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Writer's picture馬克牧師

使徒行傳 做見證人 1:1-11

使徒行傳 1-1-11

Acts 1-1-11


1 提阿非羅啊,我已經作了前書,論到耶穌開頭一切所行所教訓的, 2直到他藉着聖靈吩咐所揀選的使徒,以後被接上升的日子為止。 3他受害之後,用許多的憑據將自己活活地顯給使徒看,四十天之久向他們顯現,講說神國的事。 4耶穌和他們聚集的時候,囑咐他們說:「不要離開耶路撒冷,要等候父所應許的,就是你們聽見我說過的。 5約翰是用水施洗,但不多幾日,你們要受聖靈的洗。」


6他們聚集的時候,問耶穌說:「主啊,你復興以色列國就在這時候嗎?」 7耶穌對他們說:「父憑着自己的權柄所定的時候、日期,不是你們可以知道的。 8但聖靈降臨在你們身上,你們就必得着能力,並要在耶路撒冷、猶太全地,和撒馬利亞,直到地極,作我的見證。」 9說了這話,他們正看的時候,他就被取上升,有一朵雲彩把他接去,便看不見他了。 10當他往上去,他們定睛望天的時候,忽然有兩個人身穿白衣,站在旁邊,說: 11加利利人哪,你們為甚麼站着望天呢?這離開你們被接升天的耶穌,你們見他怎樣往天上去,他還要怎樣來。」



















在第八節,耶穌所說的: 8但聖靈降臨在你們身上,你們就必得着能力,並要在耶路撒冷、猶太全地,和撒馬利亞,直到地極,作我的見證。耶穌說的是從猶太人的中心 – 耶路撒冷,到猶太人的全部境界 – 到一半猶太一半其他民族的撒馬利亞 – 到地極。在使徒行傳的故事中,保羅最後在羅馬受審,這已經是把整個羅馬帝國都涵蓋了。而今天我身處於紐西蘭,這已經是地球的地極,到了南極了。這一個重要訊息歷世歷代不斷地傳揚,帶領一代一代的宣教士不斷擴張福音的境界。一如保羅所說,雖然有人是為了私利,有人是為了自身的目的,但終究,福音被傳開了 – 而教會,也不斷地在世界各地被建立,這一切,都是聖靈的帶領,一件一件的事情就成就了。


這邊還有一個關鍵字 – 做我的見證。做見證人,必定是需要親身經歷的“自身體驗”而不是別人跟你說的“別人的體驗”在法庭上作見證,必定是要你親身經歷,親眼所見,才足以作為 “見證人”。我們能夠有影響力的事情在於 “親身體驗”。當我們分享我們的生命,讓別人感受到我們的愛,而不是單單只聽到我們說,而是看到我們行出愛的行為,這才是真正建立了初代教會,在困苦和艱難中,信徒們彼此付出愛心,真心對待,甚至不惜用生命去為彼此付出,才帶出了如此堅固的信仰。




各位弟兄姊妹,我非常的期待能夠跟各位來分享這一段的經文這一段的聖經,因為這是與我們每一個人都切身相關的。在這其中我每天學習到相當多,關於領導力的,關於個人成長的,關於目標的,關於許多人生中一些重要的智慧和能力的書。 當我們來看這個改變了全世界的組織 - 教會的時候,我們就會發現到上帝的作為在其中一直不停地帶領著,而我們都能夠在其中成為重要的一員。我非常興奮,我希望你們也能夠跟我一同感受這趟旅程之中,你們在其中的角色。感謝上帝,願我們一起同行!


Jesus Taken Up Into Heaven

1In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach 2until the day he was taken up to heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen. 3After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God. 4On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about.5For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”

6Then they gathered around him and asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?”

7He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.8But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

9After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.

10They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. 11“Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”


In May, we began reading this Bible text that reads like a novel. It's incredibly engaging. As we delve into the historical context, the characters, and the events, we find this history to be completely real. We're part of it—it's not fantasy or legend; it's real history. In July 2023, my wife and I had the opportunity to visit Turkey and see the places mentioned in Acts. It was truly astonishing. Only after visiting did I realize, "Wow, this isn't just a legend; these events really happened." In the coming months, as we discuss place names and events, I'll share some maps and photos with everyone. Of course, we hope to visit Turkey together again soon. As members of our church, experiencing and witnessing these real historical events together is invaluable.

Furthermore, this history is relevant to all of us. It's not foreign history or someone else's history; it's human history. Its impact on humanity cannot be overstated. When we think about the global presence of Christianity today, we must ask: Where did it all begin? Initially, the church was a small, insignificant, oppressed organization, unwelcome and persecuted by the Roman government. Externally, it faced government oppression and attacks, while internally, it dealt with conflicts and even heresies, distorting the true essence of faith. It's fair to say that in its early days, the church faced numerous difficulties and struggles.

This history spans over 300 years, until the Roman Empire adopted Christianity as its state religion. Before that, Christianity was a struggling organization, surviving in the midst of adversity. However, miraculously, during this time, Christianity flourished. Within a mere 30 years, the gospel spread from Jerusalem to Rome, the capital of the Roman Empire. Over the next two hundred-plus years, apostles and Christians risked oppression, destruction, and harm to spread the gospel to every corner of Europe, Asia, and Africa. It's a remarkable, incredible story. Without Jesus' resurrection, if it were all just a lie, none of this would have been possible or achieved. Therefore, from the beginning, what Luke, the author, conveys is the truth of Jesus' resurrection.

This is also the core of Christian faith—Jesus isn't just a figure of the past; He's alive today, leading the church as the true God. Any Christian who doesn't take Jesus' resurrection seriously must carefully reconsider this unshakable historical fact. In recent times, some liberal Christians have downplayed the resurrection to avoid controversy among non-believers, claiming it's not a focal point of Christian faith. This is a grave mistake.

Without Jesus' resurrection, He isn't God's son; His words are merely the ramblings of a delusional person, not worthy of belief, and Christianity is merely a false superstition. But because He rose from the dead, His identity is confirmed; He truly is God's son. His promise of the Holy Spirit's coming continues the work He started. In fact, without Jesus' resurrection, none of this would be happening today. So as we contemplate these undeniable facts before us, even if you don't believe, we cannot deny that Jesus' words are worthy of everyone's attention and consideration.

Many unbelieving historians have attempted to challenge Luke's writing style and the events he recorded. They claimed fabricated elements, including errors, discrepancies, inconsistencies, as well as inaccuracies in terms of time, geography, culture, and so on. However, with continuous archaeological excavation and research, new evidence and records have emerged, repeatedly confirming that what Luke recorded is true history.

Next, let's look at Luke's motivations and purposes for writing Acts. One of the reasons might have been to commend Christianity to the Roman government, perhaps to defend Christianity and let the Roman Empire know that it wasn't a cult but a genuine, benevolent religion advocating for goodness.

Secondly, Luke, being a Gentile, along with the Gentile apostle Paul, wanted to pass on this crucial message to future generations: the God of Christianity isn't just the God of the Jews but belongs to all humanity. The gospel preached by Jesus wasn't only for the Jews but started with them and spread to all nations. Jesus' advent, death on the cross, resurrection after three days, forgiveness through faith in Him, and the ticket to heaven—all these aspects of the gospel are meant for all people to hear.

Jews had always interpreted the gospel in political terms, so when they heard Jesus talk about establishing His kingdom, their immediate response was to ask, "Lord, at this time are you going to restore the kingdom to Israel?" They envisioned a great empire, with Jesus building Israel into a powerful nation on earth. Even today, Israelis still hold onto this idea, persistently advocating for the restoration of the kingdom of Israel, and astonishingly, in 1947, Israel was indeed reestablished as a nation and remains a powerful country today. However, what Jesus said wasn't about establishing a kingdom through military might.

In verse 8, Jesus says: "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Jesus speaks from the heart of the Jewish community—Jerusalem—to the entirety of the Jewish territory—half-Jewish, half-other-ethnicity Samaria—to the ends of the earth. In the story of Acts, Paul ends up being tried in Rome, covering the entire Roman Empire. And today, I am in New Zealand, which could be considered the ends of the earth, reaching Antarctica. This significant message has been continuously spread throughout the ages, guiding generations of missionaries to expand the boundaries of the gospel. As Paul said, though some preach for selfish gain or personal agendas, ultimately, the gospel is preached—and churches are continually established worldwide—guided by the Holy Spirit, accomplishing one thing after another.

Another keyword here is "be my witnesses." Being a witness necessarily involves experiencing it firsthand—your own personal experience, not someone else's account. To testify in court, you must have experienced it firsthand, seen it with your own eyes, to qualify as a witness. What makes an impact is "personal experience." When we share our lives, allowing others to feel our love, not just hearing us speak, but seeing us act out of love, that's what truly built the early church. In adversity and hardship, believers showed genuine love for one another, treating each other sincerely, even sacrificing their lives for one another, which resulted in such a strong faith.

So as we read through Acts together, a more appropriate title might be "The Collaboration of the Holy Spirit and the Apostles," or "How the Holy Spirit Led the Apostles to Spread the Gospel throughout the Roman Empire." When reading, we shouldn't just see human actions but should see how God's Holy Spirit guides everything behind the scenes. When we view the entire history as one book, see the entire history as one complete story, we see God's actions from the beginning until now. From Genesis to today, God has personally guided each of our lives. This isn't just someone else's story; it's a story intricately woven by God with each individual. Each person's life has a special purpose, a tool that God wants to use, a part of God's wonderful miracles to create. Therefore, our lives should be part of blessing others, part of a story.

Dear brothers and sisters, I'm very excited to share this passage of Scripture with you because it's relevant to each and every one of us. In it, I learn a lot every day—about leadership, personal growth, goals, and many important aspects of life. As we look at this organization that changed the world—the church—we'll discover that God's actions have been guiding it ceaselessly, and we can all play a significant role in it. I'm very excited, and I hope you can feel your role in this journey with me. Thank God, and may we journey together!


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