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每日聖經 申命記 16:1-17






当我们翻阅出埃及记的第11章到第12章,我们发现记载了殺長子的灾难,这是十灾中的最后一灾,也是最严重的一灾。在上帝的毁灭天使降临之前,上帝启示给以色列人,每个家庭都要宰杀一只羔羊,并将其血涂在门上。当天使降临时,它会越过 (Passover) 这户人家,只击杀埃及人的长子。


这一段经文提醒我们,逾越节具有深刻的象征意义。正如以色列人透过羔羊的血得以免於神的审判,我们今天也透過耶稣基督,作为上帝為我們安排的贖罪羔羊,我們也得以脱离神 的審判。。








让我们看到在以色列当时,这是一个秋收的节日会要来举办非常盛大的庆祝活动,是为了庆祝上帝的恩典。同时,我们也看到以色列人要准备许多东西,以向彼此表达慷慨的情感。在第十四节中提到:“你和你儿女、仆人、婢女,以及城里寄居的客旅,与孤兒寡妇都要在耶和华你的神面前欢乐。” 这是一个时刻,可以在上帝面前快乐地度过七天。





Dear brothers and sisters, peace be with you. Today, our reading progress is from Deuteronomy chapter 16, verses 1 to 17. This passage records three important festivals in Israel. Let us examine these festivals and their significant relevance to today; it's a very interesting account.

The Passover feast holds a paramount position in the story of Israel, containing two crucial foreshadows. The first one refers to the sacrificed lamb.

As we turn to chapters 11 to 12 in the Book of Exodus, we find an account of the calamity of the firstborn's death, which is the final and most severe of the ten plagues. Before God's destroying angel arrived, God revealed to the Israelites that each household should sacrifice a lamb and apply its blood to the doorposts. When the angel came, it would "pass over" that house, sparing the firstborn of Israel while striking down the firstborn of Egypt.

This passage reminds us of the profound symbolism of the Passover. Just as the Israelites were saved from God's judgment through the blood of the lamb, we today are redeemed through Jesus Christ, who serves as God's appointed sacrificial lamb. Through the Holy Communion, we receive grace, as we trust in His work, and are set free from sin. Therefore, the Passover feast eventually evolved into the Holy Communion. This is something that Christians today must understand: Jesus, as the sacrificed lamb, took away our sins. In the Old Testament, there was the Passover, and today's Christians celebrate Easter.

Additionally, I see another crucial foreshadowing here, that of yeast. This importance is emphasized by God in the fourth verse, where it is stated that no yeast should be left in the house. Yeast symbolizes sin, which can exist in hidden places, even a tiny amount can cause the entire lump to rise (see Galatians 5:9). Jesus also taught us to beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.

Next, there are two more important festivals: the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) and the Feast of Tabernacles. The Feast of Weeks is observed after seven weeks, totaling forty-nine days, or seven weeks. Today, Christians are more familiar with Pentecost or the Day of Pentecost. We know that before Jesus ascended, He spent forty days with His disciples. When He left, He told them that in a few days, the Helper would be sent to them. In a few days, on Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended, and this day is considered the birthday of the Church. From this day onwards, the Christian Church was officially established.

Let us recognize that in ancient Israel, this was a festival of autumn harvest, marked by grand celebrations to commemorate God's grace. Moreover, we see that the Israelites were required to prepare many things to express generous gestures to their fellow citizens. In verse fourteen, it is mentioned: "You and your sons and daughters, your male and female servants, and the Levites from your towns who have no allotment or inheritance of their own—all who live among you—must come and rejoice before the Lord your God for seven days."

However, what is truly important in today's church is the way people interact with one another, our gatherings, and our interactions. The church is not merely a religious venue; it involves not only serious matters but, more importantly, the opportunity to witness one another's presence, care, and concern. Let us build deeper emotional connections with our brothers and sisters, becoming a family that pleases and is accepted by God. It is not just about performing religious activities. In these gatherings and events, we can live out the love for one another, where everyone brings something to celebrate together before God, eating, drinking, and rejoicing in His presence. This is the endearing aspect of the Christian Church that we can showcase to the world.

Thank you all for your attentive listening. Tomorrow, we will continue to explore the latter part of chapter 16, which deals with the judgment of the law and the appointment of judges.

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