他的目標是使律法不是刻在石板上,而是刻在心版上(哥林多後書3:3)。這樣律法更加堅固,同時清晰地詮釋律法的精神。當他引用"要盡心、盡性、盡意、盡力愛神"以及"愛人如己"時,這些都是原則。上帝的律法的總原則就是愛。耶穌的教導強調了這一點。保羅在加拉太書5:13-14也強調弟兄們,你們蒙召是要得自由,只是不可將你們的自由當做放縱情慾的機會,總要用愛心互相服侍。 14因為全律法都包在「愛人如己」這一句話之內了。
申命記 4:6-8
6所以你們要謹守遵行;這就是你們在萬民眼前的智慧、聰明。他們聽見這一切律例,必說:『這大國的人真是有智慧,有聰明!』 7哪一大國的人有神與他們相近,像耶和華-我們的神、在我們求告他的時候與我們相近呢? 8又哪一大國有這樣公義的律例典章、像我今日在你們面前所陳明的這一切律法呢?
正確的教育下一代是我們每一代人的責任。他強調的是 “保守你的心靈”因為一生的果效是由心發出 (箴言 4:23) 。讓我們開始細細品嚐律法的智慧吧。
Dear brothers and sisters, peace be with you. Today we begin our study in Deuteronomy chapter four, delving into the aspects of the law.
Before we dive in, it's essential to emphasize a few things. When reading the Book of the Law, there are several key points we should consider. Approaching it with this perspective allows us to gain a more profound understanding, beyond merely perceiving it as a set of rules, but rather comprehending the spirit behind the law.
Firstly, we must consider the historical context. The covenant between God and the Israelites took place over 3,400 years ago during their time in the wilderness. Therefore, it is crucial to view these laws through the lens of that historical era. Additionally, we should grasp the spiritual aspect of God's covenant and His laws, which are designed to protect and care for His people. This is the theological perspective. When we approach the law with this mindset, we can better understand its historical background and the intentions of the creator of the law.
Let's use an analogy to illustrate this point, much like a father telling his three-year-old child, "You can't go into the kitchen." This is a law. However, the father's intention is to keep the child away from potential dangers in the kitchen, such as sharp objects, heat sources, or hot water kettles. As the child grows and reaches an age where they can take care of themselves, perhaps around 15 or 16 years old, the father can grant them more freedom, allowing them to help in the kitchen, like cutting vegetables or assisting with cooking.
The distinction between the Old and New Testaments can be understood in a similar way.
Consider this example:
In the Old Testament, there were regulations regarding adultery. The purpose was to protect the societal structure of that time, encouraging people to establish proper marital relationships and respect the relationships between men and women. However, in the New Testament era, Jesus did not abandon this principle but rather emphasized it even more. Jesus taught that if someone looks at another person with lust, they have committed adultery in their heart (Matthew 5:28). Jesus didn't overly emphasize the specific act of wrongdoing but focused on the purity of one's heart. He taught that sin originates in the heart, and actions are the outward manifestation of sinful thoughts.
His goal was to have the law not engraved on stone tablets but on tablets of the heart (2 Corinthians 3:3). This makes the law even more steadfast while providing a clear interpretation of its spirit. When he references "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind" and "Love your neighbor as yourself," these are principles. The overarching principle of God's law is love. Jesus emphasized this in his teachings. Paul also emphasized this in Galatians 5:13-14 when he said, "You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"
Love is the summary of the law. This does not mean abolishing the law but rather stating that love fulfills the law because love can encompass and fulfill all the requirements of the law. Jesus Christ embodied perfect love and fulfilled the law entirely. What we cannot do, Jesus accomplished for us, and in Him, we fulfill the law.
The teachings in the New Testament emphasize the spirit of the law, especially the principle of love, rather than mere formalism. This adds depth and meaning to the law, moving beyond a mere collection of rules and regulations. Therefore, it's important to approach the Old and New Testaments as part of an ongoing historical process, with attention to their historical context.
Secondly, we must understand that the law covers a wide range of areas. Within all the laws, we find numerous valuable principles, encompassing moral, civil, marital, economic aspects, and more. As we read through them step by step, we discover many enduring and important principles that remain relevant today.
First, regarding the civil aspects, there are principles mentioned concerning punishment and the protection of individuals' property. Today, our laws bear a significant resemblance to those of that time. This represents the legal dimension of the teachings. Additionally, there are teachings related to cleanliness and uncleanliness of food, which pertain to hygiene. There are also moral aspects to consider. It touches upon economic matters like tithing and the principle of the Year of Jubilee. These Old Testament teachings provide numerous valuable lessons. They encourage us to focus on principles rather than being bound by rigid rules. After all, the world 3,500 years ago was different from today. So when we read the law, we should grasp its spirit and reflect on its teachings, not fixate on specific regulations. What's important is to think about how we should approach things now and what principles should guide us. Just like children growing into adulthood, we, as Christians in Jesus Christ, should understand God's intentions. Regulations need to evolve with the times. When we approach the law with the right mindset, we can rediscover many valuable lessons and wisdom.
While there may be certain aspects that are no longer relevant to us today, such as health regulations in the 21st century, where our hygiene conditions are generally good enough, it's crucial to recognize that in the limited-resource environment of ancient Palestine over 3,500 years ago, some things needed to be avoided due to genuine health concerns. We will delve into these hygiene regulations later.
This is the second point: the Old Testament law encompasses teachings on various aspects including civil, legal, health, economic, and moral dimensions, all of which are worth deep consideration and learning.
To grasp the heart of the Covenant maker, we must recognize that His heart is like that of a father. Even today, He remains our Father God, and He has never changed. So the rules He established are rooted in love, and His intentions are born out of love to protect His people. Because humanity is inherently sinful, at any given time, we have the potential for sin and wrongdoing. Therefore, God, out of love for us, sets appropriate limits to keep us as far away from sin as possible and to draw us back to His presence.
This is similar to how we raise our children. We establish principles and guidelines for them, such as not touching the hot water heater, not playing with knives, and returning home before a certain time when they become teenagers. We restrict them from going to places like bars, engaging in street racing, visiting certain questionable places, or smoking, among other things. The intention behind all of this is our awareness that there are undesirable aspects behind these places. Thus, we advise our children to stay away from them.
When you view the Old Testament law from this perspective, you'll understand that in ancient Canaan, there were many nations akin to what we might consider today as bad influences, bars, questionable establishments, and delinquent youth akin to gangs. In this context, God was instructing the Israelites to stay away from these people and even to eliminate them. As we examine the history piece by piece, we can reflect on the backdrop against which the Israelites were living and how God was guiding them to establish their unique identity over time.
This sense of identity was crucial because, in the subsequent history, they bore the responsibility of bringing the Gospel to the Gentiles. It's important to remember that the ones who carried the message to the Gentiles were still Jewish people, such as Paul and the apostles. So, even though the Jewish people made mistakes throughout history, just as we make mistakes in our teenage years, even doing some foolish things, the love of our parents and the love of God remain unchanged and eventually lead us to the right path. The mistakes we once made and the foolish things we did ultimately become the principles and learning experiences that guide us in educating the next generation.
So, let's recap: Firstly, we approach the Old and New Testaments from a historical progression perspective. Secondly, the law covers a wide range of aspects, allowing us to delve into in-depth study. Thirdly, the legislator, which is God, intended to protect and care for His people. Viewing the law from these three angles can indeed help us gain a deeper understanding of the meanings, principles, and intentions of the Bible. As we move on to study more about the law starting from Chapter 4, we will have the opportunity to explore even more wisdom within its teachings.
6Observe them carefully, for this will show your wisdom and understanding to the nations, who will hear about all these decrees and say, “Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.” 7What other nation is so great as to have their gods near them the way the Lord our God is near us whenever we pray to him? 8And what other nation is so great as to have such righteous decrees and laws as this body of laws I am setting before you today? DEUTERONOMY 4:6-8
This passage emphasizes the importance of obeying and carefully keeping the law. It explains that by observing the law, the Israelites would display wisdom and understanding, making them stand out among all nations. It also highlights the value of the law and its significance in the society of that time. These principles and teachings still hold wisdom and value today, and the lessons from the law have become a beacon in the world, guiding people forward.
In verse 9, Moses further emphasizes: "Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children's children."
Properly educating the next generation is the responsibility of each generation. He emphasizes "keeping your soul diligently" "Above all else, guard your heart,
for everything you do flows from it." (Proverbs 4:23). Let us begin to savor the wisdom of the law.
Thank you all for listening. This is Mark.