1先知門徒對以利沙說:「看哪,我們同你所住的地方過於窄小, 2求你容我們往約旦河去,各人從那裏取一根木料建造房屋居住。」他說:「你們去吧!」 3有一人說:「求你與僕人同去。」回答說:「我可以去。」 4於是以利沙與他們同去。到了約旦河,就砍伐樹木。 5有一人砍樹的時候,斧頭掉在水裏,他就呼叫說:「哀哉!我主啊,這斧子是借的。」 6神人問說:「掉在哪裏了?」他將那地方指給以利沙看。以利沙砍了一根木頭,拋在水裏,斧頭就漂上來了。 7以利沙說:「拿起來吧!」那人就伸手拿起來了。
8 亞蘭王與以色列人爭戰,和他的臣僕商議說:「我要在某處某處安營。」 9神人打發人去見以色列王,說:「你要謹慎,不要從某處經過,因為亞蘭人從那裏下來了。」 10以色列王差人去窺探神人所告訴所警戒他去的地方,就防備未受其害,不止一兩次。
11 亞蘭王因這事心裏驚疑,召了臣僕來,對他們說:「我們這裏有誰幫助以色列王,你們不指給我嗎?」 12有一個臣僕說:「我主,我王!無人幫助他,只有以色列中的先知以利沙,將王在臥房所說的話告訴以色列王了。」 13王說:「你們去探他在哪裏,我好打發人去捉拿他。」有人告訴王說:「他在多坍。」 14王就打發車馬和大軍往那裏去,夜間到了,圍困那城。
15神人的僕人清早起來出去,看見車馬軍兵圍困了城。僕人對神人說:「哀哉!我主啊,我們怎樣行才好呢?」 16神人說:「不要懼怕!與我們同在的比與他們同在的更多。」 17以利沙禱告說:「耶和華啊,求你開這少年人的眼目,使他能看見。」耶和華開他的眼目,他就看見滿山有火車火馬圍繞以利沙。 18敵人下到以利沙那裏,以利沙禱告耶和華說:「求你使這些人的眼目昏迷。」耶和華就照以利沙的話,使他們的眼目昏迷。 19以利沙對他們說:「這不是那道,也不是那城;你們跟我去,我必領你們到所尋找的人那裏。」於是領他們到了撒馬利亞。
20他們進了撒馬利亞,以利沙禱告說:「耶和華啊,求你開這些人的眼目,使他們能看見。」耶和華開他們的眼目,他們就看見了,不料,是在撒馬利亞的城中。 21以色列王見了他們,就問以利沙說:「我父啊,我可以擊殺他們嗎?」 22回答說:「不可擊殺他們!就是你用刀用弓擄來的,豈可擊殺他們嗎?當在他們面前設擺飲食,使他們吃喝回到他們的主人那裏。」 23王就為他們預備了許多食物;他們吃喝完了,打發他們回到他們主人那裏。從此,亞蘭軍不再犯以色列境了。
Elisha Makes an Ax Head Float
Some of the prophets said to Elisha, “Look, the place where we meet with you is too cramped for us. Let’s go to the Jordan. Each of us will get a log from there and we will build a meeting place for ourselves there.” He said, “Go.” One of them said, “Please come along with your servants.” He replied, “All right, I’ll come.” So he went with them. When they arrived at the Jordan, they started cutting down trees. As one of them was felling a log, the ax head dropped into the water. He shouted, “Oh no, my master! It was borrowed!” The prophet asked, “Where did it drop in?” When he showed him the spot, Elisha cut off a branch, threw it in at that spot, and made the ax head float. He said, “Lift it out.” So he reached out his hand and grabbed it.
Elisha Defeats an Army
Now the king of Syria was at war with Israel. He consulted his advisers, who said, “Invade at such and such a place.” But the prophet sent this message to the king of Israel, “Make sure you don’t pass through this place because Syria is invading there.” So the king of Israel sent a message to the place the prophet had pointed out, warning it to be on its guard. This happened on several occasions. This made the king of Syria upset. So he summoned his advisers and said to them, “One of us must be helping the king of Israel.” One of his advisers said, “No, my master, O king. The prophet Elisha who lives in Israel keeps telling the king of Israel the things you say in your bedroom.” The king ordered, “Go, find out where he is, so I can send some men to capture him.” The king was told, “He is in Dothan.” So he sent horses and chariots there, along with a good-sized army. They arrived during the night and surrounded the city.
The prophet’s attendant got up early in the morning. When he went outside there was an army surrounding the city, along with horses and chariots. He said to Elisha, “Oh no, my master! What will we do?” He replied, “Don’t be afraid, for our side outnumbers them.” Then Elisha prayed, “O Lord, open his eyes so he can see.” The Lord opened the servant’s eyes and he saw that the hill was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. As they approached him, Elisha prayed to the Lord, “Strike these people with blindness.” The Lord struck them with blindness as Elisha requested. Then Elisha said to them, “This is not the right road or city. Follow me, and I will lead you to the man you’re looking for.” He led them to Samaria.
When they had entered Samaria, Elisha said, “O Lord, open their eyes, so they can see.” The Lord opened their eyes and they saw that they were in the middle of Samaria. When the king of Israel saw them, he asked Elisha, “Should I strike them down, my master?” He replied, “Do not strike them down! You did not capture them with your sword or bow, so what gives you the right to strike them down? Give them some food and water, so they can eat and drink and then go back to their master.” So he threw a big banquet for them and they ate and drank. Then he sent them back to their master. After that, no Syrian raiding parties again invaded the land of Israel.
Dear brothers and sisters, peace be with you! Today we are reading the story from 2 Kings, chapter 6. This story is divided into two parts. Today, we will focus on the first part, and tomorrow we will discuss the second half.
The story begins with a miracle: an iron axe head floated! Iron shouldn’t float, but this miracle happened, clearly showing God’s power at work.
What does this miracle symbolize? We see that the prophets and their followers were living in a very small and cramped space. They decided to expand their dwelling, but they even had to borrow tools—like the axe—indicating their humble and simple lives, fully devoted to serving God.
While chopping wood, one of the disciples accidentally dropped the axe head into the water. This was a serious problem for them because iron was a valuable material, and losing the axe meant they not only had to repay it, but also that their work would be disrupted. The disciple was understandably anxious.
However, the prophet Elisha calmly asked, "Where did it fall?" He then threw a piece of wood into the water, and miraculously, the axe head floated. This miracle demonstrates God’s compassion. He saw the dedication of His servants and did not let them suffer unnecessary hardship. He responded to their needs and efforts with a miracle.
This teaches us that when we faithfully serve God, even when we face difficulties or make mistakes, God, in His mercy and grace, will help us overcome challenges. He will not allow us to suffer irreparable loss while doing His work.
The second part of this story records the conflict between Israel and Aram. The king of Aram planned to attack Israel by setting up ambushes at certain locations, hoping to catch the Israelite king by surprise. However, God revealed these ambush locations to Elisha, who then informed the king of Israel. As a result, the king was able to avoid these dangers repeatedly.
In war, information is incredibly important. The king of Aram became furious that his plans were constantly foiled. He suspected there was a traitor among his people. However, his servants explained that there was no traitor, but that God, through Elisha, had revealed the plans to the king of Israel.
Hearing this, the king of Aram decided to eliminate Elisha, viewing him as the main obstacle. He sent a large army specifically to capture the prophet.
Early one morning, the prophet and his servant woke to find the city surrounded by the enemy’s forces. The servant was terrified. But Elisha prayed to God—first to open his servant’s eyes so he could see the heavenly army protecting them, and later, to strike the enemy army with blindness, rendering them powerless.
The power of prayer allows us to gain spiritual insight and protects us from the world’s dangers. It reminds us that God is the one who controls history and the world. The only difference is whether we have the eyes of faith to see that heavenly help is far greater than any earthly power.
When we pray, we are working together with God. The purpose of prayer is not to change God’s mind or to inform Him of something He doesn’t already know, but rather to humble ourselves, set aside our own desires, and ask God to reveal His already prepared will to us, so we can understand and follow it. Prayer is a unique privilege for Christians. God is never too busy for us; no matter how big or small our concerns, He is always willing to listen. He is our loving Heavenly Father, always ready to hear whatever we bring before Him.
If we do not pray, we are essentially saying, "I’ll handle this myself, no need to trouble God." Not praying means relying on our own strength, on earthly power. Yet God patiently waits for us to turn to Him in prayer. He is always ready to be our help.
Every Christian has a direct line to God, so why wouldn’t we use it often?
This time, Israel showed mercy to the Arameans, repaying evil with good. They did not kill the Arameans but instead treated them well. As a result, the Arameans withdrew, and the conflict ended with a surprising peaceful resolution. However, the enmity between Aram and Israel was not fully resolved. The second half of chapter 6 records a much more brutal war.
Thank you for listening. Tomorrow, we will continue with the second half of chapter 6, covering the battle of Samaria.