弟兄姊妹平安, 我們今天的讀經進度是申命記的16章18節到17章的13節這一段的經文,跨了兩個章節。但其實在強調的是同樣的一件事。今天主要所講的是關於法律以及審判的部分。我們一同來看看當時上帝的啟示是什麼。
Dear brothers and sisters, Peace be with you. Today, our reading takes us from Deuteronomy 16:18 to Deuteronomy 17:13, spanning across two chapters. However, the emphasis here revolves around the same theme. We are primarily delving into matters of law and justice. Let us explore what God's revelation was during that time.
Starting from verse 18, the establishment of judges is mentioned. Since the various tribes resided in different places and not everyone lived in Jerusalem, it was not practical to bring every case to the temple. God's directive was to appoint judges in every city. These judges, not being Levites, received their income from the city's offerings, which essentially came from the people residing there. This led to some inherent conflicts of interest. Therefore, God warns these judges to uphold essential principles, as stated in verse 19: "You shall not pervert justice. You shall not show partiality, and you shall not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and subverts the cause of the righteous."
So, it is emphasized here that if our legal system and justice are compromised, the entire fabric of fairness and order in society is at risk. Consequently, a nation may lose its land, people, and sovereignty. Throughout history, we have witnessed the downfall of empires and civilizations, often not due to external invasions but because they began to deviate internally, straying from the path of justice. This marks the onset of decay within a nation, leading to its eventual demise.
In the final verse of chapter 16, it is mentioned that one should not plant trees near the altar or set up pillars, as these things were associated with the false gods of Canaan. The pillars represented the local male deity, while the pillars were dedicated to the goddess Asherah. God specifically warned the Israelites against mixing these two religious practices with their true faith. This is a repeated caution against going astray.
Furthermore, God reiterates that if anyone does evil in His sight, such as worshipping other gods, the sun, the moon, or celestial bodies, one should investigate carefully, scrutinize thoroughly, and be cautious. However, if it is confirmed as a genuine transgression, it should be established through the testimony of two or three witnesses, and the offender should be put to death. Judgment should be approached with care, not based on a single testimony but with multiple witnesses, ensuring correctness and fairness.
Two other things to be cautious of are mentioned. Firstly, offering blemished sacrifices. When someone offers a disabled animal to God, it is an act of hypocrisy. It may seem pious on the surface, but in reality, it involves selecting a flawed offering, showing a lack of true reverence for God. This reminds us to be honest in our offerings to God and not give Him second-rate offerings. In today's church, when we purchase equipment for the church, we should also contemplate whether God deserves only second-hand items.
The last warning pertains to a practice called "selling a sheep's head but passing off dog meat." It involves engaging in evil deeds under the guise of religion. Some may bear the name of Christians, having attended church and professed faith, yet they neglect the teachings of the church or intentionally spread strange doctrines, biased language, or false teachings that do not align with the Bible. These should be approached with caution, as such actions can introduce heretical beliefs into our faith and harm the integrity of true belief. The contemporary Christian community should also remain vigilant to ensure the purity of doctrine.
Moving on to the matter of settling disputes and lawsuits, including cases of assault or even homicide, they should be taken to the place chosen by God, where priests and judges can handle the cases. This is the foundation of God's establishment of justice on earth, which corresponds to our modern-day judicial system. It is essential for a nation to establish a proper judicial system, rigorously train judicial personnel, and select individuals who are upright, wise, and principled to administer legal judgments. The judicial system serves as a crucial bulwark for safeguarding social stability and ensuring justice and fairness. It should operate independently of other powers to ensure impartial judgments, unaffected by administrative or political influences. God has given us such a system, and it should be guided by the principles of the law. Once a judgment is rendered, it must be carried out.
In Romans 13 of the New Testament, the Apostle Paul also emphasizes that all authority comes from God. Therefore, in a nation with a functioning judicial system and stability, we must rely on the existing judicial system to fulfill God's word and God's justice. Of course, the judicial system is not perfect, and it has its flaws and imperfections. It requires more people to understand God's word and collectively work towards improving and amending our judicial system.
Thank you all for listening. Tomorrow, we will continue to study the second half of chapter 17, focusing on the teachings regarding kingship.