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五餅二魚的故事 馬可福音 6:30-44



接下來天黑了,而耶穌和門徒也面對到一個非常實際的問題 - 要怎麼讓這麼多人吃飽?從門徒的角度來講,他們講了三句話這段對話我們可以來看看門徒和耶穌所說的話的出發點以及他們的態度。









Today, we are sharing the story of the feeding of the five thousand, recorded in Mark 6:30-44. This miracle is also recorded in three other Gospels. The four Gospel writers unanimously recorded this remarkable event because it contains numerous teachings and demonstrates God's power to provide, prompting us to contemplate its wisdom.

Seeing Jesus tired from serving the crowd, he invited the disciples to find a place to rest. However, the people continued to seek Jesus relentlessly. Despite his exhaustion, Jesus remained compassionate. He saw the people as sheep without a shepherd, lost and in need of guidance, so he continued teaching them and providing them with wisdom. A true shepherd does not prioritize his own fatigue but considers the needs of his flock. Here, Jesus exemplified the conduct expected of a shepherd.

As evening approached, Jesus and the disciples faced a practical challenge - how to feed so many people. From the disciples' perspective, they made three statements, which provide insight into their mindset and attitude. The disciples directly suggested, "Master, it's getting late; send the crowds away so they can go to the nearby farms and villages to buy something to eat." From the disciples' perspective, they were being practical, as there were only twelve of them and they lacked sufficient food. Yet, the crowd numbered in the thousands, with five thousand men alone. The disciples' suggestion was to let the people fend for themselves. However, Jesus' response was unexpected. He said, "You feed them." He told the disciples, "You feed them, my disciples."

When faced with life's difficulties, societal needs, or community demands, and feeling helpless, we might say, "Lord, let them take care of themselves." However, if the church merely allows people to solve their own problems, it loses its ability to guide them and lead them to trust in God's power. Therefore, when we encounter difficulties, instead of hastily saying "figure it out yourselves," we should ask, "Lord, what should we do?"

Upon hearing Jesus' response, the disciples were astonished. They said, "It would take a small fortune to feed them!" The translation here varies; in Chinese, it's twenty silver coins, while in English, it's two hundred denarii. This amount was approximately six months' wages for a laborer. For the disciples, they neither had the money nor could they supply such a vast demand. Thus, their response was not one of agreement but more of a "Lord, are you kidding?" reaction. Perhaps the challenges God presents to us seem insurmountable, leading us to question, "Lord, are you joking?" We may find many reasons why something cannot be done, but remember, the key to achieving it is not in our hands but in God's.

At this point, Jesus asked them, "How many loaves do you have?" They replied, "There are five loaves and two fish here." The five loaves and two fish mentioned here refer to five barley loaves, the cheapest and least valuable food at the time, often used to feed poor farmers or fishermen. As for the two fish, they were not the large, fat fish we imagine but rather preserved fish, commonly seen at the time, salted to preserve them, to be eaten with the loaves.

So, Jesus took the five loaves and two fish, blessed them, and gave them to the disciples to distribute. During this distribution, something incredible happened. The loaves seemed endless, and the fish as well. As they continued to distribute, everyone ate their fill, and there were even leftovers. How this was accomplished is beyond our understanding; all we know is that Jesus made it possible.

Here, there are several key points: it wasn't just Jesus distributing the loaves and fish to feed everyone, but he instructed the disciples to distribute them. He took from his hand, passed through the hands of the disciples, and during the distribution, everyone was satisfied. Jesus didn't instantly create a large quantity of fish and bread and ask the disciples to distribute them, or let the people help themselves. Instead, he allowed the disciples to ensure everyone was satisfied during the distribution process. Notice, it was during the process that everyone was satisfied. This means we must participate in God's work, and God will supply exactly enough grace when needed. God doesn't place a heap of grace in front of you and say, "Go ahead, distribute it." Instead, he says, "You continue distributing, and I will continue supplying." While God has the ability to solve all our problems at once, he wants us to work with him every day, providing us with just enough grace for today's needs. This is the Christian life; we should understand to come before God every day and draw on his grace and power.

We see God caring for and satisfying needs. When the disciples worked hard to distribute so many loaves, they were likely too busy to eat. Therefore, Jesus left twelve baskets of leftovers, just enough for them to eat. When God supplies, he never forgets the needs of his own people. Therefore, in this process

When God says, "You go and feed them until they're full," our response should be, "Lord, please help us," and we should put everything we have into Jesus' hands. God has the power to completely fill our lack, so everyone can eat their fill, with leftovers.

Mark Chapter 6 is a chapter full of miracles, one after another. Tomorrow, we will continue to tell the story of Jesus walking on water.

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