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Writer's picture馬克牧師

列王記下 8:1-15 (再次) 失而復得

列王記下 8-1-15



以利沙曾對所救活之子的那婦人說:「你和你的全家要起身往你可住的地方去住,因為耶和華命饑荒降在這地七年。」 2婦人就起身,照神人的話帶着全家往非利士地去,住了七年。 3七年完了,那婦人從非利士地回來,就出去為自己的房屋田地哀告王。 4那時王正與神人的僕人基哈西說:「請你將以利沙所行的一切大事告訴我。」 5基哈西告訴王以利沙如何使死人復活,恰巧以利沙所救活、她兒子的那婦人為自己的房屋田地來哀告王。基哈西說:「我主我王,這就是那婦人,這是她的兒子,就是以利沙所救活的。」 6王問那婦人,她就把那事告訴王。於是王為她派一個太監,說:「凡屬這婦人的都還給她,自從她離開本地直到今日,她田地的出產也都還給她。」



以利沙來到大馬士革亞蘭便‧哈達正患病。有人告訴王說:「神人來到這裏了。」 8王就吩咐哈薛說:「你帶着禮物去見神人,託他求問耶和華,我這病能好不能好?」 9於是哈薛用四十個駱駝,馱着大馬士革的各樣美物為禮物,去見以利沙。到了他那裏,站在他面前,說:「你兒子亞蘭便‧哈達打發我來見你,他問說:『我這病能好不能好?』」 10以利沙哈薛說:「你回去告訴他說,這病必能好;但耶和華指示我,他必要死。」 11神人定睛看着哈薛,甚至他慚愧。神人就哭了; 12哈薛說:「我主為甚麼哭?」回答說:「因為我知道你必苦害以色列人,用火焚燒他們的保障,用刀殺死他們的壯丁,摔死他們的嬰孩,剖開他們的孕婦。」 13哈薛說:「你僕人算甚麼,不過是一條狗,焉能行這大事呢?」以利沙回答說:「耶和華指示我,你必作亞蘭王。」 14哈薛離開以利沙,回去見他的主人。主人問他說:「以利沙對你說甚麼?」回答說:「他告訴我你必能好。」 15次日,哈薛拿被窩浸在水中,蒙住王的臉,王就死了。於是哈薛篡了他的位。
































Elisha Again Helps the Shunammite Woman


Elisha advised the woman whose son he had brought back to life, “You and your family should go and live somewhere else for a while, for the Lord has decreed that a famine will overtake the land for seven years.” So the woman did as the prophet said. She and her family went and lived in the land of the Philistines for seven years. After seven years, the woman returned from the land of the Philistines and went to ask the king to give her back her house and field.


Now the king was talking to Gehazi, the prophet’s servant, and said, “Tell me all the great things which Elisha has done.” While Gehazi was telling the king how Elisha had brought the dead back to life, the woman whose son he had brought back to life came to ask the king for her house and field. Gehazi said, “My master, O king, this is the very woman and this is her son whom Elisha brought back to life!” The king asked the woman about it, and she gave him the details. The king assigned a eunuch to take care of her request and ordered him, “Give her back everything she owns, as well as the amount of crops her field produced from the day she left the land until now.”


Elisha Meets with Hazael


Elisha traveled to Damascus while King Ben Hadad of Syria was sick. The king was told, “The prophet has come here.” So the king told Hazael, “Take a gift and go visit the prophet. Request from him an oracle from the Lord. Ask him, ‘Will I recover from this sickness?’” So Hazael went to visit Elisha. He took along a gift, as well as forty camel loads of all the fine things of Damascus. When he arrived, he stood before him and said, “Your son, King Ben Hadad of Syria, has sent me to you with this question, ‘Will I recover from this sickness?’”


Elisha said to him, “Go and tell him, ‘You will surely recover,’ but the Lord has revealed to me that he will surely die.” Elisha just stared at him until Hazael became uncomfortable. Then the prophet started crying.


Hazael asked, “Why are you crying, my master?” He replied, “Because I know the trouble you will cause the Israelites. You will set fire to their fortresses, kill their young men with the sword, smash their children to bits, and rip open their pregnant women.”


Hazael said, “How could your servant, who is as insignificant as a dog, accomplish this great military victory?” Elisha answered, “The Lord has revealed to me that you will be the king of Syria.”


He left Elisha and went to his master. Ben Hadad asked him, “What did Elisha tell you?” Hazael replied, “He told me you would surely recover.” The next day Hazael took a piece of cloth, dipped it in water, and spread it over Ben Hadad’s face until he died. Then Hazael replaced him as king.



Dear brothers and sisters, peace be with you! Today, we are reading from 2 Kings 8, which tells the story of the Shunammite woman. She once built a room for Elisha, the servant of God, and faithfully provided food and other necessities for him whenever he visited. Later, her son was brought back to life through Elisha’s prayer, a miraculous act that testified to God's power.


At that time, this woman received a revelation from Elisha, informing her that a seven-year famine was coming. As a result, she left Israel and temporarily stayed in the land of the Philistines. Seven years later, after the famine had ended, she returned to her homeland, only to find that all her property had been taken over by others. However, God miraculously restored all that she had lost, even more than she could have imagined.


This passage reveals God's faithfulness and protection. We see that this woman served Elisha with no expectation of reward, yet her life was wonderfully preserved and provided for by God. When we fully rely on God, He will protect us in His unique way, sparing us from calamity and even restoring what we have lost.


Let us also be inspired by the Shunammite woman’s faithfulness in our walk with God. No matter the difficulties and challenges we face, let us believe that God is in control, and He will protect and bless us in ways beyond our understanding.


The next part of the story unfolds into a complex court drama, filled with betrayal and political struggles. The latter part of 2 Kings 8 records the events surrounding the royal families of Israel, Aram, and Judah.


We first encounter Ben-Hadad, the king of Aram, who had previously attacked Israel several times, bringing much disaster upon the nation. Ben-Hadad had a servant named Hazael, who played a crucial role in the unfolding events. When Ben-Hadad fell ill, he sent Hazael to Elisha to inquire whether he would recover.


In this passage, we see that Elisha faced a very heavy prophecy. He knew that Hazael would betray and murder Ben-Hadad, and that this act would bring great suffering upon Israel. When Hazael came to inquire about the king’s illness, Elisha faithfully conveyed God’s message, stating that Ben-Hadad would not die from the illness but would instead be murdered. At the same time, Elisha foretold that Hazael would become the next king of Aram. Elisha’s response was filled with grief and sorrow, for he understood Hazael’s ambition and evil intent. Elisha even wept, knowing the calamity Hazael would bring upon Israel once he assumed power.


Hazael’s ambition had already exceeded his place. He was not a loyal servant but had long harbored plans to usurp the throne. When Ben-Hadad fell seriously ill, Hazael saw his opportunity. After hearing Elisha’s words, he wasted no time in executing his plan. The next day, he smothered Ben-Hadad to death, completing his betrayal and claiming the throne for himself, ushering in a bloody reign.


This story reminds us that when a person's ambition oversteps the boundaries of morality, it often leads to betrayal and evil. Even though Elisha was filled with compassion, he could not stop Hazael’s actions, as all of this was under God’s control. This again demonstrates that even in the face of the harshest realities, God’s word remains faithful, and His plans cannot be thwarted by human ambition and sin.


We can learn from this that when we face temptations and ambitions, we must remain vigilant and not allow our hearts to drift away from God, for power and desire can lead us down the path of betrayal and destruction. Yet, even in humanity’s darkest moments, God remains in control, and His will shall ultimately prevail.


Brothers and sisters, today’s message shows us that this period in 2 Kings was one filled with court intrigues and chaos. The kingdoms of Israel, Judah, Aram, and even Edom constantly attacked and betrayed one another, plunging the region into a state of turmoil reminiscent of a battlefield in the midst of civil strife.


Among these nations, the kings of Israel turned away from God, embracing idol worship and ignoring God’s laws and will. Judah’s situation was slightly better, with occasional kings returning to the worship of God, but ultimately, they followed the same downward path as Israel.


The conflicts and chaos during this time not only show how humanity, driven by power and desire, can spiral into self-destruction but also highlight God’s love and discipline for His people. Even in such turbulent times, God's will and grace were never absent. He used His wisdom to continue shaping and guiding His people through these historical events, reminding them of His sovereignty and faithfulness.


Although this history is painful to reflect on, it also leads us to consider whether we, in our lives, are like those kings, sometimes straying from God's path and chasing after our own idols. In this time of chaos and betrayal, God’s grace has never left us. We must always return to Him and rely on His guidance.


Thank you all for listening. Tomorrow, we will continue exploring the latter half of 2 Kings 8. May we, through the reading of Scripture, gain deeper insight into God’s will and grow in His wisdom and grace.



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