caught gathering wood on the Sabbath day, and the entire assembly stoned him to death, demonstrating the severe punishment for breaking the Sabbath at that time.
However, in the New Testament era, the perspective of Christians shifted. The significance of the Sabbath lies in its spiritual aspect, not just the formal observance. In Christ, we understand that the true essence of the Sabbath is spiritual rest, not just a formal adherence to rules. In Matthew 12, it is recorded that Jesus healed a man with a withered hand, and the Pharisees accused Him of working on the Sabbath. Mark 2 also describes a similar situation where Jesus emphasized that the Sabbath was made for man and not the other way around. Therefore, we should understand that the true meaning of the Sabbath is the rest that God has set aside for us, rather than a rigid imposition of rules.
In the Ten Commandments, the instruction regarding the Sabbath simply teaches us not to work on the Sabbath day. However, by the time of Jesus, Jewish tradition had added many regulations about what constitutes work, including how far one can walk, how much weight one can carry, and what activities are defined as work. Nevertheless, the purpose of God in establishing the Sabbath is to teach us to rest, to follow His example of resting after creating for six days. It's not because God needs rest but to tell humanity that they should also rest. This is crucial for human physical and psychological well-being, especially in modern society where 24/7 work and endless entertainment options have caused people to forget the importance of rest. Therefore, the issue of overwork has become increasingly common in modern society because people have lost the concept and opportunity for rest.
In this modern society, we may not be able to change the current state of the world, but as Christians, we should pay special attention to the spiritual significance of the Sabbath or the concept of resting. This means setting aside our own efforts and not relying solely on our own work. Otherwise, we risk placing ourselves in a position similar to that of God, which goes against the spirit of the Sabbath. While we may not face direct punishment for this, our bodies and minds can suffer the consequences of disregarding the natural order. We may become tired and experience feelings of depression because we fail to rest.
The true meaning of the Sabbath lies in psychological rest. When we set aside everything and dedicate a day exclusively to God, we honor Him as our Lord. This doesn't mean we shouldn't honor God on other days, but the Sabbath is a special day where we set everything aside and focus on sharing it with our loved ones and God. If we cannot spare even a single day to honor God in this way, it may indicate that we have become overly consumed by our desires and neglected the importance of rest.
Therefore, I must emphasize that attending Sunday worship is not a matter of law. As a pastor, I certainly hope that you will regularly participate in Sunday worship and weekday small group meetings because they are essential for your spiritual growth and well-being. However, you have the freedom to choose whether to attend, when to attend, and which gatherings to join. These decisions should be personal, and the church should not turn this into a burden or impose rules, such as suggesting that you won't receive God's favor if you don't attend. Such statements are essentially imposing human-made regulations on individuals, and we should return to the spirit of the Sabbath, allowing people to truly rest and encouraging them to participate in Sunday worship to find spiritual rest in God's presence.
These are the lessons we can learn from the Ten Commandments. Let us reflect on the nature of God, His requirements, and His expectations for us. You will find that each commandment is rooted in protection and care, guiding us to grasp essential principles and develop the right values. Each commandment is designed to help us genuinely believe and obey God, rather than expecting God to obey us. This is a crucial aspect of faith. So when we contemplate our faith, we should understand that calling God "Lord" means His Word should be heeded, and we should not contend with the Lord. In our life of faith, obedience to God is not always easy, as we often have our own convictions. However, the process of mature faith is learning to submit more to God. Thank you all for listening, and tomorrow we will continue discussing the other six commandments of the Ten Commandments.