46到了耶利哥;耶穌同門徒並許多人出耶利哥的時候,有一個討飯的瞎子,是底買的兒子巴底買,坐在路旁。 47他聽見是拿撒勒的耶穌,就喊着說:「大衛的子孫耶穌啊!可憐我吧!」 48有許多人責備他,不許他作聲。他卻越發大聲喊着說:「大衛的子孫哪,可憐我吧!」 49耶穌就站住,說:「叫過他來。」他們就叫那瞎子,對他說:「放心,起來!他叫你啦。」 50瞎子就丟下衣服,跳起來,走到耶穌那裏。 51耶穌說:「要我為你做甚麼?」瞎子說:「拉波尼,我要能看見。」 52耶穌說:「你去吧!你的信救了你了。」瞎子立刻看見了,就在路上跟隨耶穌。
弟兄姊妹,平安。今天要講的故事來自《馬可福音》第十章46 – 52節的故事,那就是瞎子巴底買得到耶穌醫治的故事。這只是耶穌進入耶路撒冷之前的一個小插曲,但在這個故事中,我們也可以看到關於信心的深刻教訓。
巴底買非常清楚自己需要什麼,因此他毫不猶豫地表達了他的請求:“拉波尼,我要能看見!” 注意他這句話的表達方式,他絲毫沒有表現出任何猶豫或懷疑,”夫子啊,如果你能,求你讓我得醫治“ (像是那個想為兒子趕鬼的父親)也沒有浪費時間解釋他為什麼瞎掉,或自己的困境(像是那個在畢士大池躺了三十八年的瘸子)。他直截了當地說:“夫子啊,我要看見!”簡潔明瞭,這句話展現了他內心堅定、坦誠而毫無保留的懇求。這也是我們向上帝禱告時所應有的信心,充滿著堅定的心,毫無掩飾。你幾乎可以聽到他話語中的堅定,看到他迫切懇求的那的畫面。
Blind Bartimaeus Receives His Sight, Mark 10:46-52
Then they came to Jericho. As Jesus and his disciples, together with a large crowd, were leaving the city, a blind man, Bartimaeus (which means “son of Timaeus”), was sitting by the roadside begging.
When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”
Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”
Jesus stopped and said, “Call him.”
So they called to the blind man, “Cheer up! On your feet! He’s calling you.”
Throwing his cloak aside, he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus.
“What do you want me to do for you?”Jesus asked him.
The blind man said, “Rabbi, I want to see.”
“Go,”said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.”Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.
Brothers and sisters, peace be with you. Today's story comes from the Gospel of Mark, chapter 10, verses 46 to 52, the story of the blind man Bartimaeus being healed by Jesus. This is just a brief episode before Jesus enters Jerusalem, but in this story, we can also see profound lessons about faith.
At this time, Jesus' fame had spread widely, and many people were following him, both supporters and opponents alike. This was especially true in Jericho, the city of priests, as the Passover was approaching, drawing many people to Jericho and Jerusalem.
When Jesus and the crowd entered the city, they were surrounded by people. At this moment, we hear a cry from a blind beggar named Bartimaeus. Despite many people trying to silence him, Bartimaeus loudly cried out to Jesus, pleading for mercy and for a miracle to restore his sight.
This story shows us a man full of hope, calling out to Jesus regardless of the obstacles. Even though he couldn't see, he deeply believed that Jesus would pass by this way. His cry disturbed the crowd, and some even found his behavior rude, but Bartimaeus persisted unwaveringly. It reflects a desire and faith in God; he knew what he needed and unhesitatingly asked Jesus for it, despite the opposition.
When Bartimaeus caught Jesus' attention, Jesus called him over. Bartimaeus's response was immediate; he threw off his cloak and went to Jesus wholeheartedly. He didn't wait, hesitate, or make excuses. He simply responded, "Master, I want to see."
Yet, Jesus asked him, "What do you want me to do for you?" This may seem surprising; didn't Jesus know he was blind? Didn't he know Bartimaeus's greatest desire was to regain his sight? This scene reminds us that sometimes in prayer, we may fall into the misconception that since God knows everything, why bother saying more? But in reality, God desires us to converse with Him, to share our innermost thoughts. Prayer is not just about expressing our needs to God; it's also about deep reflection, introspection, and communion with God.
When we open our hearts and honestly confront our desires and lacks, prayer becomes a meaningful moment. Through prayer, we not only speak to God but also gain a clearer understanding of ourselves. Therefore, let us understand that the words spoken in prayer are not only for God to hear but also for ourselves to listen, understand, and grow. This is an essential step in self-reflection, from which we can benefit.
Bartimaeus knew exactly what he needed, so he expressed his request without hesitation: "Rabbi, I want to see!" Notice the way he expressed it; he showed no hesitation or doubt, simply stating, "Master, if you could, please heal me." He didn't waste time explaining why he was blind or his plight. He straightforwardly said, "Master, I want to see!" Clear and concise, this statement showed his firm, sincere, and unreserved plea. This is the kind of faith we should have when we pray, full of determination and sincerity. You can almost hear the conviction in his words and see the urgency in his plea.
Do we often feel hesitant in prayer? Do we worry if what we ask for is in line with God's will or theology? The example of Bartimaeus tells us that even if we know nothing about theology, or even fully understand Jesus' identity, we can still have unwavering faith. Sometimes, in our early days of faith, our faith may be simpler and more sincere because then we simply believe that Jesus is our Savior, who died for our sins and rose again.
Every night before bed, I recite the Apostles' Creed and the Lord's Prayer with my children. They don't consider the theological meanings or correctness of these texts; they simply think it's a good way to pray, so they happily recite them and keep them in their hearts. This simple faith reminds us that we can maintain a clear and steadfast direction in our faith, free from hesitation and doubt.
However, when we start studying theology, especially as pastors or preachers, do we sometimes find our faith in God wavering? Do we begin to question everything? Does this mean that studying theology becomes a stumbling block for us? Can't we, like children, maintain a simple and pure faith, or like Bartimaeus, directly and firmly call upon God?
In conclusion, after Bartimaeus was healed, he immediately followed Jesus. In Luke 17, only one out of ten lepers returned to give thanks and glory to God. This person happened to be a Samaritan, not a mainstream Jew, someone looked down upon by the Jews.
Many people become Christians or enter the church because at some point in their lives, the brothers and sisters in the church helped them, or God solved some problems they were facing at the time. However, after the problem is solved, do we truly follow Jesus, or do we move away from the church and from God?
The story of Bartimaeus provides us with many insights, reflecting deeply on human nature. Let us think carefully about this.
Tomorrow, we will read about Jesus gloriously entering Jerusalem, beginning the story of Easter. Let us prepare our hearts, as Easter is approaching. May we deeply contemplate the story of Jesus' passion.