12「以色列啊,現在耶和華-你神向你所要的是甚麼呢?只要你敬畏耶和華-你的神,遵行他的道,愛他,盡心盡性事奉他, 13遵守他的誡命律例,就是我今日所吩咐你的,為要叫你得福。 1
1. 敬畏:我們應該虔誠地敬畏耶和華-我們的神。
2. 遵行他的道:我們應該遵守上帝的教導,按照他的道路行走。
3. 愛他:我們應該全心全意地愛上帝,將他置於我們生活的中心位置。
4. 盡心盡性事奉他:我們應該全情投入地事奉上帝,不保留。
5. 遵守他的誡命:我們應該遵守上帝所賜的誡命和律例,正如他在當時所吩咐的,這樣我們才能得福。
Brothers and sisters, peace be with you. Today, our reading is from the tenth chapter of Deuteronomy.
In this chapter, God presents clear requirements to the people of Israel, especially in verses 12 and 13. Let's take a closer look at what God demanded from them after a series of historical events, including the disobedience and rebellion of the Israelites and God's forgiveness.
12 "And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God require of you? He requires only that you fear the LORD your God, and live in a way that pleases Him, and love Him, and serve Him with all your heart and soul. 13 And you must always obey the LORD's commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good."
These requirements include:
Fear of God: We should reverently fear the Lord our God, showing respect and awe, acknowledging His sovereignty. Although we have received forgiveness through Jesus Christ and need not fear God's punishment, we should maintain the right attitude towards the Creator of the universe.
Walking in His Ways: We must live according to God's teachings, walking in His ways daily, and putting His principles into practice in our lives, not only in words but also in deeds. This is an ongoing process of integrating God's will into every aspect of life.
Loving Him: Loving God wholeheartedly means placing Him at the center of our lives continuously. When we genuinely love someone, we keep them in our hearts, and likewise, when we love God, we keep Him in our hearts, helping us to stay on His path.
Serving Him Wholeheartedly: Wholehearted service to God means dedicating ourselves fully to His service without reservation. This is about giving our all to God in everything we do, not just in religious rituals but in our everyday lives.
Observing His Commandments: We should diligently keep and follow the commandments and statutes that God has given us. This includes not only the ethical and moral principles but also the specific instructions He has provided. By doing so, we can experience the blessings promised by God.
These requirements are not only relevant to the Israelites of that time but also serve as fundamental principles for our Christian faith today. When we carefully consider these five requirements, we can see that they form the core values that Christians should practice. Let's examine each of these requirements and understand their significance:
Firstly, "Fear the Lord Your God" does not mean being afraid of God but rather showing reverence and respect for Him, much like honoring a great authority. While we have been forgiven through Jesus Christ and need not fear God's punishment, we should maintain the right attitude toward the Creator of the universe. This also relates to worship; our worship is not limited to singing songs or participating in rituals but should be demonstrated through our daily lives, placing God at the center of our existence. When we exalt God to the highest place, we understand that the true meaning of life lies in worshiping Him, living a life that glorifies Him, and attributing all glory to Him.
Secondly, "Walking in His Ways" means living according to His teachings and principles, walking in His path every day, and putting these principles into practice in our lives, not just in words but also in actions. This is an ongoing process of incorporating God's will into every aspect of life.
Next, let's consider the importance of "Loving God." When we genuinely love someone, we constantly hold them in our hearts, and similarly, when we love God, we keep Him in our hearts, helping us to stay on His path.
Furthermore, let's contemplate the significance of "Serving Him Wholeheartedly." In the time of Israel, serving God meant wholeheartedly obeying His commandments, loving Him, and serving Him with all their heart and soul to enjoy all the blessings He had promised. In the New Testament era of Christianity, God's requirement for us is also clear. In verse 18 of chapter 10, it mentions showing compassion to orphans, widows, and foreigners. Jesus later teaches us in the Gospel of John that we should love one another because He loved us and set an example of love. Therefore, when we serve God, the emphasis is truly on loving our neighbors as Jesus loved us.
Lastly, we should "Observe His Commandments." In the Old Testament, this included obeying the commandments given to the Israelites. For Christians, the most crucial aspect is to love God wholeheartedly and to love others as ourselves, following the example of Jesus. We should understand that everything God requires of us is for our own good and to fulfill the promises He has made to us.
These five requirements are interrelated and form a complete way of life that brings us closer to God and helps us to better fulfill His will. Chapter 10 reveals God's intentions, urging us to fear Him, follow His path, love Him, serve Him wholeheartedly, and keep His commandments to receive His blessings. We thank you all for listening, and tomorrow we will continue with Chapter 11.