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Writer's picture馬克牧師

列王記下 4:18-44 死裡復活的孩子

列王記下 4-18-44

2Kings 4-18-44

18孩子漸漸長大,一日到他父親和收割的人那裏, 19他對父親說:「我的頭啊,我的頭啊!」他父親對僕人說:「把他抱到他母親那裏。」 20僕人抱去,交給他母親;孩子坐在母親的膝上,到晌午就死了。 21他母親抱他上了樓,將他放在神人的牀上,關上出來, 22呼叫她丈夫說:「你叫一個僕人給我牽一匹驢來,我要快快地去見神人,就回來。」 23丈夫說:「今日不是月朔,也不是安息日,你為何要去見他呢?」婦人說:「平安無事。」 24於是備上驢,對僕人說:「你快快趕着走,我若不吩咐你,就不要遲慢。」 25婦人就往迦密山去見神人。

神人遠遠地看見她,對僕人基哈西說:「看哪,書念的婦人來了! 26你跑去迎接她,問她說:你平安嗎?你丈夫平安嗎?孩子平安嗎?」她說:「平安。」 27婦人上了山,到神人那裏,就抱住神人的腳。基哈西前來要推開她,神人說:「由她吧!因為她心裏愁苦,耶和華向我隱瞞,沒有指示我。」 28婦人說:「我何嘗向我主求過兒子呢?我豈沒有說過,不要欺哄我嗎?」 29以利沙吩咐基哈西說:「你束上腰,手拿我的杖前去;若遇見人,不要向他問安;人若向你問安,也不要回答;要把我的杖放在孩子臉上。」 30孩子的母親說:「我指着永生的耶和華,又敢在你面前起誓,我必不離開你。」於是以利沙起身,隨着她去了。 31基哈西先去,把杖放在孩子臉上,卻沒有聲音,也沒有動靜。基哈西就迎着以利沙回來,告訴他說:「孩子還沒有醒過來。」

32 以利沙來到,進了屋子,看見孩子死了,放在自己的牀上。 33他就關上門,只有自己和孩子在裏面,他便祈禱耶和華, 34上牀伏在孩子身上,口對口,眼對眼,手對手;既伏在孩子身上,孩子的身體就漸漸溫和了。 35然後他下來,在屋裏來往走了一趟,又上去伏在孩子身上,孩子打了七個噴嚏,就睜開眼睛了。 36以利沙基哈西說:「你叫這書念婦人來」;於是叫了她來。以利沙說:「將你兒子抱起來。」 37婦人就進來,在以利沙腳前俯伏於地,抱起她兒子出去了。



38 以利沙又來到吉甲,那地正有饑荒。先知門徒坐在他面前,他吩咐僕人說:「你將大鍋放在火上,給先知門徒熬湯。」 39有一個人去到田野掐菜,遇見一棵野瓜籐,就摘了一兜野瓜回來,切了擱在熬湯的鍋中,因為他們不知道是甚麼東西; 40倒出來給眾人吃,吃的時候,都喊叫說:「神人哪,鍋中有致死的毒物!」所以眾人不能吃了。 41以利沙說:「拿點麵來」,就把麵撒在鍋中,說:「倒出來,給眾人吃吧!」鍋中就沒有毒了。


42有一個人從巴力‧沙利沙來,帶着初熟大麥做的餅二十個,並新穗子,裝在口袋裏送給神人。神人說:「把這些給眾人吃。」 43僕人說:「這一點豈可擺給一百人吃呢?」以利沙說:「你只管給眾人吃吧!因為耶和華如此說,眾人必吃了,還剩下。」 44僕人就擺在眾人面前,他們吃了,果然還剩下,正如耶和華所說的。




























18The child grew. One day he went out to get his father. His father was with the people who were gathering the crops. 19The boy said to his father, “My head hurts! It really hurts!”

His father told a servant, “Carry him to his mother.” 20The servant lifted up the boy. He carried him to his mother. The boy sat on her lap until noon. Then he died. 21She went up to the room on the roof. There she laid him on the bed of the man of God. Then she shut the door and went out.

22She sent for her husband. She said, “Please send me one of the servants and a donkey. Then I can go quickly to the man of God and return.”

23“Why do you want to go to him today?” he asked. “It isn’t the time for the New Moon feast. It isn’t the Sabbath day.”

“Don’t let that bother you,” she said.

24She put a saddle on her donkey. She said to her servant, “Let’s go. Don’t slow down for me unless I tell you to.” 25So she started out. She came to Mount Carmel. That’s where the man of God was.

When she was still a long way off, he saw her coming. He said to his servant Gehazi, “Look! There’s the woman from Shunem! 26Run out there to meet her. Ask her, ‘Are you all right? Is your husband all right? Is your child all right?’ ”

“Everything is all right,” she said.

27She came to the man of God at the mountain. Then she took hold of his feet. Gehazi came over to push her away. But the man of God said, “Leave her alone! She is suffering terribly. But the Lord hasn’t told me the reason for it. He has hidden it from me.”

28“My master, did I ask you for a son?” she said. “Didn’t I tell you, ‘Don’t make me hope for something that won’t happen’?”

29Elisha said to Gehazi, “Tuck your coat into your belt. Take my walking stick and run to Shunem. Don’t say hello to anyone you see. If anyone says hello to you, don’t answer. Lay my walking stick on the boy’s face.”

30But the child’s mother said, “I won’t leave you. And that’s just as sure as the Lord and you are alive.” So Elisha got up and followed her.

31Gehazi went on ahead. He laid Elisha’s walking stick on the boy’s face. But there wasn’t any sound. The boy didn’t move at all. So Gehazi went back to Elisha. He told him, “The boy hasn’t awakened.”

32Elisha arrived at the house. The boy was dead. He was lying on Elisha’s bed. 33Elisha went into the room. He shut the door. He was alone with the boy. He prayed to the Lord. 34Then Elisha got on the bed. He lay down on the boy. His mouth touched the boy’s mouth. His eyes touched the boy’s eyes. And his hands touched the boy’s hands. As Elisha lay on the boy, the boy’s body grew warm. 35Elisha turned away. He walked back and forth in the room. Then he got on the bed again. He lay down on the boy once more. The boy sneezed seven times. After that, he opened his eyes.

36Elisha sent for Gehazi. He said to him, “Go and get the woman from Shunem.” So he did. When she came, Elisha said, “Take your son.” 37She came in and fell at Elisha’s feet. She bowed down with her face toward the ground. Then she took her son and went out.

Deadly Food in a Pot

38Elisha returned to Gilgal. There wasn’t enough food to eat in that area. The group of the prophets was meeting with Elisha. So he said to his servant, “Put the large pot over the fire. Cook some stew for these prophets.”

39One of them went out into the fields to gather herbs. He found a wild vine and picked some of its gourds. He picked as many as he could fit in his coat. Then he cut them up and put them into the pot of stew. But no one knew what they were. 40The stew was poured out for the men. They began to eat it. But then they cried out, “Man of God, the food in that pot will kill us!” They couldn’t eat it.

41Elisha said, “Get some flour.” He put it in the pot. He said, “Serve it to the men to eat.” Then there wasn’t anything in the pot that could harm them.

Elisha Feeds 100 People

42A man came from Baal Shalishah. He brought the man of God 20 loaves of barley bread. They had been baked from the first grain that had ripened. The man also brought some heads of new grain. “Give this food to the people to eat,” Elisha said.

43“How can I put this in front of 100 men?” his servant asked.

But Elisha answered, “Give it to the people to eat. Do it because the Lord says, ‘They will eat and have some left over.’ ” 44Then the servant put the food in front of them. They ate it and had some left over. It happened just as the Lord had said it would.



Dear brothers and sisters, peace be with you. Today’s scripture reading is from 2 Kings 4:18-44, which continues the story from yesterday. We see that Elisha prophesied to the woman that she would have a child, and it came to pass. The woman gave birth to a child, and her household was filled with joy. However, the story soon takes a turn. When the child went outside to meet the harvesters, he suddenly experienced a severe headache, possibly due to a heatstroke or another reason, and shortly afterward, he died in his mother's arms.


This was undoubtedly a deep sorrow for the mother, but surprisingly, she did not immediately fall into despair or confusion. Instead, she remained remarkably calm. She placed the child's body on Elisha's bed and immediately sent someone to fetch Elisha.


Throughout her journey, the woman remained composed until she saw Elisha in person. Upon seeing him, she fell at his feet. Elisha then instructed his servant to take his staff and go ahead to the woman's house to revive the child. He commanded the servant not to greet anyone on the way, as he wanted to reach the child as quickly as possible. However, the woman firmly said, "I will not leave you." She knew that only if Elisha himself went would there be true hope. So, at her insistence, Elisha recognized the seriousness of the situation and quickly set out to the woman's home.


Does this story sound familiar? It reminds us of the miracle Jesus performed in the New Testament, when Jairus, a synagogue leader, asked Jesus to heal his daughter. In Mark 5, Jairus’ daughter was gravely ill, and he begged Jesus to save her. However, before Jesus could reach her, the daughter died. Still, Jesus continued on and ultimately raised the girl from the dead.


This woman demonstrated a sharp and enduring faith. From the moment she welcomed Elisha into her home and built a room for him, we can see her respect and trust in this man of God. She knew that Elisha was a "man of God who feared the Lord." So, when her son died, she did not fall into despair but immediately turned to Elisha for help, showing her steadfast faith. This faith was not a fleeting emotion, but rather the result of a long-standing trust in God. The woman’s respect for Elisha was rooted in her recognition of his faithfulness and authority before God. Therefore, when a crisis struck, she knew that only through God’s power, through Elisha, could her son be restored.


The next passage records two miracles performed by Elisha, further displaying God's power and grace. During a famine, people were desperately searching for food, and one of the disciples found some wild gourds. However, when these gourds were cooked, the entire pot of food became poisonous and inedible. This was a critical situation, especially during a famine when food was scarce, making such a loss even more severe.


Yet, Elisha used a small amount of flour to purify the pot, making the previously poisonous food safe to eat. This miracle reveals an important spiritual truth: even a small amount of God's word can reverse a curse, bringing life and hope. Just as the small amount of flour transformed the entire pot of food, when God’s blessing arrives, no matter how bad the situation, it can be completely reversed.


The next story further illustrates how Elisha used a small amount of food to feed one hundred men, much like how Jesus used five loaves and two fish to feed five thousand. Both miracles convey a profound spiritual principle: God can use seemingly insignificant resources to provide abundant blessings and provision.


It is particularly worth noting that the food in this story was "the firstfruits of the harvest." According to the law, the firstfruits were meant to be offered to God as a thanksgiving sacrifice. However, in this story, Elisha directly used these firstfruits to feed the people. In a sense, Elisha was acting in the role of God, distributing the sacrificial offerings to the people. This teaches us that God is not just the receiver of offerings, but He is also the generous provider of everything we need. God does not lack sacrifices—He does not require our offerings to sustain Himself—but rather, it is we who need His provision. Elisha here reflects God's generosity, as He is willing to share His abundance with His people.


This miracle also echoes the previous one: whether it was using a small amount of flour to purify the stew, feeding many with a small amount of firstfruits, or using a small amount of oil to help a widow pay off her debts and support herself, God consistently demonstrates His abundance and power. This also teaches us that no matter how limited our resources may seem, when we place them in God's hands, He can turn even a little into a great blessing.


From these two miracles, we see God's heart: He not only desires us to give everything to Him, but He also generously gives back to us from His abundance, providing far beyond what we could ever ask or imagine. We can confidently trust in God’s provision, no matter how little we think we have, because His blessings always exceed our expectations.


In just this one chapter, we’ve seen five miracles, each giving us a glimpse of God’s character and power. When we compare these events with the miracles of Jesus in the New Testament, we gain a clearer understanding of who God is.


Thank you all for listening. Tomorrow we will continue with 2 Kings Chapter 5 to see more miracles performed by Elisha.





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