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Writer's picture馬克牧師

每日聖經 申命記 4:15-31

Updated: Jan 11, 2024

2024 上半年讀經進度表



首先是關於上帝的形象,上帝是不能被東西物質給限制的存在,無法被形容無法被以語言去描述。當我們嘗試的用任何的方式去把上帝固化成為一個雕像、一個偶像、一個形象的時候,其實都是在冒犯上帝的本性以及他的原則,因為就算我們所看見再偉大的東西,天地日月,山川大海,但是就連這一切都只是上帝手所作的 "小東西" 而已,所以我們不能夠把上帝跟任何的東西來相提並論,因為當我們這麼作的時候,我們就是把上帝的地位降格。


24節這邊提到一個名為"The Lord your God is a consuming fire, a Jealous God"的詞,而中文翻譯叫忌邪的神。當我們去思考什麼叫做忌邪的神,打個比方很簡單就是丈夫和妻子的關係。若在婚姻中有人背叛,那這是對另一方最痛苦、最難被原諒的一種罪。因為上帝是全然聖潔,無法忍受邪惡的錯誤行為。雖然以色列人後來還是不斷犯錯,摩西在此也安慰以色列人,他們終將歸回上帝,而上帝是憐憫的神,總不撇下他的子民,也不忘記他和亞伯拉罕所立的約。


在今天的時代裡面,什麼叫做偶像這個字有的時候我們可能不是那麼容易理解。 很多時候我們以為我們要拜個什麼東西這才叫做拜偶像,但是當我們去理解到"不可有偶像"的時候,其實就是把任何東西代替上帝,把任何東西代替上帝的時候,這個就成為了我們的偶像。


對偶像崇拜這件事情,甚至還有一個可能性 - 是把自己放在上帝的位置,覺得自己的觀點是重要的,覺得自己的意志是更重要的,覺得自己的私慾是比上帝的話語更重要的。這件事情是非常困難發現,但是很容易發生的。



Dear brothers and sisters, peace be with you. Today's reading passage is from Deuteronomy chapter 4, verses 15-31.

God begins by emphasizing the prohibition of idol worship. Why is this matter so serious? It is also the first commandment in the Ten Commandments: "You shall have no other gods before me." Following that, it is stated that you shall not make any graven image, nor misuse the name of the Lord your God. Why is idol worship such a grave sin that God repeatedly mentions it?

Firstly, it's about the nature of God. God is an existence that cannot be limited by material things; He cannot be depicted or described in human language. When we attempt in any way to solidify God into an image, an idol, or a form, we are actually offending God's nature and His principles. Even though we might consider great things like the heavens, the earth, the sun, the moon, mountains, and rivers as majestic, all of these are still considered by God as "small things" created by His hand. Therefore, we cannot equate God with anything, as doing so would diminish His status.

Here, it is mentioned that the land of Canaan at that time was filled with idol worship and pagan practices. These practices included evil rituals such as sacrificing their own children to false gods or engaging in sexual acts as a form of worship with their priests, among other abominable behaviors. Therefore, God was very strict in commanding the Israelites not to follow in the ways of these people. If the Israelites were contaminated by these practices, they would also commit wicked sins against God.

Despite God's earnest teachings and warnings, the Israelites eventually went astray. In their history, they intermarried with the locals, introduced some of the local religions, and committed many sins. This is why God repeatedly warned them, but they continued to make mistakes.

In verse 24, there is a reference to "The Lord your God is a consuming fire, a Jealous God." This phrase is translated as "忌邪的神" in Chinese. When we think about what it means to have a jealous God, we can draw a simple analogy to the relationship between a husband and wife. If someone betrays their spouse in a marriage, it is one of the most painful and unforgivable sins against the other party. This is because God is entirely holy and cannot tolerate evil or sinful behavior. Even though the Israelites continued to make mistakes, Moses comforts them by saying that they will eventually return to God, and God is a merciful God who will not abandon His people and will remember the covenant He made with Abraham.

This is actually a foreshadowing of the relationship between Christians and the secular culture. The secular culture can be a very influential environment, and when we enter this environment, it can be challenging not to be influenced by it. Just as the Israelites, who entered the land of Canaan with God's words and faith, were somewhat contaminated by the people they interacted with, we can also be led away from our faith in the presence of secular temptations. This is something we should be cautious about. Christians cannot take the temptations of the world lightly but must face them seriously because these temptations can infiltrate and gradually change our thoughts and beliefs.

In today's age, the concept of "idol" may not always be easy for us to understand. We often think that we need to worship something specific to be practicing idolatry. However, when we understand "You shall have no idols" in the broader sense, it means replacing God with anything else. When we replace God with anything else, that becomes our idol.

The most common idols can be wealth or money. We easily make money our idol by constantly serving it. Sometimes, power can become an idol as we seek certain positions or abilities that we believe define success. Career can also become an idol when we prioritize it above everything else. Even in a less obvious way, we can turn loved ones into idols, whether it's our children, spouses, or parents. When we value people more than God, it's a form of idol worship, and it can be dangerous when we do not keep God in His rightful place.

Absolutely, there's also the possibility of placing ourselves in the position of God in idol worship, thinking that our own perspectives, will, and desires are more important than God's word. This can be very difficult to recognize but can easily happen.

I've had my own experiences with this. When I elevated my own will above God's word, all I experienced was pressure and distress. When I insisted on doing things my way, God didn't withhold His blessings, but I ended up with pain and suffering – a form of self-inflicted hardship. I failed to humble myself to listen to God's voice and learn from His word. So, the bitterness I found was of my own making. It's only when we return to God and humble ourselves that we can understand what Jesus meant in Matthew 11:30: "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." The burdens the world places on us are difficult and don't care about us.

"You shall have no idols" is a principle that God emphasizes repeatedly and is something Christians should always be vigilant about. Thank you all for listening. This is Mark.

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